utils/utils library


months List<String>
getter/setter pair
weekDays List<String>
getter/setter pair


computeNumbersList(int hashCode) List<int>
convert a number digits to list of individual digits
computeTimePartitionText(int millisecondsSinceEpoch) String
Compute Time partition of messages based on created at time stamp
createColorFromHashCode(int hashCode) ColorPair
Color equivalence of integer
getConsecutives({required List<Message> items, required Message check, int? amount}) List<ConsecutiveOccurrence>
Collecting consecutive images if upto minimum number of images to group
getDurationTillNow(DateTime pastTime) Duration
Duration uptil now time format
getFileUrlFromMessage(Message message) String?
Use this function if you need to dynamically get the url of file-based message.
getGroupedImageMessages(List<Message> messages, List<ConsecutiveOccurrence> consecutiveOccurrences, int startIndex) List<ImageMessage>
Internal use only
getMonthName(int month) → dynamic
Get month by int
getSentAt(int millisecondsSinceEpoch) String
Last seen at time format
getWeekDayName(int weekday) → dynamic
Get day by int
groupNumbersIntoRGB(List<int> numbers) List<int>
Convert a list of numbers to RGB group of 3 set of numbers in a list
indexIsInConsecutives(List<ConsecutiveOccurrence> items, int index) bool
For internal use only
indexIsInConsecutivesAndIsFirstTake(List<ConsecutiveOccurrence> items, int index) bool
Internal use only
isSameDay(int? previousMessageTime, int currentMessageTime) bool
Check if it's same day
logError(String message) → void
Error message printer
updateMessageUri(Message message, String uri) Message
Use this util to update the uri of a file based message when needed