MaterialExtensions extension
Commonly used Material Design extensions on Widgets.
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{Key? key, Color? backgroundColor, Color? textColor, double? smallSize, double? largeSize, TextStyle? textStyle, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, AlignmentGeometry? alignment, Offset? offset, Widget? label, bool isLabelVisible = true}) → Widget -
Available on Widget, provided by the MaterialExtensions extension
A Material Design "badge". -
{Key? key, Color? color, Color? shadowColor, Color? surfaceTintColor, double? elevation, ShapeBorder? shape, bool borderOnForeground = true, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, Clip? clipBehavior, bool semanticContainer = true}) → Widget -
Available on Widget, provided by the MaterialExtensions extension
Wraps this widget in a Card. -
{Key? key, GestureTapCallback? onTap, GestureTapCallback? onDoubleTap, GestureLongPressCallback? onLongPress, GestureTapDownCallback? onTapDown, GestureTapUpCallback? onTapUp, GestureTapCallback? onTapCancel, GestureTapCallback? onSecondaryTap, GestureTapUpCallback? onSecondaryTapUp, GestureTapDownCallback? onSecondaryTapDown, GestureTapCallback? onSecondaryTapCancel, ValueChanged< bool> ? onHighlightChanged, ValueChanged<bool> ? onHover, MouseCursor? mouseCursor, Color? focusColor, Color? hoverColor, Color? highlightColor, WidgetStateProperty<Color?> ? overlayColor, Color? splashColor, InteractiveInkFeatureFactory? splashFactory, double? radius, BorderRadius? borderRadius, ShapeBorder? customBorder, bool? enableFeedback = true, bool excludeFromSemantics = false, FocusNode? focusNode, bool canRequestFocus = true, ValueChanged<bool> ? onFocusChange, bool autofocus = false, WidgetStatesController? statesController}) → Widget -
Available on Widget, provided by the MaterialExtensions extension
A rectangular area of a Material that responds to touch. Must have a Material ancestor. -
{Key? key, MaterialType type = MaterialType.canvas, double elevation = 0.0, Color? color, Color? shadowColor, Color? surfaceTintColor, TextStyle? textStyle, BorderRadiusGeometry? borderRadius, ShapeBorder? shape, bool borderOnForeground = true, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none, Duration animationDuration = kThemeChangeDuration}) → Widget -
Available on Widget, provided by the MaterialExtensions extension
A piece of Material. Responsible for clipping, elevation, and ink effects.