ProviderExtension extension



ready Future<Network>
Returns a Future which will stall until the Network has heen established, ignoring errors due to the target node not being active yet.
no setter


call<T>(String method, [List args = const []]) Future<T>
Direct Ethers provider call to access Blockchain data.
getBalance(String address, [String? blockTag]) Future<BigInt>
Returns the balance of address as of the blockTag block height.
getBlock(int blockNumber) Future<Block>
Get the block from the network by blockNumber, where the Block.transactions is a list of transaction hashes.
getBlockNumber() Future<int>
Returns the block number (or height) of the most recently mined block.
getBlockWithTransaction(int blockNumber) Future<BlockWithTransaction>
Get the block from the network, where the BlockWithTransaction.transactions is an Array of TransactionResponse.
getGasPrice() Future<BigInt>
Returns the current gas price.
getLogs(EventFilter filter) Future<List<Log>>
Returns the List of Log matching the filter.
getNetwork() Future<Network>
Returns the Network this Provider is connected to.
getTransaction(String hash) Future<TransactionResponse?>
Returns the TransactionResponse with hash or null if the transaction is unknown.
getTransactionCount(String address, [String? blockTag]) Future<int>
Returns the number of transactions address has ever sent, as of blockTag.
getTransactionReceipt(String hash) Future<TransactionReceipt?>
Returns the TransactionReceipt for hash or null if the transaction has not been mined.
rawCall<T>(String to, String data, [String? blockTag]) Future<T>
Returns the result of executing the transaction, using call.
sendTransaction(String data) Future<TransactionResponse>
Submits transaction to the network to be mined.
waitForTransaction(String transactionHash, [int confirms = 1, Duration? timeout]) Future<TransactionReceipt>
Returns a Future of TransactionReceipt which will not resolve until transactionHash is mined.