playEvent method

Future<FlutsterTestEvent?> playEvent(
  1. FlutsterTestEvent flutsterTestEvent, {
  2. Duration delay = const Duration(milliseconds: 0),
  3. WidgetTester? tester,

playEvent plays the given event on the child widget.


Future<FlutsterTestEvent?> playEvent(
  FlutsterTestEvent flutsterTestEvent, {
  Duration delay = const Duration(milliseconds: 0),
  WidgetTester? tester,
}) async {
  switch (flutsterTestEvent.type) {
    case FlutsterTestEventType.screenShot:
      FlutsterTestEvent? ret;
      if (tester != null) {
        await tester.pumpAndSettle();
      await Future.delayed(delay).whenComplete(() async {
        ret = await returnScreenShotEvent(
            duplicate: flutsterTestEvent, tester: tester);
      return (ret);
    case FlutsterTestEventType.tap:
      WidgetController? controller;
      if (tester == null) {
        controller = LiveWidgetController(WidgetsBinding.instance);
      } else {
        controller = tester;
      if (flutsterTestEvent.tapDuration == null ||
          flutsterTestEvent.tapStop == null) {
        await Future.delayed(delay).whenComplete(() async {
          await controller!.tapAt(
      } else {
        await Future.delayed(delay).whenComplete(() async {
          TestGesture gesture = await controller!.startGesture(
            kind: PointerDeviceKind.touch,
          await gesture.moveTo(flutsterTestEvent.tapStop!,
              timeStamp: flutsterTestEvent.tapDuration!);
          await gesture.up();
          await controller.pump();
      return (flutsterTestEvent);
    case FlutsterTestEventType.key:
      if (tester == null) {
        snack(const Text("Cannot replay key events in a non test situation"));
        return (null);
      FlutsterTestEvent? ret = flutsterTestEvent;
      await Future.delayed(delay).whenComplete(() async {
        bool keyDown = false;
        if (flutsterTestEvent.keyEvent is KeyDownEvent ||
            flutsterTestEvent.keyEvent is RawKeyDownEvent ||
            (flutsterTestEvent.keyEventDown ?? false)) {
          keyDown = true;
        if (flutsterTestEvent.typedText?.isEmpty ?? true) {
          if (keyDown) {
            if (!await tester
                .sendKeyDownEvent(flutsterTestEvent.keyEvent!.logicalKey)) {
              ret = null;
          } else {
            if (!await tester.sendKeyUpEvent(
            )) {
                  "send key up returned false, not stopping the test run for "
            await tester.pumpAndSettle();
        } else {
          tester.testTextInput.enterText(flutsterTestEvent.typedText ?? "");
          await tester.pumpAndSettle();
      return (ret);
      return (null);