meedu_player library
- AudioDevice
- This file is a part of media_kit (
- AudioParams
- This file is a part of media_kit (
- AudioTrack
- AudioTrack
- BuilderRef
- A interface that must be implemented in the ConsumerWidget
- Consumer
- A widget to listen the events in a SimpleNotifier or StateNotifier
T extends ConsumerStatefulWidget> - A State that has access to a BuilderRef through ref, allowing it to read providers.
- ConsumerStatefulElement
- ConsumerStatefulWidget
- A StatefulWidget that can read providers.
- ConsumerWidget
- A base-class for widgets that wants to listen to providers
- this class has the navigator state and the transition configuration
- CustomCallbacks
- CustomIcons
- this class help you to change the default player icons
- CustomOpacityTransition
- DataSource
- Durations
- Defines the animation durations for various animations in a video.
- EnabledButtons
- this class helps you to hide some player buttons
- EnabledControls
- this class helps you to hide some player buttons
- EnabledOverlays
- This class helps you to enable or disable the visibility of player overlays.
- ForwardAndRewindRippleSide
- FullscreenButton
- LoggingActionDispatcher
- An ActionDispatcher that logs all the actions that it invokes.
- MaterialCustomButton
- Material design fullscreen button.
- MaterialDesktopCustomButton
- MaterialDesktop design fullscreen button.
- MaterialDesktopFullscreenButton
- MaterialDesktop design fullscreen button.
- MaterialDesktopPlayOrPauseButton
- A material design play/pause button.
- MaterialDesktopPlayOrPauseButtonState
- MaterialDesktopPositionIndicator
- MaterialDesktop design position indicator.
- MaterialDesktopPositionIndicatorState
- MaterialDesktopSeekBar
- Material design seek bar.
- MaterialDesktopSeekBarState
- MaterialDesktopSkipNextButton
- MaterialDesktop design skip next button.
- MaterialDesktopSkipPreviousButton
- MaterialDesktop design skip previous button.
- MaterialDesktopVideoControlsTheme
- Inherited widget which provides MaterialDesktopVideoControlsThemeData to descendant widgets.
- MaterialDesktopVideoControlsThemeData
- Theming related data for MaterialDesktopVideoControls. These values are used to theme the descendant MaterialDesktopVideoControls.
- MaterialDesktopVolumeButton
- MaterialDesktop design volume button & slider.
- MaterialDesktopVolumeButtonState
- MaterialFullscreenButton
- Material design fullscreen button.
- MaterialPlayOrPauseButton
- A material design play/pause button.
- MaterialPlayOrPauseButtonState
- MaterialPositionIndicator
- Material design position indicator.
- MaterialPositionIndicatorState
- MaterialSeekBar
- Material design seek bar.
- MaterialSeekBarState
- MaterialSkipNextButton
- Material design skip next button.
- MaterialSkipPreviousButton
- Material design skip previous button.
- MaterialVideoControlsTheme
- Inherited widget which provides MaterialVideoControlsThemeData to descendant widgets.
- MaterialVideoControlsThemeData
- Theming related data for MaterialVideoControls. These values are used to theme the descendant MaterialVideoControls.
- Media
- Media
- MediaKit
- package:media_kit
- this class is used to listen the changed in the stack route
- MeeduPlayerController
- MeeduPlayerDataStatus
- MeeduPlayerFullscreenPage
- MeeduPlayerProvider
- MeeduPlayerStatus
- MeeduVideoPlayer
- MSliderTrackShape
- MultiProviderListener
- this class allows you listen the changes in multiples providers
Notifier extends BaseNotifier> - this class is used to define onChange callback for one Notifier
- MuteSoundButton
- NativePlayer
- NativePlayer
- Navigator 1.0 to use push, pushReplacement, pushAndRemoveUntil and all pop methods
- PageWithArguments
- A simple Widget with a callback useful to set arguments for one SimpleProvider or a StateProvider
- PageWithArgumentsWidget
- uses this class to create a page and define the arguments for a SimpleProvider or a StateProvider
- PipButton
- PlatformPlayer
- PlatformPlayer
- PlayBackSpeedButton
- Player
- Player
- PlayerButton
- PlayerConfiguration
- PlayerConfiguration
- PlayerSlider
- PlayerState
- PlayerState
- PlayerStream
- PlayerStream
- Playlist
- Playlist
- PlayPauseButton
T extends BaseNotifier> - A widget to listen events in a SimpleProvider or a StateProvider
- Responsive
- A utility class that helps make the UI responsive by defining the size of icons, buttons, and text relative to the screen size.
