AccesibilityExtensions extension

Extensions for accesibility



excludeSemantics({Key? key, bool excluding = true}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the AccesibilityExtensions extension

Drops all the semantics of its descendants.
mergeSemantics({Key? key}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the AccesibilityExtensions extension

Merges the semantics of its descendants.
semantics({Key? key, Widget? child, bool container = false, bool explicitChildNodes = false, bool excludeSemantics = false, bool? enabled, bool? checked, bool? mixed, bool? selected, bool? toggled, bool? button, bool? slider, bool? keyboardKey, bool? link, bool? header, bool? textField, bool? readOnly, bool? focusable, bool? focused, bool? inMutuallyExclusiveGroup, bool? obscured, bool? multiline, bool? scopesRoute, bool? namesRoute, bool? hidden, bool? image, bool? liveRegion, int? maxValueLength, int? currentValueLength, String? label, AttributedString? attributedLabel, String? value, AttributedString? attributedValue, String? increasedValue, AttributedString? attributedIncreasedValue, String? decreasedValue, AttributedString? attributedDecreasedValue, String? hint, AttributedString? attributedHint, String? tooltip, String? onTapHint, String? onLongPressHint, TextDirection? textDirection, SemanticsSortKey? sortKey, SemanticsTag? tagForChildren, VoidCallback? onTap, VoidCallback? onLongPress, VoidCallback? onScrollLeft, VoidCallback? onScrollRight, VoidCallback? onScrollUp, VoidCallback? onScrollDown, VoidCallback? onIncrease, VoidCallback? onDecrease, VoidCallback? onCopy, VoidCallback? onCut, VoidCallback? onPaste, VoidCallback? onDismiss, MoveCursorHandler? onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter, MoveCursorHandler? onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter, SetSelectionHandler? onSetSelection, SetTextHandler? onSetText, VoidCallback? onDidGainAccessibilityFocus, VoidCallback? onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus, Map<CustomSemanticsAction, VoidCallback>? customSemanticsActions}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the AccesibilityExtensions extension

Annotates the widget tree with a description of the meaning of the widgets.
tooltip({Key? key, String? message, bool preferBelow = true, bool excludeFromSemantics = false, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, Decoration? decoration, TextStyle? textStyle, double? height, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, Duration? waitDuration, Duration? showDuration, bool? preferBelowForTab, double? verticalOffset, bool? enableFeedback, VoidCallback? onTriggered, TextAlign? textAlign, TooltipTriggerMode? triggerMode, InlineSpan? richMessage}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the AccesibilityExtensions extension

A widget that provides a textual description of the widget's purpose.