adaptivePathToPoints(Path path, double maxTolerance)
→ List<Offset>
Converts a path into a list of points with adaptive spacing.
calculateCentralAngle(GlobeCoordinates start, GlobeCoordinates end)
→ double
Calculates the central angle between two points on a sphere.
calculateCurvature(Tangent currentTangent, PathMetric pathMetric, double distance, double step)
→ double
Calculates the curvature at a given distance along the path.
drawAnimatedLine(Canvas canvas, AnimatedPointConnection connection, double radius, double rotationY, double rotationZ, double animationValue, Size size, Offset? hoverPoint)
→ Map?
Draws an animated line on the canvas connecting two points on a sphere.
findCurveSphereIntersection(Path path, Offset center, double radius, double maxTolerance, bool firstIntersection)
→ Offset?
Finds the intersection point between a curved path and a sphere.
getDrawPercentage(Path path, Offset intersection, {bool first = true})
→ double
Calculates the draw percentage of the path up to the given intersection point.
getPathLengthsUpToIntersection(Path path, Offset intersection)
→ List<double>
Calculates the lengths of the path up to the given intersection point.
refineIntersection(Offset start, Offset end, Offset center, double radius)
→ Offset
Refines the intersection point between a line segment and a sphere.