Components topic


The component library consists of various Flume component implementations as well as utilities and convenience tools for effectively implementing Flume in any Flutter application.


Button Components
A regular button, with a variety of sizes and variants.
Button Components
A regular button, with a variety of sizes and variants.
Button Components
A regular button, with a variety of sizes and variants.
Cell Components
A list cell from the Flume design system.
Cell Components
A list cell from the Flume design system.
Cell Components
A list cell from the Flume design system.
Checkbox Components
A checkbox that can be checked or unchecked.
Checkbox Components
A checkbox that can be checked or unchecked.
Checkbox Components
A checkbox that can be checked or unchecked.
FlatButton Components
A flat button is a button that has a "flat" appearance, meaning it looks like regular text, but has some button states and capabilities.
FlatButton Components
A flat button is a button that has a "flat" appearance, meaning it looks like regular text, but has some button states and capabilities.
FlatButton Components
A flat button is a button that has a "flat" appearance, meaning it looks like regular text, but has some button states and capabilities.
FlumeIcons Components
FlumeIcons Components
FlumeIcons Components
FormGroup Components
A widget that groups a label and child together.
FormGroup Components
A widget that groups a label and child together.
FormGroup Components
A widget that groups a label and child together.
Gap Components
An empty spacing widget used to create padding or space. Requires a Provider of Axis to determine the direction.
Gap Components
An empty spacing widget used to create padding or space. Requires a Provider of Axis to determine the direction.
Gap Components
An empty spacing widget used to create padding or space. Requires a Provider of Axis to determine the direction.
IconButton Components
A button that displays an icon.
IconButton Components
A button that displays an icon.
IconButton Components
A button that displays an icon.
InputField Components
An input field from the Flume design system.
InputField Components
An input field from the Flume design system.
InputField Components
An input field from the Flume design system.
ScrollableList Components
A wrapper around ListView with Flume-specific customizations.
ScrollableList Components
A wrapper around ListView with Flume-specific customizations.
ScrollableList Components
A wrapper around ListView with Flume-specific customizations.
A widget that displays a search bar.
A widget that displays a search bar.
A widget that displays a search bar.
Skeleton Components
A shimmer/skeleton placeholder component from the Flume design system.
Skeleton Components
A shimmer/skeleton placeholder component from the Flume design system.
Skeleton Components
A shimmer/skeleton placeholder component from the Flume design system.
TabButton Components
A tab button that can be tabbed (selected or unselected).
TabButton Components
A tab button that can be tabbed (selected or unselected).
TabButton Components
A tab button that can be tabbed (selected or unselected).
ToggleButton Components
A button that can be toggled on and off.
ToggleButton Components
A button that can be toggled on and off.
ToggleButton Components
A button that can be toggled on and off.
TonalSwitch Components
A widget that displays a switch that adapts to the current platform, and uses the current Ambiance to determine its colors.
TonalSwitch Components
A widget that displays a switch that adapts to the current platform, and uses the current Ambiance to determine its colors.
TonalSwitch Components
A widget that displays a switch that adapts to the current platform, and uses the current Ambiance to determine its colors.
ValidationMessage Components
A widget that displays a validation message.
ValidationMessage Components
A widget that displays a validation message.
ValidationMessage Components
A widget that displays a validation message.


calculateSize(String text, TextStyle style) Size Components
Calculates and returns the Size of the given text and its style.
calculateSize(String text, TextStyle style) Size Components
Calculates and returns the Size of the given text and its style.
calculateSize(String text, TextStyle style) Size Components
Calculates and returns the Size of the given text and its style.


ButtonSize Components
The size of a button.
ButtonSize Components
The size of a button.
ButtonSize Components
The size of a button.
ButtonState Components
The state of a button.
ButtonState Components
The state of a button.
ButtonState Components
The state of a button.
ButtonVariant Components
The variant of a button.
ButtonVariant Components
The variant of a button.
ButtonVariant Components
The variant of a button.
IconPosition Components
The position of an icon in a button, relative to its child widget.
IconPosition Components
The position of an icon in a button, relative to its child widget.
IconPosition Components
The position of an icon in a button, relative to its child widget.
InputState Components
A state for an InputField.
InputState Components
A state for an InputField.
InputState Components
A state for an InputField.
ToggleButtonVariant Components
The variant of a ToggleButton.
ToggleButtonVariant Components
The variant of a ToggleButton.
ToggleButtonVariant Components
The variant of a ToggleButton.
ValidationState Components
The state of a validation message.
ValidationState Components
The state of a validation message.
ValidationState Components
The state of a validation message.