ethers library


The AbiCoder is a collection of Coders which can be used to encode and decode the binary data formats used to interoperate between the EVM and higher level libraries.
Many operations in Ethereum operate on numbers which are outside the range of safe values to use in JavaScript.
A Contract is an abstraction of code that has been deployed to the blockchain.
Dart Class for ERC20 Contract, A standard API for tokens within smart contracts.
These utilities are used extensively within the library, but are also quite useful for application developers.
Format types of Interface
The Interface Class abstracts the encoding and decoding required to interact with contracts on the Ethereum network.
The JSON-RPC API is a popular method for interacting with Ethereum and is available in all major Ethereum node implementations (e.g. Geth and Parity) as well as many third-party web services (e.g. INFURA)
A Provider is an abstraction of a connection to the Ethereum network, providing a concise, consistent interface to standard Ethereum node functionality.
A Signer in ethers is an abstraction of an Ethereum Account, which can be used to sign messages and transactions and send signed transactions to the Ethereum Network to execute state changing operations.
The Web3Provider is meant to ease moving from a web3.js based application to ethers by wrapping an existing Web3-compatible (such as a Web3HttpProvider, Web3IpcProvider or Web3WsProvider) and exposing it as an ethers.js Provider which can then be used with the rest of the library.


abiCoder AbiCoder
Get default AbiCoder.
no setter
provider Web3Provider?
Getter for default Web3Provider object.
no setter


bigNumberToBigInt(BigNumber bigNumber) BigInt
Convert JS BigNumber to Dart BigInt.
defaultContractWithSigner(String address, List<String> abi) Contract
Construct Contract with Signer from default Provider.