material library
Re-export the Material package with some symbols hidden to avoid conflicts.
- AboutDialog
- An about box. This is a dialog box with the application's icon, name, version number, and copyright, plus a button to show licenses for software used by the application.
- AboutListTile
- A ListTile that shows an about box.
- AbsorbPointer
- A widget that absorbs pointers during hit testing.
- Accumulator
- Mutable wrapper of an integer that can be passed by reference to track a value across a recursive stack.
T extends Intent> - Base class for an action or command to be performed.
- ActionChip
- A Material Design action chip.
- ActionDispatcher
- An action dispatcher that invokes the actions given to it.
- ActionIconTheme
- An inherited widget that overrides the default icon of BackButtonIcon, CloseButtonIcon, DrawerButtonIcon, and EndDrawerButtonIcon in this widget's subtree.
- ActionIconThemeData
- A ActionIconThemeData that overrides the default icons of BackButton, CloseButton, DrawerButton, and EndDrawerButton with ActionIconTheme.of or the overall Theme's ThemeData.actionIconTheme.
- ActionListener
- A helper widget for making sure that listeners on an action are removed properly.
- Actions
- A widget that maps Intents to Actions to be used by its descendants when invoking an Action.
- ActivateAction
- An Action that activates the currently focused control.
- ActivateIntent
- An Intent that activates the currently focused control.
T> -
Defines a customized theme for components with an
factory constructor. - AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar
- The default context menu for text selection for the current platform.
- AlertDialog
- A Material Design alert dialog.
- Align
- A widget that aligns its child within itself and optionally sizes itself based on the child's size.
- Alignment
- A point within a rectangle.
- AlignmentDirectional
- An offset that's expressed as a fraction of a Size, but whose horizontal component is dependent on the writing direction.
- AlignmentGeometry
- Base class for Alignment that allows for text-direction aware resolution.
- AlignmentGeometryTween
- An interpolation between two AlignmentGeometry.
- AlignmentTween
- An interpolation between two alignments.
- AlignTransition
- Animated version of an Align that animates its Align.alignment property.
- AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics
- Scroll physics that always lets the user scroll.
T> - An animation that is always stopped at a given value.
- AndroidView
- Embeds an Android view in the Widget hierarchy.
- AndroidViewSurface
- Integrates an Android view with Flutter's compositor, touch, and semantics subsystems.
T> -
An object that can produce a value of type
given an Animation<double> as input. - AnimatedAlign
- Animated version of Align which automatically transitions the child's position over a given duration whenever the given alignment changes.
- AnimatedBuilder
- A general-purpose widget for building animations.
- AnimatedContainer
- Animated version of Container that gradually changes its values over a period of time.
- AnimatedCrossFade
- A widget that cross-fades between two given children and animates itself between their sizes.
- AnimatedDefaultTextStyle
- Animated version of DefaultTextStyle which automatically transitions the default text style (the text style to apply to descendant Text widgets without explicit style) over a given duration whenever the given style changes.
- AnimatedFractionallySizedBox
- Animated version of FractionallySizedBox which automatically transitions the child's size over a given duration whenever the given widthFactor or heightFactor changes, as well as the position whenever the given alignment changes.
- AnimatedGrid
- A scrolling container that animates items when they are inserted into or removed from a grid. in a grid.
- AnimatedGridState
- The State for an AnimatedGrid that animates items when they are inserted or removed.
- AnimatedIcon
- Shows an animated icon at a given animation progress.
- AnimatedIconData
- Vector graphics data for icons used by AnimatedIcon.
- AnimatedIcons
- Identifier for the supported Material Design animated icons.
- AnimatedList
- A scrolling container that animates items when they are inserted or removed.
- AnimatedListState
- The AnimatedListState for AnimatedList, a scrolling list container that animates items when they are inserted or removed.
- AnimatedModalBarrier
- A widget that prevents the user from interacting with widgets behind itself, and can be configured with an animated color value.
- AnimatedOpacity
- Animated version of Opacity which automatically transitions the child's opacity over a given duration whenever the given opacity changes.
- AnimatedPadding
- Animated version of Padding which automatically transitions the indentation over a given duration whenever the given inset changes.
- AnimatedPhysicalModel
- Animated version of PhysicalModel.
- AnimatedPositioned
- Animated version of Positioned which automatically transitions the child's position over a given duration whenever the given position changes.
- AnimatedPositionedDirectional
- Animated version of PositionedDirectional which automatically transitions the child's position over a given duration whenever the given position changes.
