parseDelta method
Parses a Quill Delta into a structured document.
Returns the parsed Document instance, or null if the delta is empty.
Document? parseDelta(fq.Delta delta) {
if (delta.isEmpty) return null;
_isNumberedListActive = false;
final List<fq.Operation> denormalizedOperations =
bool wasPreviousNewLine = false;
bool ignoreNewLine = false;
for (int index = 0; index < denormalizedOperations.length; index++) {
ignoreNewLine = true;
final fq.Operation operation = denormalizedOperations.elementAt(index);
final nextOp = denormalizedOperations.elementAtOrNull(index + 1);
// Verify first if the current if a line with just a new line before the last one that is the definitive block attribute
// _It also ensure to validate if the current operation is just a simple new line_
// An example of this could be
// { "insert": "\n", { "header": 1 } }, { "insert": "\n", { "header": 1 } }, { "insert": "Text block breaker" }
// When verify that the next operation has not the same attrs, then will ignore that new line since
// that one is the definitive (it was the unique insert with the block attribute, but
// denormalizer makes this to do more easy store on it)
if (nextOp != null &&
mapEquality(operation.attributes, nextOp.attributes) || == '\n' && operation.attributes == null) {
ignoreNewLine = false;
_parseOperation(operation, wasPreviousNewLine, ignoreNewLine);
wasPreviousNewLine = == '\n';
return _document.ensureCorrectFormat();