Results class
Class describing results returned on completion of Document Reader work.
- Results()
- authenticityResult → AuthenticityResult?
Authenticity results.
no setter
→ List<
Position> ? -
Position of a barcode.
no setter
- barcodeResult → BarcodeResult?
Barcode results.
no setter
- chipPage → int
Indicates which page of the document contains an RFID chip (0 if there's
no page containing it). Requires document type recognition, otherwise 1 by default.
no setter
→ List<
Position> ? -
Position of a document.
no setter
→ List<
DocumentType> ? -
Document type results.
no setter
- dtcData → Uint8List?
DTCVC data.
no setter
- elapsedTime → int
Indicates how much time has been required for document processing, milliseconds.
no setter
- elapsedTimeRFID → int
Indicates how much time has been required for RFID chip processing, milliseconds.
no setter
- graphicResult → GraphicResult?
Graphic results.
no setter
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
→ List<
ImageQualityGroup> ? -
Image quality results.
no setter
- morePagesAvailable → int
Indicates how many pages of a document remains to process.
Requires Document Type recognition, otherwise 0 by default.
no setter
→ List<
Position> ? -
Position of MRZ.
no setter
- processingFinishedStatus → ProcessingFinishedStatus
Document processing finish status, one of RGLProcessingFinishedStatus values.
no setter
- rawResult → String
Raw results, i.e. in their initial view.
no setter
- rfidSessionData → RFIDSessionData?
RFID session data.
no setter
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- status → ResultsStatus
Status information for each operation.
no setter
- textResult → TextResult?
Textual results.
no setter
- transactionInfo → TransactionInfo?
no setter
- vdsncData → VDSNCData?
Visible Digital Seal data.
no setter
List< ResultType> resultType) → Future<String?> - Method returns containers by result type. If result type doesn't exist, the result of the search will be null.
) → Future< String?> - Method returns only containers for ResultType.INTERNAL_RFID_SESSION, ResultType.INTERNAL_ENCRYPTED_RCL and ResultType.INTERNAL_LICENSE values.
GraphicFieldType fieldType, ResultType source) → Future< GraphicField?> - Allows you to get an image of a graphic field based on a source type and page index.
GraphicFieldType fieldType, ResultType source, int pageIndex) → Future< GraphicField?> - Allows you to get an image of a graphic field based on a source type and page index.
GraphicFieldType fieldType, ResultType source, int pageIndex, Lights light) → Future< GraphicField?> - Allows you to get an image of a graphic field based on a source type, page index and light type.
GraphicFieldType fieldType) → Future< Uint8List?> - Allows you to get an image of a graphic field.
GraphicFieldType fieldType, ResultType source) → Future< Uint8List?> - Allows you to get an image of a graphic field based on a source type.
GraphicFieldType fieldType, ResultType source, int pageIndex) → Future< Uint8List?> - Allows you to get an image of a graphic field based on a source type and page index.
GraphicFieldType fieldType, ResultType source, int pageIndex, Lights light) → Future< Uint8List?> - Allows you to get an image of a graphic field based on a source type, page index and light type.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
FieldType fieldType) → Future< TextField?> - Allows you to get an instance of a text field.
FieldType fieldType, LCID lcid) → Future< TextField?> - Allows you to get an instance of a text field based on LCID.
FieldType fieldType) → Future< String?> - Allows you to get a value of a text field.
FieldType fieldType, LCID lcid) → Future< String?> - Allows you to get a value of a text field based on LCID.
FieldType fieldType, LCID lcid, ResultType source) → Future< String?> - Allows you to get a value of a text field based on LCID and a source type.
FieldType fieldType, LCID lcid, ResultType source, bool original) → Future< String?> - Allows you to get a value of a text field based on LCID, a source type and its originality.
FieldType fieldType, ResultType source) → Future< String?> - Allows you to get a value of a text field based on a source type.
FieldType fieldType, ResultType source, bool original) → Future< String?> - Allows you to get a value of a text field based on a source type and its originality.
) → Map< String, dynamic> - Allows you to serialize object.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.