logTimedEventIdWithParameters static method

Future<EventRecordStatus> logTimedEventIdWithParameters(
  1. String eventId,
  2. Map<String, String> parameters,
  3. String timedId

Records a timed event named eventId with parameters.

Logs eventId as a timed event with the second key timedId. Use maximum of 10 parameters to specify the characters of the event. Returns the event recording status of the logged event.


static Future<EventRecordStatus> logTimedEventIdWithParameters(
    String eventId, Map<String, String> parameters, String timedId) async {
  if (flurryAgent != null) {
    int eventRecordStatus = await flurryAgent!
        .logTimedEventIdWithParameters(eventId, parameters, timedId);
    return EventRecordStatus.values[eventRecordStatus];

  return EventRecordStatus.eventRecorded;