- AnimatedRotation
- Animated version of Transform.rotate which automatically transitions the child's rotation over a given duration whenever the given rotation changes.
- AnimatedScale
- Animated version of Transform.scale which automatically transitions the child's scale over a given duration whenever the given scale changes.
- AnimatedSize
- Animated widget that automatically transitions its size over a given duration whenever the given child's size changes.
- AnimatedSlide
- Widget which automatically transitions the child's offset relative to its normal position whenever the given offset changes.
- AnimatedSwitcher
- A widget that by default does a cross-fade between a new widget and the widget previously set on the AnimatedSwitcher as a child.
- AnimatedTheme
- Animated version of Theme which automatically transitions the colors, etc, over a given duration whenever the given theme changes.
- AnimatedWidget
- A widget that rebuilds when the given Listenable changes value.
T extends ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget> - A base class for widgets with implicit animations that need to rebuild their widget tree as the animation runs.
T> - A value which might change over time, moving forward or backward.
- AnimationController
- A controller for an animation.
T extends num> - An animation that tracks the maximum of two other animations.
- AnimationMean
- An animation of doubles that tracks the mean of two other animations.
T extends num> - An animation that tracks the minimum of two other animations.
- AnimationStyle
- Used to override the default parameters of an animation.
T extends Object> - Annotates a region of the layer tree with a value.
- AppBar
- A Material Design app bar.
- AppBarTheme
- Overrides the default values of visual properties for descendant AppBar widgets.
- AppKitView
- Widget that contains a macOS AppKit view.
- AppLifecycleListener
- A listener that can be used to listen to changes in the application lifecycle.
- AspectRatio
- A widget that attempts to size the child to a specific aspect ratio.
- AssetBundle
- A collection of resources used by the application.
- AssetBundleImageKey
- Key for the image obtained by an AssetImage or ExactAssetImage.
- AssetBundleImageProvider
- A subclass of ImageProvider that knows about AssetBundles.
- AssetImage
- Fetches an image from an AssetBundle, having determined the exact image to use based on the context.
T> - Immutable representation of the most recent interaction with an asynchronous computation.
T extends Object> - A widget for helping the user make a selection by entering some text and choosing from among a list of options.
- AutocompleteHighlightedOption
- An inherited widget used to indicate which autocomplete option should be highlighted for keyboard navigation.
- AutocompleteNextOptionIntent
- An Intent to highlight the next option in the autocomplete list.
- AutocompletePreviousOptionIntent
- An Intent to highlight the previous option in the autocomplete list.
- AutofillGroup
- An AutofillScope widget that groups AutofillClients together.
- AutofillGroupState
- State associated with an AutofillGroup widget.
- AutofillHints
- A collection of commonly used autofill hint strings on different platforms.
- AutomaticKeepAlive
- Allows subtrees to request to be kept alive in lazy lists.
- AutomaticNotchedShape
- A NotchedShape created from ShapeBorders.
- BackButton
- A Material Design back icon button.
- BackButtonDispatcher
- Report to a Router when the user taps the back button on platforms that support back buttons (such as Android).
- BackButtonIcon
- A "back" icon that's appropriate for the current TargetPlatform.
- BackButtonListener
- A convenience widget that registers a callback for when the back button is pressed.
- BackdropFilter
- A widget that applies a filter to the existing painted content and then paints child.
- BackdropGroup
- A widget that establishes a shared backdrop layer for all child BackdropFilter widgets that opt into using it.
- BackdropKey
- A backdrop key uniquely identifies the backdrop that a BackdropFilterLayer samples from.
- Badge
- A Material Design "badge".
- BadgeTheme
- An inherited widget that overrides the default color style, and size parameters for Badges in this widget's subtree.
- BadgeThemeData
- Overrides the default properties values for descendant Badge widgets.
- BallisticScrollActivity
- An activity that animates a scroll view based on a physics Simulation.
- Banner
- Displays a diagonal message above the corner of another widget.
- BannerPainter
- Paints a Banner.
- Baseline
- A widget that positions its child according to the child's baseline.
- BeveledRectangleBorder
- A rectangular border with flattened or "beveled" corners.
- BlockSemantics
- A widget that drops the semantics of all widget that were painted before it in the same semantic container.
- Border
- A border of a box, comprised of four sides: top, right, bottom, left.
- BorderDirectional
- A border of a box, comprised of four sides, the lateral sides of which flip over based on the reading direction.
- BorderRadius
- An immutable set of radii for each corner of a rectangle.
