Paragraph class

Represents a paragraph consisting of lines of text or embedded content with optional attributes.

This class encapsulates the structure of a paragraph, which can contain multiple lines and may have associated block-level attributes and a specific paragraph type.

The lines property holds a list of Line objects representing individual lines within the paragraph.

The type property specifies the type of paragraph, if any, such as normal text or an embedded content.

The blockAttributes property is a map that can hold additional attributes specific to the paragraph block.

Example usage:

Paragraph paragraph = Paragraph(
  lines: [
    Line(data: 'First line'),
    Line(data: 'Second line'),
  type: ParagraphType.block,
  blockAttributes: {'indent': 2,'alignment': 'right'},

paragraph.insert(Line(data: 'Third line'));


Paragraph({required List<Line> lines, Map<String, dynamic>? blockAttributes, ParagraphType? type})
Constructs a Paragraph instance with required properties.
Paragraph.fromEmbed(Operation operation)
Constructs a Paragraph instance from a Quill Delta embed operation.


blockAttributes Map<String, dynamic>?
Additional attributes specific to the paragraph block.
getter/setter pair
clone Paragraph
Creates a clone of the current paragraph.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
lines List<Line>
List of lines composing the paragraph.
props List<Object?>
The list of properties that will be used to determine whether two instances are equal.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stringify bool?
If set to true, the toString method will be overridden to output this instance's props.
no setterinherited
type ParagraphType?
The type of the paragraph.
getter/setter pair


clean() → void
Clears all lines from the paragraph.
insert(Line line) → void
Inserts a new Line into the paragraph.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeLine(int index) → void
Removes a line from the paragraph at the specified index.
setAttributes(Map<String, dynamic>? attrs) → void
Sets additional attributes for the paragraph block.
setType(ParagraphType? lineType) → void
Sets the type of the paragraph.
setTypeSafe(ParagraphType? lineType) → void
Sets the type of the paragraph if it hasn't been set already.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.