ProcessParams class
Params that influence the scanning process.
- alreadyCropped ↔ bool?
This option can be set to
if you know for sure that the image you provide contains already cropped document by its edges. This was designed to process on the server side images captured and cropped on mobile.getter/setter pair - authenticityParams ↔ AuthenticityParams
getter/setter pair
- backendProcessingConfig ↔ BackendProcessingConfig?
Set up the backend processing service parameters.
getter/setter pair
- barcodeParserType ↔ int?
There are documents that contain barcodes which data can be parsed only
if document type verification is performed. The following property allows
setting the barcode parser type which should be used during recognition.
It allows parsing barcode data without performing document type verification.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
BarcodeType> ? -
Set types of barcodes that you wish to recognize.
All barcodes will be recognized if it's empty.
getter/setter pair
- captureButtonScenario ↔ Scenario?
Documents processing scenario for the Capture button.
getter/setter pair
- checkHologram ↔ bool?
getter/setter pair
- checkRequiredTextFields ↔ bool?
If set to
, in case required fields are not read, their values will be empty.getter/setter pair - convertCase ↔ int?
This option allows output text case transformation.
No changes applied by default to original values.
getter/setter pair
↔ Map<
String, dynamic> ? -
Takes JSON with parameters that are not presented in the DocumentReader.
getter/setter pair
- dateFormat ↔ String?
Change the format string of displayed dates in the results.
getter/setter pair
- debugSaveCroppedImages ↔ bool?
If set to
, cropped images will be saved to the application's directory.getter/setter pair - debugSaveImages ↔ bool?
If set to
, images will be saved to the application's directory.getter/setter pair - debugSaveLogs ↔ bool?
If set to
, text logs will be saved to the application's directory.getter/setter pair - debugSaveRFIDSession ↔ bool?
If set to
, RFID sessions will be saved to the application's directory.getter/setter pair - depersonalizeLog ↔ bool?
If set to
, personal information will be removed from logs.getter/setter pair - disableFocusingCheck ↔ bool?
If set to
, document focus check will be omitted.getter/setter pair - disablePerforationOCR ↔ bool?
When enabled, OCR of perforated fields in the document template
will not be performed.
getter/setter pair
- documentAreaMin ↔ double?
Specifies minimal area of the image that document should cover to be treated
as candidate when locating. Value should be in range from
, where1
is when document should fully cover the image.getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
DocType> ? -
Array of specific eligible document types to recognize from. You may,
for example, specify only passports to be recognized by setting this property.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
int> ? -
Takes the list of the document IDs to process.
All documents will be processed if it's empty.
getter/setter pair
- doublePageSpread ↔ bool?
If set to
, allows to process up to two pages of the document (so-called "a double-page spread") for one-shot if they are presented on the frame (image).getter/setter pair - faceApiParams ↔ FaceApiParams?
Custom Face API integration params.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
FieldType> ? -
If you recognize the MRZ of documents, all fields will be extracted.
If you recognize the Visual zone of documents, you can set the list
of field types that you wish to extract, other fields will be skipped
during processing. All fields will be extracted if it is empty.
getter/setter pair
- forceDocFormat ↔ DocFormat?
Force use of specified document format when locating and recognizing
document to reduce the number of candidates.
getter/setter pair
- forceDocID ↔ int?
Force use of specific template ID and skip document type identification step.
getter/setter pair
- forceReadMrzBeforeLocate ↔ bool?
This option can be set to
to make sure that in series processing MRZ is located fully inside the result document image, if present on the document. Enabling this option may add extra processing time, by disabling optimizations, but allows more stability in output image quality.getter/setter pair - generateDoublePageSpreadImage ↔ bool?
When enabled together with doublePageSpread and there is a passport
with two pages spread in the image, pages will be cropped, straightened
and aligned together, as if the document was captured on a flatbed scanner.
getter/setter pair
- generateDTCVC ↔ bool?
This parameter is used to generate DTCVC data.
getter/setter pair
- generateNumericCodes ↔ bool?
This parameter is used to generate numeric representation for issuing state and nationality codes.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- imageDpiOutMax ↔ int?
This option controls maximum resolution in dpi of output images.
Resolution will remain original in case
is set.getter/setter pair - imageOutputMaxHeight ↔ int?
Maximum height of output images. In pixels.
getter/setter pair
- imageOutputMaxWidth ↔ int?
Maximum width of output images. In pixels.
getter/setter pair
- imageQA ↔ ImageQA
Controls properties of ImageQA checks.
getter/setter pair
- integralImage ↔ bool?
Allows to build an integral image, taking into account the quality of
fixation of each of the individual images.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
LCID> ? -
The whitelist of LCID types to use during the recognition.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
LCID> ? -
The list of LCID types to ignore during the recognition.
If empty, values with all LCID types will be extracted.
Narrowing down the list can reduce processing time.
getter/setter pair
- logLevel ↔ LogLevel?
Sets the level of logs detalization when used together with logs parameter.
getter/setter pair
- logs ↔ bool?
If set to
, the DocumentReader logs will be shown in the console.getter/setter pair - manualCrop ↔ bool?
If set to
, allows you to manually set the document's bounds after it is detected.getter/setter pair - matchTextFieldMask ↔ bool?