- BorderRadiusDirectional
- An immutable set of radii for each corner of a rectangle, but with the corners specified in a manner dependent on the writing direction.
- BorderRadiusGeometry
- Base class for BorderRadius that allows for text-direction aware resolution.
- BorderRadiusTween
- An interpolation between two BorderRadiuss.
- BorderSide
- A side of a border of a box.
- BorderTween
- An interpolation between two Borders.
- BottomAppBar
- A container that is typically used with Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar.
- BottomAppBarTheme
- Defines default property values for descendant BottomAppBar widgets.
- A material widget that's displayed at the bottom of an app for selecting among a small number of views, typically between three and five.
- An interactive button within either material's BottomNavigationBar or the iOS themed CupertinoTabBar with an icon and title.
- Applies a bottom navigation bar theme to descendant BottomNavigationBar widgets.
- Defines default property values for descendant BottomNavigationBar widgets.
- BottomSheet
- A Material Design bottom sheet.
- BottomSheetThemeData
- Defines default property values for BottomSheet's Material.
- BouncingScrollPhysics
- Scroll physics for environments that allow the scroll offset to go beyond the bounds of the content, but then bounce the content back to the edge of those bounds.
- BouncingScrollSimulation
- An implementation of scroll physics that matches iOS.
- BoxBorder
- Base class for box borders that can paint as rectangles, circles, or rounded rectangles.
- BoxConstraints
- Immutable layout constraints for RenderBox layout.
- BoxConstraintsTween
- An interpolation between two BoxConstraints.
- BoxDecoration
- An immutable description of how to paint a box.
- BoxPainter
- A stateful class that can paint a particular Decoration.
- BoxScrollView
- A ScrollView that uses a single child layout model.
- BoxShadow
- A shadow cast by a box.
- BuildContext
- A handle to the location of a widget in the widget tree.
- Builder
- A stateless utility widget whose build method uses its builder callback to create the widget's child.
- BuildOwner
- Manager class for the widgets framework.
- BuildScope
- A class that determines the scope of a BuildOwner.buildScope operation.
- ButtonActivateIntent
- An Intent that activates the currently focused button.
- ButtonBar
- An end-aligned row of buttons, laying out into a column if there is not enough horizontal space.
- ButtonBarTheme
- Applies a button bar theme to descendant ButtonBar widgets.
- ButtonBarThemeData
- Defines the visual properties of ButtonBar widgets.
T> - Data describing a segment of a SegmentedButton.
- ButtonStyle
- The visual properties that most buttons have in common.
- ButtonStyleButton
- The base StatefulWidget class for buttons whose style is defined by a ButtonStyle object.
- ButtonTheme
- Used with ButtonThemeData to configure the color and geometry of buttons.
- ButtonThemeData
- Used with ButtonTheme to configure the color and geometry of buttons.
- CalendarDatePicker
- Displays a grid of days for a given month and allows the user to select a date.
T extends Intent> - An Action that takes a callback in order to configure it without having to create an explicit Action subclass just to call a callback.
- CallbackShortcuts
- A widget that binds key combinations to specific callbacks.
- Canvas
- An interface for recording graphical operations.
- CapturedThemes
- Stores a list of captured InheritedThemes that can be wrapped around a child Widget.
- Card
- A Material Design card: a panel with slightly rounded corners and an elevation shadow.
- CardTheme
- Defines default property values for descendant Card widgets.
- CardThemeData
- Defines default property values for descendant Card widgets.
- CarouselController
- A controller for CarouselView.
- CarouselScrollPhysics
- Scroll physics used by a CarouselView.
- CarouselView
- A Material Design carousel widget.
- CatmullRomCurve
- An animation easing curve that passes smoothly through the given control points using a centripetal Catmull-Rom spline.
- CatmullRomSpline
- A 2D spline that passes smoothly through the given control points using a centripetal Catmull-Rom spline.
- Center
- A widget that centers its child within itself.
- ChangeNotifier
- A class that can be extended or mixed in that provides a change notification API using VoidCallback for notifications.
- CharacterActivator
- A shortcut combination that is triggered by a key event that produces a specific character.
- CharacterRange
- A range of characters of a Characters.
- Characters
- The characters of a string.
- CheckboxListTile
- A ListTile with a Checkbox. In other words, a checkbox with a label.
- CheckboxMenuButton
- A menu item that combines a Checkbox widget with a MenuItemButton.
- CheckboxTheme
- Applies a checkbox theme to descendant Checkbox widgets.
