flutter_material_pickers library

Package for building card based settings forms


This model is used as the element data structure for each of the picker controls.




showMaterialCheckboxPicker<T>({required BuildContext context, String? title, required List<T> items, List<T>? selectedItems, Color? headerColor, Color? headerTextColor, Color? backgroundColor, Color? buttonTextColor, String? confirmText, bool cancellable = true, String? cancelText, double? maxLongSide, double? maxShortSide, ValueChanged<List<T>>? onChanged, ValueChanged<List<T>>? onSelectionChanged, SelectAllConfig? selectAllConfig, VoidCallback? onConfirmed, VoidCallback? onCancelled, Transformer<T>? transformer}) Future<List<T>?>
Allows selection of many values from a checkbox list.
showMaterialColorPicker({required BuildContext context, String title = "Pick a color", required Color selectedColor, Color? headerColor, Color? headerTextColor, Color? backgroundColor, Color? buttonTextColor, String? confirmText, String? cancelText, double? maxLongSide, double? maxShortSide, ValueChanged<Color>? onChanged, VoidCallback? onConfirmed, bool cancellable = true, VoidCallback? onCancelled}) Future<Color?>
Allows RGB selection of a color.
showMaterialDatePicker({required BuildContext context, String? title, required DateTime firstDate, required DateTime lastDate, required DateTime selectedDate, Color? headerColor, Color? headerTextColor, Color? backgroundColor, Color? buttonTextColor, String? confirmText, bool cancellable = true, String? cancelText, double? maxLongSide, double? maxShortSide, ValueChanged<DateTime>? onChanged, VoidCallback? onConfirmed, VoidCallback? onCancelled}) Future<DateTime?>
Allows selection of a date.
showMaterialFilePicker({BuildContext? context, FileType fileType = FileType.any, List<String>? allowedExtensions, ValueChanged<PlatformFile>? onChanged}) Future<void>
Allows selection of a file.
showMaterialNumberPicker({required BuildContext context, String? title, required int minNumber, required int maxNumber, int? selectedNumber, int step = 1, Color? headerColor, Color? headerTextColor, Color? backgroundColor, Color? buttonTextColor, String? confirmText, bool cancellable = true, String? cancelText, double? maxLongSide, double? maxShortSide, ValueChanged<int>? onChanged, VoidCallback? onConfirmed, VoidCallback? onCancelled, Transformer<int>? transformer}) Future<int?>
Allows selection of a number via a slot machine carousel
showMaterialPalettePicker({required BuildContext context, String title = "Pick a color", required Color selectedColor, Color? headerColor, Color? headerTextColor, Color? backgroundColor, Color? buttonTextColor, String? confirmText, bool cancellable = true, String? cancelText, double? maxLongSide, double? maxShortSide, ValueChanged<Color>? onChanged, VoidCallback? onConfirmed, VoidCallback? onCancelled}) Future<Color?>
Allows Material palette selection of a color
showMaterialRadioPicker<T>({required BuildContext context, String? title, required List<T> items, T? selectedItem, Color? headerColor, Color? headerTextColor, Color? backgroundColor, Color? buttonTextColor, String? confirmText, bool cancellable = true, String? cancelText, double? maxLongSide, double? maxShortSide, ValueChanged<T>? onChanged, VoidCallback? onConfirmed, VoidCallback? onCancelled, Transformer<T>? transformer}) Future<T?>
Allows selection of a single from a radio list
showMaterialResponsiveDialog<T>({required BuildContext context, String? title, Widget? child, bool hideButtons = false, Color? headerColor, Color? headerTextColor, Color? backgroundColor, Color? buttonTextColor, String? confirmText, bool cancelButtonVisible = true, String? cancelText, double? maxLongSide, double? maxShortSide, VoidCallback? onConfirmed, VoidCallback? onCancelled}) Future<T?>
Extends Dialog by making it responsive to screen orientation changes
showMaterialScrollPicker<T>({required BuildContext context, String? title, required List<T> items, required T selectedItem, bool showDivider = false, Color? headerColor, Color? headerTextColor, Color? backgroundColor, Color? buttonTextColor, String? confirmText, bool cancellable = true, String? cancelText, double? maxLongSide, double? maxShortSide, ValueChanged<T>? onChanged, VoidCallback? onConfirmed, VoidCallback? onCancelled, Transformer<T>? transformer}) Future<T?>
Allows selection of a string via a slot machine carousel
showMaterialSelectionPicker<T>({required BuildContext context, String? title, required List<T> items, T? selectedItem, Color? headerColor, Color? headerTextColor, Color? backgroundColor, Color? buttonTextColor, String? confirmText, bool cancellable = true, String? cancelText, double? maxLongSide, double? maxShortSide, ValueChanged<T>? onChanged, VoidCallback? onConfirmed, VoidCallback? onCancelled, Transformer<T>? transformer, Iconizer<T?>? iconizer}) Future<T?>
Allows selection of a single value via an icon label list
showMaterialSwatchPicker({required BuildContext context, String title = "Pick a color", required Color selectedColor, Color? headerColor, Color? headerTextColor, Color? backgroundColor, Color? buttonTextColor, String? confirmText, bool cancellable = true, String? cancelText, double? maxLongSide, double? maxShortSide, ValueChanged<Color>? onChanged, VoidCallback? onConfirmed, VoidCallback? onCancelled}) Future<Color?>
Allows selection of a color from swatches
showMaterialTimePicker({required BuildContext context, String? title, required TimeOfDay selectedTime, String? confirmText, String? cancelText, ValueChanged<TimeOfDay>? onChanged, VoidCallback? onConfirmed, VoidCallback? onCancelled}) Future<TimeOfDay?>
Allows selection of a time


Iconizer<T> = Icon? Function(T item)
Transformer<T> = String? Function(T item)