When disabled, text field OCR will be done as is and then the recognized
value will be matched to the field mask for validity. If enabled, we
are trying to read a field value with maximum efforts to match the mask
and provide a correctly formatted value, making assumptions based on the
provided field mask in the template.
getter/setter pair
- measureSystem ↔ MeasureSystem?
Measure system of fields' values that are presented in results.
Default: If the country code is
, the MeasureSystem.IMPERIAL system of measurement, otherwise, the MeasureSystem.METRIC.getter/setter pair - minDPI ↔ int?
Allows you to set the minimum acceptable DPI value of the camera frame
that is passed for recognition. Camera frames the DPI of which are less
than you set won't be passed for recognition.
getter/setter pair
- minimalHolderAge ↔ int?
This options allows specifying the minimal age in years of the document
holder for the document to be considered valid.
getter/setter pair
- mrzDetectMode ↔ MrzDetectionModes?
Make better MRZ detection on complex noisy backgrounds, like BW photocopy of some documents.
Works only in the single-frame processing.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
MRZFormat> ? -
This option allows limiting MRZ formats to be recognized by specifying
them in array.
getter/setter pair
- multiDocOnImage ↔ bool?
This option allows locating and cropping multiple documents
from one image if enabled.
getter/setter pair
- multipageProcessing ↔ bool?
If set to
, processing of more than one page of the document (if they exist) will be triggered, otherwise, only one page will be processed.getter/setter pair - noGraphics ↔ bool?
When enabled no graphic fields will be cropped from document image.
getter/setter pair
- parseBarcodes ↔ bool?
When set to
, the Barcode code parsing will be skipped and the raw information from the code will be returned instead.getter/setter pair - perspectiveAngle ↔ int?
Allows you to set the maximum value of the deviation of the corners
of the document from the value of
degrees.getter/setter pair - processAuth ↔ int?
Accepts sum of Authenticity values.
getter/setter pair
- respectImageQuality ↔ bool?
When enabled, image quality checks status affects document optical
and overall status.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
ResultType> ? -
Types of results to return in response.
getter/setter pair
- returnCroppedBarcode ↔ bool?
If set to
, an image with cropped barcode will be returned.getter/setter pair - returnUncroppedImage ↔ bool?
If set to
, an original (uncropped) image will be received, which is sent for recognition.getter/setter pair - rfidParams ↔ RFIDParams?
Custom RFID params.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- scenario ↔ Scenario?
Documents processing scenario.
getter/setter pair
- selectLongestNames ↔ bool?
Select the longest value from the different value sources and write it to the value field
if comparison is done successfully. The parameter applies this logic to the personal names,
such as given name, surname, surname and given name, middle name and etc.
getter/setter pair
- sessionLogFolder ↔ String?
The path to the folder of the current session. Before using this, save logs.
Each new session provides a different path.
getter/setter pair
- shiftExpiryDate ↔ int?
This option allows shifting the date of expiry into the future or past
for number of months specified. This is useful, for example, in some cases
when document might be still valid for some period after original
expiration date to prevent negative validity status for such documents.
Or by shifting the date to the past will set negative validity
for the documents that is about to expire in a specified number of months.
getter/setter pair
- shouldReturnPackageForReprocess ↔ bool?
When set to
, therawResults
property of the Results will contain the encrypted containers of scanning results that may be used for later reprocessing.getter/setter pair - splitNames ↔ bool?
When enabled, the Surname and GivenNames field (TextField)
will be divided into fields with fieldTypes FieldType.FIRST_NAME,
getter/setter pair
- strictBarcodeDigitalSignatureCheck ↔ bool?
If the certificates required for performing the Digital signature check are missing,
this parameter if enabled will make the Barcode format check failed.
getter/setter pair
- strictImageQuality ↔ bool?
When enabled, the image quality check status affects the document optical and overall status.
getter/setter pair
↔ Map<
String, dynamic> -
getter/setter pair
- timeout ↔ double?
Allows you to set the time limit for document recognition (in seconds),
beyond which the recognition does not continue regardless of its result.
The countdown starts from the moment the scenario starts.
Setting value to
means infinity.getter/setter pair - timeoutFromFirstDetect ↔ double?
Allows you to set the time limit for document recognition (in seconds),
beyond which the recognition does not continue regardless of its result.
The countdown starts from the moment the document is detected.
Setting value to
means infinity.getter/setter pair - timeoutFromFirstDocType ↔ double?
Allows you to set the time limit for document recognition (in seconds),
beyond which the recognition does not continue regardless of its result.
The countdown starts from the moment the document type is recognized.
Setting value to
means infinity.getter/setter pair - timeoutLiveness ↔ double?
Start the countdown from the moment the document liveness authenticity check is started (in seconds).
Setting value to
means infinity.getter/setter pair - updateOCRValidityByGlare ↔ bool?
When enabled, fail OCR field validity, if there is a glare over the text
ƒfield on the image.
getter/setter pair
- useAuthenticityCheck ↔ bool?
This parameter is used to enable document authenticity check.
getter/setter pair
- useFaceApi ↔ bool?
Use this property to set up the Face API integration.
getter/setter pair
- uvTorchEnabled ↔ bool?
Set to
when torch is connected and enabled by user.getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> - Allows you to serialize object.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Methods
dynamic jsonObject) → ProcessParams - Allows you to deserialize object.