- CheckboxThemeData
- Defines default property values for descendant Checkbox widgets.
- CheckedModeBanner
- Displays a Banner saying "DEBUG" when running in debug mode. MaterialApp builds one of these by default.
T> - An item with a checkmark in a Material Design popup menu.
- CheckmarkableChipAttributes
- An interface for Material Design chips that can have check marks.
- ChildBackButtonDispatcher
- A variant of BackButtonDispatcher which listens to notifications from a parent back button dispatcher, and can take priority from its parent for the handling of such notifications.
- ChildVicinity
- The relative position of a child in a TwoDimensionalViewport in relation to other children of the viewport.
- Chip
- A Material Design chip.
- ChipAnimationStyle
- A helper class that overrides the default chip animation parameters.
- ChipAttributes
- An interface defining the base attributes for a Material Design chip.
- ChipTheme
- Applies a chip theme to descendant RawChip-based widgets, like Chip, InputChip, ChoiceChip, FilterChip, and ActionChip.
- ChipThemeData
- Holds the color, shape, and text styles for a Material Design chip theme.
- ChoiceChip
- A Material Design choice chip.
- CircleAvatar
- A circle that represents a user.
- CircleBorder
- A border that fits a circle within the available space.
- CircularNotchedRectangle
- A rectangle with a smooth circular notch.
- CircularProgressIndicator
- A Material Design circular progress indicator, which spins to indicate that the application is busy.
- ClampingScrollPhysics
- Scroll physics for environments that prevent the scroll offset from reaching beyond the bounds of the content.
- ClampingScrollSimulation
- An implementation of scroll physics that aligns with Android.
- ClipboardStatusNotifier
- A ValueNotifier whose value indicates whether the current contents of the clipboard can be pasted.
- ClipContext
- Clip utilities used by PaintingContext.
- ClipOval
- A widget that clips its child using an oval.
- ClipPath
- A widget that clips its child using a path.
- ClipRect
- A widget that clips its child using a rectangle.
- ClipRRect
- A widget that clips its child using a rounded rectangle.
- CloseButton
- A Material Design close icon button.
- CloseButtonIcon
- A "close" icon that's appropriate for the current TargetPlatform.
- Color
- An immutable color value in ARGB format.
- ColoredBox
- A widget that paints its area with a specified Color and then draws its child on top of that color.
- ColorFilter
- A description of a color filter to apply when drawing a shape or compositing a layer with a particular Paint. A color filter is a function that takes two colors, and outputs one color. When applied during compositing, it is independently applied to each pixel of the layer being drawn before the entire layer is merged with the destination.
- ColorFiltered
- Applies a ColorFilter to its child.
- ColorProperty
- DiagnosticsProperty that has an Color as value.
- Colors
- Color and ColorSwatch constants which represent Material design's color palette.
- ColorScheme
- A set of 45 colors based on the Material spec that can be used to configure the color properties of most components.
T> - A color that has a small table of related colors called a "swatch".
- ColorTween
- An interpolation between two colors.
- Column
- A widget that displays its children in a vertical array.
- ComponentElement
- An Element that composes other Elements.
- CompositedTransformFollower
- A widget that follows a CompositedTransformTarget.
- CompositedTransformTarget
- A widget that can be targeted by a CompositedTransformFollower.
T> -
An interface for combining multiple Animations. Subclasses need only
implement the
getter to control how the child animations are combined. Can be chained to combine more than 2 animations. -
T> - A tween with a constant value.
- ConstrainedBox
- A widget that imposes additional constraints on its child.
ConstraintType extends Constraints> - An abstract superclass for widgets that defer their building until layout.
- ConstraintsTransformBox
- A container widget that applies an arbitrary transform to its constraints, and sizes its child using the resulting BoxConstraints, optionally clipping, or treating the overflow as an error.
- Container
- A convenience widget that combines common painting, positioning, and sizing widgets.
- ContentInsertionConfiguration
- Configures the ability to insert media content through the soft keyboard.
T extends Intent> - An abstract Action subclass that adds an optional BuildContext to the isEnabled and invoke methods to be able to provide context to actions.
- ContextMenuButtonItem
- The type and callback for a context menu button.
- ContextMenuController
- Builds and manages a context menu at a given location.
- ContinuousRectangleBorder
- A rectangular border with smooth continuous transitions between the straight sides and the rounded corners.
- ControlsDetails
- Container for all the information necessary to build a Stepper widget's forward and backward controls for any given step.
- CopySelectionTextIntent
- An Intent that represents a user interaction that attempts to copy or cut the current selection in the field.
