Light class

Represents a Philips Hue light.



Light({required ResourceType type, required String id, String idV1 = "", required Relative owner, LightMetadata? metadata, required LightOn on, required LightDimmingFull dimming, LightDimmingDelta? dimmingDelta, required LightColorTemperature colorTemperature, LightColorTemperatureDelta? colorTemperatureDelta, required LightColor color, required LightDynamics dynamics, required LightAlert alert, required LightSignaling signaling, required LightMode mode, required LightGradientFull gradient, required LightEffects effects, required LightTimedEffects timedEffects, required LightPowerUp powerUp})
Creates a Light object.
Creates an empty Light object.
Light.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> dataMap)
Creates a Light object from the JSON response to a GET request.


alert LightAlert
The alerts associated with this light.
getter/setter pair
color LightColor
The color of this light.
getter/setter pair
colorTemperature LightColorTemperature
The color temperature of this light.
getter/setter pair
colorTemperatureDelta LightColorTemperatureDelta?
The change in color temperature of this light.
getter/setter pair
dimming LightDimmingFull
The brightness of this light.
getter/setter pair
dimmingDelta LightDimmingDelta?
The change to this light's dimming property.
getter/setter pair
dynamics LightDynamics
Details about this light's dynamics functionality.
getter/setter pair
effects LightEffects
Basic feature containing effect properties.
getter/setter pair
gradient LightGradientFull
Basic feature containing gradient properties.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
id String
Unique identifier representing a specific resource instance.
idV1 String
Clip v1 resource identifier.
isOn bool
Whether or not this light is on.
no setter
metadata LightMetadata
Metadata about this light.
getter/setter pair
mode LightMode
The mode this light is in.
on LightOn
On/Off state of the light on=true, off=false.
getter/setter pair
originalType ResourceType
no setterinherited
owner Relative
Owner of this light, in case the owner is deleted, this also gets deleted.
powerUp LightPowerUp
Feature containing properties to configure power up behavior of a light source.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
signaling LightSignaling
Feature containing signaling properties.
timedEffects LightTimedEffects
Basic feature containing timed effect properties.
getter/setter pair
type ResourceType
Type of the supported resource.
getter/setter pairinherited


copyWith({ResourceType? type, String? id, String? idV1, Relative? owner, LightMetadata? metadata, LightOn? on, LightDimmingFull? dimming, Object? dimmingDelta = sentinelValue, LightColorTemperature? colorTemperature, Object? colorTemperatureDelta = sentinelValue, LightColor? color, LightDynamics? dynamics, LightAlert? alert, LightSignaling? signaling, LightMode? mode, LightGradientFull? gradient, LightEffects? effects, LightTimedEffects? timedEffects, LightPowerUp? powerUp, bool copyOriginalValues = true}) Light
Returns a copy of this object with its field values replaced by the ones provided to this method.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
refreshOriginals() → void
Called after a successful PUT request, this method refreshed the "original" data in this object.
toJson({OptimizeFor optimizeFor = OptimizeFor.put}) Map<String, dynamic>
Converts this object into JSON format.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


sentinelValue → const Object
Used in the copyWith method to check if nullable values are meant to be copied over.