EntertainmentConfiguration class

The configuration settings for an entertainment resource.



EntertainmentConfiguration({required ResourceType type, required String id, String idV1 = "", required EntertainmentConfigurationMetadata metadata, String name = "", required String configurationType, required String status, required Relative activeStreamer, required EntertainmentConfigurationStreamProxy streamProxy, required List<EntertainmentConfigurationChannel> channels, required List<EntertainmentConfigurationLocation> locations, required List<Relative> lightServices, String? action})
Creates a EntertainmentConfiguration object.
Creates an empty EntertainmentConfiguration object.
EntertainmentConfiguration.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> dataMap)
Creates a EntertainmentConfiguration object from the JSON response to a GET request.


action String?
If status is:
getter/setter pair
activeStreamer Relative
Expected value is of a ResourceIdentifier of the type auth_v1 i.e. an application id, only available if status is active
activeStreamerAsResource Resource
Returns a Resource object that represents the activeStreamer of this Resource.
no setter
bridge Bridge?
The bridge that this resource is associated with.
getter/setter pairinherited
channelMemberServicesAsResources List<Resource>
Returns a list of the channel members as Resource objects.
no setter
channels List<EntertainmentConfigurationChannel>
Holds the channels. Each channel groups segments of one or different light.
configurationType String
Defines for which type of application this channel assignment was optimized for:
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
hueNetwork HueNetwork?
The HueNetwork that this resource is associated with.
getter/setter pairinherited
id String
Unique identifier representing a specific resource instance.
idV1 String
Clip v1 resource identifier.
lightServices List<Relative>
List of light services that belong to this entertainment configuration.
lightServicesAsResources List<Resource>
Returns a list of the lightServices as Resource objects.
no setter
locations List<EntertainmentConfigurationLocation>
Entertainment services of the lights that are in the zone have locations.
getter/setter pair
locationServicesAsResources List<Resource>
Returns a list of the location services as Resource objects.
no setter
metadata EntertainmentConfigurationMetadata
The metadata for this entertainment configuration.
getter/setter pair
name String
Human readable name of a resource.
originalType ResourceType
no setterinherited
proxyNodeAsResource Resource
Returns a proxy nodes as a Resource object.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
status String
Read only field reporting if the stream is active or not
streamProxy EntertainmentConfigurationStreamProxy
The proxy for this entertainment configuration stream.
getter/setter pair
type ResourceType
Type of the supported resource.
getter/setter pairinherited


addAllToStreamQueue(List<EntertainmentStreamCommand> commands) → void
Adds a list of commands to the stream queue.
addToStreamQueue(EntertainmentStreamCommand command) → void
Adds a command to the stream queue.
copyWith({ResourceType? type, String? id, String? idV1, EntertainmentConfigurationMetadata? metadata, String? name, String? configurationType, String? status, Relative? activeStreamer, EntertainmentConfigurationStreamProxy? streamProxy, List<EntertainmentConfigurationChannel>? channels, List<EntertainmentConfigurationLocation>? locations, List<Relative>? lightServices, String? action = "", bool copyOriginalValues = true}) EntertainmentConfiguration
Returns a copy of this object with its field values replaced by the ones provided to this method.
flushStreamQueue() → void
Empties the queue.
getRelativeAsResource(Relative relative) Resource
Returns a Resource object that represents the relative of this Resource.
getRelativesAsResources(List<Relative> relatives) List<Resource>
Returns a list of Resource objects that represent the relatives of this Resource.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
queueLengthInChannel(int channel) int
The current length of the queue in the given channel.
refreshOriginals() → void
Called after a successful PUT request, this method refreshed the "original" data in this object.
replaceStreamQueue(Map<int, List<EntertainmentStreamCommand>> newQueue) → void
Empty the queue and replace it with newQueue.
replaceStreamQueueChannel(int channel, List<EntertainmentStreamCommand> newChannelQueue) → void
Empty the queue only in the given 'channel' and replace that data with newQueue.
startStreaming(Bridge bridge, {String decrypter(String ciphertext)?}) Future<bool>
Start streaming for this entertainment configuration.
stopStreaming(Bridge bridge, {String decrypter(String ciphertext)?}) Future<bool>
Stop streaming for this entertainment configuration.
toJson({OptimizeFor optimizeFor = OptimizeFor.put}) Map<String, dynamic>
Converts this object into JSON format.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.