enterFullscreen function

Future<void> enterFullscreen(
  1. BuildContext context

Makes the Video present in the current BuildContext enter fullscreen.


Future<void> enterFullscreen(BuildContext context) {
  return lock.synchronized(() async {
    if (!isFullscreen(context)) {
      if (context.mounted) {
        final builder = controlsThemeDataBuilder(context);
        Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true).push(
            pageBuilder: (_, __, ___) => (builder ?? (e) => e).call(
                state: state(context),
                controlsThemeDataBuilder: builder,
                child: Builder(
                  builder: (context) => FullscreenInheritedWidget(
                    parent: state(context),
                    child: Video(
                      controller: controller(context),
                      // Not required in fullscreen mode:
                      // width: null,
                      // height: null,
                      // Inherit following properties from the parent [Video]:
                      fit: state(context).widget.fit,
                      fill: state(context).widget.fill,
                      alignment: state(context).widget.alignment,
                      aspectRatio: state(context).widget.aspectRatio,
                      filterQuality: state(context).widget.filterQuality,
                      controls: state(context).widget.controls,
                      // Do not acquire or modify existing wakelock in fullscreen mode:
                      wakelock: false,
            transitionDuration: Duration.zero,
            reverseTransitionDuration: Duration.zero,
        await onEnterFullscreen(context)?.call();