Flutter Document Scanner

pub_version coverage style: very good analysis License: MIT

Generated by the Very Good CLI 🤖

🚧 Under Development! 🚧

A Flutter plugin that allows the management of taking, cropping and applying filters to an image, using the Camera plugin.

For Android use OpenCV.

For iOS use Vision Kit.



With Customizations



Feature Android iOS
Adjust perspective
Apply filters
Find contours from external image
Improve error control
Add Unit Test
Find contours in real time
Taking multiple photos at once


First, add flutter_document_scanner as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Later add camera permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml and Info.plist files.


Import libraries.

import 'package:flutter_document_scanner/flutter_document_scanner.dart';

Initialize the DocumentScannerController

final _controller = DocumentScannerController();

Display widget

  controller: _controller,
  onSave: (Uint8List imageBytes) {
    print("image bytes: $imageBytes");

Controller Document uses


_controller.takePhoto(minContourArea: 80000.0,);





Can listen to the changes

_controller.statusTakePhotoPage.listen((AppStatus event) {
    print("Changes when taking the picture");
    print("[initial, loading, success, failure]");

_controller.statusCropPhoto.listen((AppStatus event) {
    print("Changes while cutting the image and adding warp perspective");
    print("[initial, loading, success, failure]");

_controller.statusEditPhoto.listen((AppStatus event) {
    print("Changes when editing the image (applying filters)");
    print("[initial, loading, success, failure]");

_controller.currentFilterType.listen((FilterType event) {
    print("Listen to the current filter applied on the image");
    print("[ natural, gray, eco]");

_controller.statusSavePhotoDocument.listen((AppStatus event) {
  print("Changes while the document image is being saved");
  print("[initial, loading, success, failure]");

_controller.currentPage.listen((AppPages page) {
  print("Changes in the current page");
  print("[takePhoto, cropPhoto, editDocument]");

Can get photos

final File? photoTaken = _controller.pictureTaken;

final Uint8List? photoCropped = _controller.pictureCropped;

To learn more, you can see the example from_gallery_page.dart

final picker = ImagePicker();
final image = await picker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);

if (image == null) return;

await _controller.findContoursFromExternalImage(
  image: File(image.path),


Change messages dialogs

Only if "hideDefaultDialogs" of GeneralStyles is set to false.

If you want to add another type of dialogs you must do it manually with the status changes and set "hideDefaultDialogs" of GeneralStyles to true.

  controller: _controller,
  onSave: (Uint8List imageBytes) {
    print("image bytes: $imageBytes");
  generalStyles: const GeneralStyles(
    messageTakingPicture: 'Capturando documento',
    messageCroppingPicture: 'Recortando documento',
    messageEditingPicture: 'Editando documento',
    messageSavingPicture: 'Guardando documento',


  controller: _controller,
  onSave: (Uint8List imageBytes) {
    print("image bytes: $imageBytes");
  resolutionCamera: ResolutionPreset.high,
  initialCameraLensDirection: CameraLensDirection.front,

Page transitions

  controller: _controller,
  onSave: (Uint8List imageBytes) {
    print("image bytes: $imageBytes");
  pageTransitionBuilder: (child, animation) {
    final tween = Tween(begin: 0.0, end: 1.0);

    final curvedAnimation = CurvedAnimation(
      parent: animation,
      curve: Curves.easeOutCubic,

    return FadeTransition(
      opacity: tween.animate(curvedAnimation),
      child: child,

General Styles

The properties are listed here

Page Styles

If you want to add widgets or modify elements of each page you can do it with their respective style per page.

Page to take the photo

The properties are listed here

Page to crop the image

The properties are listed here

Page to edit image

The properties are listed here

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

All Contributors


💻 📖
Maurits van Beusekom
Maurits van Beusekom

Add your contributions

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!