NumberHelper extension

Extension methods on num for converting to human-readable formats.



asPercentageText String

Available on num?, provided by the NumberHelper extension

no setter
asPlusText String

Available on num?, provided by the NumberHelper extension

no setter
text String

Available on num?, provided by the NumberHelper extension

If fractionDigits is 0, the value is formatted with no decimal places. Otherwise, it is formatted with the specified number of decimal places, and trailing zeros are removed.
no setter
toReadableBytes Readable

Available on num?, provided by the NumberHelper extension

Converts the number to a human-readable byte format.
no setter
toReadableNumber Readable

Available on num?, provided by the NumberHelper extension

Converts the number to a human-readable number format.
no setter


toPercentageText([String sign = "%"]) String

Available on num?, provided by the NumberHelper extension

toPlusText([String sign = "+"]) String

Available on num?, provided by the NumberHelper extension

toText([int fractionDigits = 2]) String

Available on num?, provided by the NumberHelper extension

If fractionDigits is 0, the value is formatted with no decimal places. Otherwise, it is formatted with the specified number of decimal places, and trailing zeros are removed.