- RxBuilder
- A widget to be used with Observables (instances of Rx)
- ScreenManager
- SubtitleTrack
- SubtitleTrack
- SubtitleView
- {@template subtitle_view} SubtitleView
- SubtitleViewConfiguration
- SubtitleViewConfiguration
- SubtitleViewState
Notifier, Result> - class to save a Notifier, the listener and the rebuild function
- Track
- Track
- Tracks
- Tracks
- Video
- Video
- VideoController
- VideoController
- VideoControllerConfiguration
- VideoControllerConfiguration
- VideoCoreForwardAndRewind
- VideoCoreForwardAndRewindLayout
- VideoFitButton
- VideoState
- VideoTrack
- VideoTrack
- WebPlayer
- WindowManager
- ControlsStyle
- An enumeration of the different styles that can be applied to controls, such as buttons and icons and layouts.
- DataSourceType
- The way in which the video was originally loaded.
- DataStatus
- DockSide
- Filter
- enum used to identifier filters used in a provider
- MPVLogLevel
- MPVLogLevel
- PlayerStatus
- PlaylistMode
- This file is a part of media_kit (
- RippleSide
- Transition
- all posible transition animation for the router module
T extends StatefulWidget> - Add with AfterLayoutMixin
- ContextExtensionss on BuildContext
- BuildContext extension with some ui utils methods and getters
- BuildContext extension to get an instance of Navigator1
on SimpleProvider<
Notifier> - extension for SimpleProvider
on StateProvider<
Notifier, S> - extension for StateProvider
- kDefaultMaterialDesktopVideoControlsThemeData → const MaterialDesktopVideoControlsThemeData
- Default MaterialDesktopVideoControlsThemeData.
- kDefaultMaterialDesktopVideoControlsThemeDataFullscreen → const MaterialDesktopVideoControlsThemeData
- Default MaterialDesktopVideoControlsThemeData for fullscreen.
- kDefaultMaterialVideoControlsThemeData → const MaterialVideoControlsThemeData
- Default MaterialVideoControlsThemeData.
- kDefaultMaterialVideoControlsThemeDataFullscreen → const MaterialVideoControlsThemeData
- Default MaterialVideoControlsThemeData for fullscreen.
- kWindowEventBlur → const String
- kWindowEventClose → const String
- kWindowEventDocked → const String
- kWindowEventEnterFullScreen → const String
- kWindowEventFocus → const String
- kWindowEventLeaveFullScreen → const String
- kWindowEventMaximize → const String
- kWindowEventMinimize → const String
- kWindowEventMove → const String
- kWindowEventMoved → const String
- kWindowEventResize → const String
- kWindowEventResized → const String
- kWindowEventRestore → const String
- kWindowEventUndocked → const String
- kWindowEventUnmaximize → const String
- NoVideoControls → const dynamic
- Disables Video controls.
- lock → Lock
For synchronizing enterFullscreen & exitFullscreen operations.
- router → ContextlessNavigator
no setter
- windowManager → WindowManager
VideoState state) → Widget - Video controls based on the running platform.
Target target) → void - create the listener for filter (SimpleProvider)
Target target) → void - create the listener for filter (StateProvider)
Target target) → void - create the listener for provider.when filter
) → Future< void> - Makes the native window enter fullscreen.
) → Future< void> - Makes the native window exit fullscreen.
BuildContext context) → Future< void> - Makes the Video present in the current BuildContext enter fullscreen.
BuildContext context) → Future< void> - Makes the Video present in the current BuildContext exit fullscreen.
BuildContext context) → bool - Whether a Video present in the current BuildContext is in fullscreen or not.
VideoState state) → Widget - Video controls which use Material design.
VideoState state) → Widget - Video controls which use Material design.
{String? libmpv}) → void - Initializes the native backend for package:media_kit.
Duration? duration) → String -
Duration? duration) → String -
BuildContext context) → Future< void> - Toggles fullscreen for the Video present in the current BuildContext.
{String? libmpv}) → void
- ConsumerBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, BuilderRef ref, Widget? child)
- A function that can also listen to providers
- libmpvPlayer = NativePlayer
- VideoControlsBuilder = Widget Function(VideoState state)
- webPlayer = WebPlayer