flutter_hue library
- ApiFields
- This file contains the names of all of the json field names as they appear in Philip Hue's code.
- BehaviorInstance
- API to manage instances of script.
- BehaviorInstanceDependee
- A behavior instance's dependee.
- BehaviorScript
- API to manage instances of script.
- BehaviorScriptMetadata
- The behavior script's metadata.
- Bridge
- Represents a Philips Hue bridge device.
- BridgeDiscoveryRepo
- This is the way to communicate with Flutter Hue Bridge services.
- BridgeHome
- Represents a bridge home in the Philips Hue data structure.
- Button
- Represents a Philips Hue button.
- DateTimeTool
- Tools for dealing with date and time objects in the app and the Philips Hue system.
- Device
- Represents a Philips Hue device.
- DeviceMetadata
- Represents the configuration data for a device.
- DevicePower
- Represents a Philips Hue device's power level.
- DevicePowerPowerState
- The device's power state.
- DeviceProductData
- Represents the product data of a Philips Hue device.
- DiscoveryTimeoutController
- Gives more control over the bridge discovery process.
- Entertainment
- Represents an entertainment resource.
- EntertainmentConfiguration
- The configuration settings for an entertainment resource.
- EntertainmentConfigurationChannel
- An entertainment configuration's channel.
- EntertainmentConfigurationChannelMember
- An entertainment configuration channel's member.
- EntertainmentConfigurationLocation
- An entertainment configuration's location.
- EntertainmentConfigurationMetadata
- An entertainment configuration's metadata.
- EntertainmentConfigurationPosition
- An entertainment configuration's position.
- EntertainmentConfigurationStreamProxy
- An entertainment configuration's stream proxy.
- EntertainmentSegment
- Represents an entertainment resource segment.
- EntertainmentSegmentCapabilities
- Represents the capabilities of an entertainment resource segment.
- Folders
- GeofenceClient
- API to manage geofencing functionality.
- Geolocation
- Represents a physical location on Earth.
- GroupedLight
- Represents a grouped light in the Philips Hue data structure.
- Homekit
- The configuration settings for a homekit resource.
- HueHttpRepo
- This is the way to communicate with Flutter Hue HTTP services.
- HueNetwork
- JsonTool
- Tools for handling JSON objects throughout the app.
- Light
- Represents a Philips Hue light.
- LightAlert
- Represents a light alert.
- LightColor
- Represents the current color and color capabilities of a Philips Hue light.
- LightColorGamut
- Represents the entire range of colors and tones achievable by the Hue device this class is applied to.
- LightColorTemperature
- Represents the current color temperature and the color temperature capabilities of a light.
- LightColorTemperatureDelta
- Represents the change in the mirek value for a light.
- LightColorTemperatureMirekSchema
- Represents the mirek capabilities of a light.
- LightColorXy
- Represents CIE XY gamut position.
- LightDimming
- Represents the current brightness of a light.
- LightDimmingDelta
- Represents the change in the dim level value for a light.
- LightDimmingFull
- Represents the current brightness and dimming capabilities of a light.
- LightDynamics
- The dynamics properties of a light.
- LightEffects
- Represents the effects of a light.
- LightGradient
- Represents the current gradient of a light.
- LightGradientFull
- Represents the current gradient and gradient capabilities of a light.
- LightLevel
- Represents Philips Hue light level sensor.
- LightMetadata
- Represents a light's metadata.
- LightOn
- Represents the on/off state of the light.
- LightPowerUp
- Represents the properties to configure powerup behavior of a light source.
- LightPowerUpColor
- Represents the color that is meant to be applied to the light on power up.
- LightPowerUpColorColorTemperature
- Represents the color temperature that should be applied to the light on power up.
- LightPowerUpDimming
- Represents the dimming settings that should be applied to the light on power up.
- LightPowerUpOn
- Represents the on/off settings the light should take on power up.
- LightSignaling
- Represents light signalling properties.
- LightSignalingStatus
- Represents light signalling properties.
- LightTimedEffects
- Represents the timed effects of a light.
- Matter
- The configuration settings for a matter resource.
- MatterFabric
- The configuration settings for a matter fabric resource.
- MatterFabricData
- Helps identify a matter fabric resource.
