Widget Extensions
Enables you to style widgets with extension methods.
Widget build() {
return Text('Extensions!')
.padding(all: 10)
.decorated(color: Colors.red)
.clipRRect(borderRadius: 10);
Widget Coverage
- AbsorbPointer
- Align
- AnimatedAlign
- AnimatedBuilder
- AnimatedContainer
- AnimatedDefaultTextStyle
- AnimatedOpacity
- AnimatedPhysicalModel
- AnimatedPositioned
- AnimatedSize
- AspectRatio
- BackdropFilter
- Badge
- Baseline
- Card
- Center
- ClipOval
- ClipPath
- ClipRRect
- ClipRect
- Column
- ConstrainedBox
- Container
- CustomPaint
- CustomSingleChildLayout
- DecoratedBox
- Dismissible
- Draggable
- ExcludeSemantics
- Expanded
- FadeTransition
- FittedBox
- Flex
- FractionalTranslation
- FractionallySizedBox
- GestureDetector
- Hero
- IgnorePointer
- InkWell
- InteractiveViewer
- IntrinsicHeight
- IntrinsicWidth
- LimitedBox
- ListenableBuilder
- LongPressDraggable
- Material
- MergeSemantics
- NotificationListener
- Offstage
- Opacity
- OverflowBox
- Padding
- PositionedTransition
- RawKeyboardListener
- RefreshIndicator
- RotatedBox
- RotationTransition
- Row
- ScaleTransition
- Scrollbar
- Semantics
- SingleChildScrollView
- SizeTransition
- SizedBox
- SizedOverflowBox
- SlideTransition
- Stack
- Transform
- Wrap
Possible but unimplemented
- All sliver widgets
- DecoratedBoxTransition
- Form
- MediaQuery
- Theme
Anything not listed above is not possible or not planned.
- extensions/accesibility_extensions
- extensions/animation_and_motion_extensions
- extensions/input_extensions
- extensions/interaction_extensions
- extensions/layout_extensions
- extensions/material_extensions
- extensions/misc_extensions
- extensions/multi_child_extensions
- extensions/painting_extensions
- extensions/scrolling_extensions
- widget_extensions