delay method

Future<void> delay([
  1. FutureOr callback()?

Utility to delay some callback (or code execution).


void main() async {
  print('+ wait for 2 seconds');
  await 2.delay();
  print('- 2 seconds completed');
  print('+ callback in 1.2sec');
  1.delay(() => print('- 1.2sec callback called'));
  print('currently running callback 1.2sec');


// TODO(Omar): Add a separated implementation of delay() with the ability to stop it.
/// Sample:
/// ```
/// void main() async {
///   print('+ wait for 2 seconds');
///   await 2.delay();
///   print('- 2 seconds completed');
///   print('+ callback in 1.2sec');
///   1.delay(() => print('- 1.2sec callback called'));
///   print('currently running callback 1.2sec');
/// }
Future<void> delay([FutureOr<dynamic> Function()? callback]) async =>
      Duration(milliseconds: (this * 1000).round()),