toText method
If fractionDigits
is 0, the value is formatted with no decimal places.
Otherwise, it is formatted with the specified number of decimal places,
and trailing zeros are removed.
String number = null.toText(2);
print(number); // Output:
number = 15.0005.toText(2);
print(number); // Output: 15
number = 15.0505.toText(2);
print(number); // Output: 15.05
String toText([int fractionDigits = 2]) {
if (this == null) return "";
if (this is int) return toString();
final value = this ?? 0.0;
if (fractionDigits == 0) return value.toStringAsFixed(0);
return "${value.toStringAsFixed(fractionDigits).replaceAll(RegExp(r"([.]*0+)(?!.*\d)"), "")}${fractionDigits > 1 ? " " : ""}";