IBaseOSMController class abstract




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addMarker(GeoPoint p, {MarkerIcon? markerIcon, double? angle, IconAnchor? iconAnchor}) Future<void>
advancedPositionPicker() Future<void>
to start assisted selection in the map
cancelAdvancedPositionPicker() Future<void>
to cancel the assisted selection in tge map
changeDefaultIconMarker(MarkerIcon homeMarker) Future
change Home Icon Marker we need to global key to recuperate widget from tree element homeMarker : (MarkerIcon) key of widget that represent the new marker
changeIconAdvPickerMarker(GlobalKey<State<StatefulWidget>> key) Future
change Icon of advanced picker Marker we need to global key to recuperate widget from tree element key : (GlobalKey) key of widget that represent the new marker
changeLocation(GeoPoint p) Future<void>
initialise or change of position
changeMarker({required GeoPoint oldLocation, required GeoPoint newLocation, MarkerIcon? newMarkerIcon, double? angle = null, IconAnchor? iconAnchor}) Future<void>
changeTileLayer({CustomTile? tileLayer}) Future<void>
clearAllRoads() Future<void>
clearAllRoads this method will delete all road drawn in the map
configureZoomMap(double minZoomLevel, double maxZoomLevel, double stepZoom, double initZoom) Future<void>
currentLocation() Future<void>
activate current location position
disabledTracking() Future<void>
disabled tracking user location
drawCircle(CircleOSM circleOSM) Future<void>
draw circle shape in the map
drawMultipleRoad(List<MultiRoadConfiguration> configs, {MultiRoadOption commonRoadOption}) Future<List<RoadInfo>>
drawMultipleRoad this method will call draw list of roads in sametime with making api continually to get list of GeoPoint for each configuration and you can define common configuration for all roads that share the same color,width,roadType using commonRoadOption this method return list of RoadInfo with the same order for each config
drawRect(RectOSM rectOSM) Future<void>
draw rect shape in the map regionOSM : (RegionOSM) represent region in osm map
drawRoad(GeoPoint start, GeoPoint end, {RoadType roadType = RoadType.car, List<GeoPoint>? interestPoints, RoadOption? roadOption}) Future<RoadInfo>
drawRoad this method will call ORSM api to get list of geopoint and that will be transformed into polyline to be drawn in the map
drawRoadManually(String Key, List<GeoPoint> path, RoadOption roadOption) Future<String>
enableTracking({bool enableStopFollow = false, bool disableMarkerRotation, Anchor anchor}) Future<void>
enabled tracking user location
geoPoints() Future<List<GeoPoint>>
getBounds() Future<BoundingBox>
getCurrentPositionAdvancedPositionPicker() Future<GeoPoint>
to retrieve current location without finish picker
getMapCenter() Future<GeoPoint>
getZoom() Future<double>
getZoom this method will return current zoom level of the map the type of the value returned is double,this value should be between minZoomLevel and maxZoomLevel
goToPosition(GeoPoint p) Future<void>
goToPosition this method will to change current camera location to another specific position without create marker has attribute which is the desired location p : (GeoPoint) desired location
initPositionMap({GeoPoint? initPosition, UserTrackingOption? userPositionOption}) Future<void>
limitArea(BoundingBox box) Future<void>
mapOrientation(double degree) Future<void>
myLocation() Future<GeoPoint>
recuperation of user current position
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeAllCircle() Future<void>
remove all circle shapes from map
removeAllRect() Future<void>
remove all rect shape from map
removeAllShapes() Future<void>
remove all shapes from map
removeCircle(String key) Future<void>
remove circle shape from map key : (String) key of the circle
removeLastRoad() Future<void>
removeLimitArea() Future<void>
removeMarker(GeoPoint p) Future<void>
removeMarker remove marker from map of position
removeMarkers(List<GeoPoint> markers) Future<void>
removeRect(String key) Future<void>
remove region shape from map key : (String) key of the region
removeRoad({required String roadKey}) Future<void>
selectAdvancedPositionPicker() Future<GeoPoint>
to retrieve location desired
setIconMarker(GeoPoint point, MarkerIcon markerIcon) Future<void>
setIconMarker this method change marker icon , marker should be already exist in the map or it will throw exception that marker not exist
setIconStaticPositions(String id, MarkerIcon markerIcon, {bool refresh = false}) Future<void>
change Marker of specific static points we need to global key to recuperate widget from tree element id : (String) id of the static group geopoint markerIcon : (MarkerIcon) new marker that will set to the static group geopoint
setMaximumZoomLevel(double maxZoom) Future<void>
setMinimumZoomLevel(double minZoom) Future<void>
setStaticPosition(List<GeoPoint> geoPoints, String id) Future<void>
change static position in runtime geoPoints : list of static geoPoint id : String of that list of static geoPoint
setStepZoom(int stepZoom) Future<void>
setZoom({double? zoomLevel, double? stepZoom}) Future<void>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
zoomIn() Future<void>
zoomIn use stepZoom
zoomOut() Future<void>
zoomOut use stepZoom
zoomToBoundingBox(BoundingBox box, {int paddinInPixel = 0}) Future<void>
zoomToBoundingBox this method will change region and adjust the zoom level to the specific region


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.