components/touch_ripple_event library


TouchRippleAsyncCallback<T> = Future<T> Function()
Signature for the function that returns a Future of type T that represents the data type returned asynchronously.
TouchRippleAsyncNotifyCallback<T> = void Function(Future<T> data)
Signature for the function that indicates the start of an asynchronous operation. It includes a parameter to provide the associated Future instance.
TouchRippleAsyncResultCallback<T> = void Function(T result)
Signature for the function that takes a parameter of type T that represents the result of an asynchronous operation, passed to the function when the operation is completed.
TouchRippleCallback = void Function(Offset offset)
Signature for the callback function that is called when a touch ripple effect is triggered. The offset parameter provides the position of the touch event relative to a widget coordinate system.
TouchRippleConsecutiveCallback = bool Function(Offset offset, int count)
Signature for the callback function that is called when a consecutive touch ripple event occurs, combining both the behavior of TouchRippleCallback and TouchRippleContinuableCallback.
TouchRippleContinuableCallback = bool Function(int count)
Signature for the callback function that is called to determine whether a continuable touch ripple event should continue.