drawRoad abstract method

Future<RoadInfo> drawRoad(
  1. GeoPoint start,
  2. GeoPoint end, {
  3. RoadType roadType = RoadType.car,
  4. List<GeoPoint>? interestPoints,
  5. RoadOption? roadOption,

drawRoad this method will call ORSM api to get list of geopoint and that will be transformed into polyline to be drawn in the map

parameters : start : (GeoPoint) started point of your Road

end : (GeoPoint) destination point of your road

interestPoints : (List of GeoPoint) middle point that you want to be passed by your route

roadType : (RoadType) indicate the type of the route that you want to be road to be used (default :RoadType.car)

roadOption : (RoadOption) option of the road width, color,zoomInto,etc ...


Future<RoadInfo> drawRoad(
  GeoPoint start,
  GeoPoint end, {
  RoadType roadType = RoadType.car,
  List<GeoPoint>? interestPoints,
  RoadOption? roadOption,