math_helper library


adjustModRotation(double rotation) double
Adjusts the rotation angle to be within the range of 0 to 2π.
convert2DPointToSphereCoordinates(Offset hoverOffset, Offset sphereCenter, double radius, double rotationY, double rotationZ) GlobeCoordinates?
Converts the 2D offset to spherical coordinates.
degreesToRadians(double degrees) double
Converts degrees to radians.
getRectOnSphere(Vector3 cartesian3D, Offset cartesian2D, Offset center, double radius, double zoomFactor, double pointSize) Rect
Calculates the rectangle on the sphere corresponding to a 3D point and its 2D position on the screen.
getScaleFactor(Offset point, Offset center, double radius, bool isXAxis, double zCoord, double zoomFactor) double
Calculates the scale factor for a point on the sphere.
getSpherePosition3D(GlobeCoordinates coordinates, double radius, double rotationY, double rotationZ) → Vector3
Calculates the 3D position of a point on a sphere.
radiansToDegrees(double radians) double
Converts radians to degrees.