- MiscTools
- Miscellanies tools that are used throughout the app.
- Motion
- Represents Philips Hue motion sensor.
- MyFileExplorerSDK
- This class allows for the easy exploration of this app's working directory.
- Relative
- Represents a relative to a resource.
- RelativeRotary
- Represents Philips Hue rotary switch.
- RelativeRotaryLastEvent
- The rotary switch's last event.
- RelativeRotaryRotation
- Represents a rotary switch's rotation.
- Resource
- Represents a Philips Hue resource.
- Room
- Represents a room in the Philips Hue data structure.
- RoomMetadata
- Represents the configuration data for a room.
- Scene
- Represents a Philips Hue scene.
- SceneAction
- Represents an action to be executed on recall.
- SceneActionAction
- Represents an action to be executed on recall.
- SceneMetadata
- The scene's metadata.
- ScenePalette
- Represents the palette in a scene.
- ScenePaletteColor
- Represents the color palette of a scene.
- ScenePaletteColorTemperature
- Represents the color temperature of a scene.
- SceneRecall
- Represents the recall settings for a scene.
- SmartScene
- Represents a smart scene resource.
- SmartSceneActiveTimeslot
- Represents the active time slot in execution.
- SmartSceneMetadata
- The smart scene's metadata.
- SmartSceneWeek
- Represent that data on light state during different time slots throughout the day.
- SmartSceneWeekStartTime
- Represent the time that a smart scene timeslot starts.
- SmartSceneWeekTimeslot
- Represent that data on light state during different time slots throughout the day.
- Temperature
- Represents Philips Hue temperature sensor.
- Validators
- Used throughout the app to validate data.
- ZgpConnectivity
- Represents ZGP connectivity of a device.
- ZigbeeConnectivity
- Represents zigbee connectivity of a device.
- ZigbeeDeviceDiscovery
- Represents zigbee device discover settings.
- ZigbeeDeviceDiscoveryAction
- The scene's metadata.
- Zone
- Represents a zone in the Philips Hue data structure.
- DeviceArchetype
- LightArchetype
- The type of light.
- LightColorGamutType
- The gamut types supported by hue.
- LightColorTemperatureDeltaAction
- Describes the action be taken with a light's color temperature.
- LightDimmingDeltaAction
- Describes the action be taken with a light's dim level.
- LightMode
- The mode the light is in.
- LightPowerUpColorMode
- Describes the color mode state to activate after power up.
- LightPowerUpDimmingMode
- The dimming mode the light is in.
- LightPowerUpOnMode
- Describes the on/off state the light should take on power up.
- LightPowerUpPreset
- Describes the power up preset settings.
- LocalDir
- All of the local directories used by this program.
- OptimizeFor
- Determines what information will be placed in the json.
- ResourceType
- The type of supported resource.
- RoomArchetype
- Room archetype.
- HttpRequests on Bridge
- Hue HTTP repo requests made easy.
Exceptions / Errors
- CoordinateException
- Exception thrown when an invalid coordinate is encountered.
- GradientException
- Exception thrown when a gradient is being submitted with an invalid number of points.
- InvalidHourException
- Exception thrown when an invalid hour is encountered.
- InvalidIdException
- Exception thrown when a an object is given an ID that does not match the proper regex.
- InvalidLatitudeException
- Exception thrown when an invalid latitude is encountered.
- InvalidLongitudeException
- Exception thrown when an invalid longitude is encountered.
- InvalidMinuteException
- Exception thrown when an invalid minute is encountered.
- InvalidNameException
- Exception thrown when a an object is named with a string that does not have a length within the range of 1 to 32 (inclusive).
- InvalidSecondException
- Exception thrown when an invalid second is encountered.
T> - Exception thrown when a value is not within the related array of valid values.
- MirekException
- Exception thrown when a value is not within the valid mirek range of 153 - 500 (inclusive).
- NegativeValueException
- Exception thrown when a value is negative when it's not supposed to be.
- PercentageException
- Exception thrown when a value is not within the valid percentage range of 0 - 100 (inclusive).
- TimeFormatException
- Exception thrown when an invalid time format is encountered.
- UnitIntervalException
- Exception thrown when a value is not within the unit interval of 0 to 1 (inclusive).