FlutterTapPaySdkPlatform class abstract

The interface that implementations of flutter_tappay_sdk must implement.

  • Object
  • PlatformInterface
  • FlutterTapPaySdkPlatform




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
tapPaySdkVersion Future<String?>
To get the native SDK version
no setter


applePayResult({required bool result}) Future<TapPaySdkCommonResult?>
Report Apple Pay result
getCardPrime({required String cardNumber, required String dueMonth, required String dueYear, required String cvv}) Future<TapPayPrime?>
Get card's prime
initApplePay({required String merchantId, required String merchantName, List<TapPayCardType>? allowedCardTypes, bool? isConsumerNameRequired = false, bool? isPhoneNumberRequired = false, bool? isEmailRequired = false, bool? isBillingAddressRequired = false}) Future<TapPaySdkCommonResult?>
Initialize Apple Pay
initGooglePay({required String merchantName, List<TapPayCardAuthMethod>? allowedAuthMethods, List<TapPayCardType>? allowedCardTypes, bool? isPhoneNumberRequired = false, bool? isEmailRequired = false, bool? isBillingAddressRequired = false}) Future<TapPaySdkCommonResult?>
Initialize Google Pay
initTapPay({required int appId, required String appKey, bool isSandbox = false}) Future<TapPayInitResult?>
Initialize TapPay payment SDK
isCardValid({required String cardNumber, required String dueMonth, required String dueYear, required String cvv}) Future<bool>
Verify card information
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
requestApplePay({required List<CartItem> cartItems, required String currencyCode, required String countryCode}) Future<TapPayPrime?>
Request Apple Pay
requestGooglePay({required double price, required String currencyCode}) Future<TapPayPrime?>
Request Google Pay
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance FlutterTapPaySdkPlatform
getter/setter pair