initGooglePay abstract method

Future<TapPaySdkCommonResult?> initGooglePay({
  1. required String merchantName,
  2. List<TapPayCardAuthMethod>? allowedAuthMethods,
  3. List<TapPayCardType>? allowedCardTypes,
  4. bool? isPhoneNumberRequired = false,
  5. bool? isEmailRequired = false,
  6. bool? isBillingAddressRequired = false,

Initialize Google Pay

merchantName is the name of the merchant. (e.g., "Google Pay Merchant") allowedAuthMethods is the list of allowed authentication methods. Default value is TapPayCardAuthMethod.panOnly and TapPayCardAuthMethod.cryptogram3DS allowedCardTypes is the list of allowed card networks. Default value is, TapPayCardType.masterCard, TapPayCardType.americanExpress, isPhoneNumberRequired is a boolean value to indicate whether to require phone number. Default value is false isEmailRequired is a boolean value to indicate whether to require email. Default value is false isBillingAddressRequired is a boolean value to indicate whether to require billing address. Default value is false

return GooglePayInitResult with value success as true if success. return GooglePayInitResult with value success as false if fail. return GooglePayInitResult with value message as String if fail. return null if the initialization is incomplete


Future<TapPaySdkCommonResult?> initGooglePay({
  required String merchantName,
  List<TapPayCardAuthMethod>? allowedAuthMethods,
  List<TapPayCardType>? allowedCardTypes,
  bool? isPhoneNumberRequired = false,
  bool? isEmailRequired = false,
  bool? isBillingAddressRequired = false,