- Cubic
- A cubic polynomial mapping of the unit interval.
- CupertinoBasedMaterialThemeData
- A class for creating a Material theme with a color scheme based off of the colors from a CupertinoThemeData. This is intended to be used only in the case when a Material widget is unable to find a Material theme in the tree, but is able to find a Cupertino theme. Most often this will occur when a Material widget is used inside of a CupertinoApp.
- CupertinoPageTransitionsBuilder
- Used by PageTransitionsTheme to define a horizontal MaterialPageRoute page transition animation that matches native iOS page transitions.
- Curve
- An parametric animation easing curve, i.e. a mapping of the unit interval to the unit interval.
- Curve2D
- Abstract class that defines an API for evaluating 2D parametric curves.
- Curve2DSample
- A class that holds a sample of a 2D parametric curve, containing the value (the X, Y coordinates) of the curve at the parametric value t.
- CurvedAnimation
- An animation that applies a curve to another animation.
- Curves
- A collection of common animation curves.
- CurveTween
- Transforms the value of the given animation by the given curve.
T> - An interface for providing custom clips.
- CustomMultiChildLayout
- A widget that uses a delegate to size and position multiple children.
- CustomPaint
- A widget that provides a canvas on which to draw during the paint phase.
- CustomPainter
- The interface used by CustomPaint (in the widgets library) and RenderCustomPaint (in the rendering library).
- CustomPainterSemantics
- Contains properties describing information drawn in a rectangle contained by the Canvas used by a CustomPaint.
- CustomScrollView
- A ScrollView that creates custom scroll effects using slivers.
- CustomSingleChildLayout
- A widget that defers the layout of its single child to a delegate.
- DataCell
- The data for a cell of a DataTable.
- DataColumn
- Column configuration for a DataTable.
- DataRow
- Row configuration and cell data for a DataTable.
- DataTable
- A data table that follows the Material 2 design specification.
- DataTableSource
- A data source for obtaining row data for PaginatedDataTable objects.
- DataTableTheme
- Applies a data table theme to descendant DataTable widgets.
- DataTableThemeData
- Defines default property values for descendant DataTable widgets.
- DatePickerDialog
- A Material-style date picker dialog.
- DatePickerTheme
- An inherited widget that defines the visual properties for DatePickerDialogs in this widget's subtree.
- DatePickerThemeData
- Overrides the default values of visual properties for descendant DatePickerDialog widgets.
- DateRangePickerDialog
- A Material-style date range picker dialog.
- DateTimeRange
- Encapsulates a start and end DateTime that represent the range of dates.
- DateUtils
- Utility functions for working with dates.
- DebugCreator
- A wrapper class for the Element that is the creator of a RenderObject.
- DecoratedBox
- A widget that paints a Decoration either before or after its child paints.
- DecoratedBoxTransition
- Animated version of a DecoratedBox that animates the different properties of its Decoration.
- DecoratedSliver
- A sliver widget that paints a Decoration either before or after its child paints.
- Decoration
- A description of a box decoration (a decoration applied to a Rect).
- DecorationImage
- An image for a box decoration.
- DecorationImagePainter
- The painter for a DecorationImage.
- DecorationTween
- An interpolation between two Decorations.
- DefaultAssetBundle
- A widget that determines the default asset bundle for its descendants.
- DefaultMaterialLocalizations
- US English strings for the material widgets.
- DefaultPlatformMenuDelegate
- The platform menu delegate that handles the built-in macOS platform menu generation using the 'flutter/menu' channel.
- DefaultSelectionStyle
- The selection style to apply to descendant EditableText widgets which don't have an explicit style.
- DefaultTabController
- The TabController for descendant widgets that don't specify one explicitly.
- DefaultTextEditingShortcuts
- A widget with the shortcuts used for the default text editing behavior.
- DefaultTextHeightBehavior
- The TextHeightBehavior that will apply to descendant Text and EditableText widgets which have not explicitly set Text.textHeightBehavior.
- DefaultTextStyle
- The text style to apply to descendant Text widgets which don't have an explicit style.
- DefaultTextStyleTransition
- Animated version of a DefaultTextStyle that animates the different properties of its TextStyle.
T> - The default implementation of TransitionDelegate that the Navigator will use if its Navigator.transitionDelegate is not specified.
- DefaultWidgetsLocalizations
- US English localizations for the widgets library.
- DeletableChipAttributes
- An interface for Material Design chips that can be deleted.
- DeleteCharacterIntent
Deletes the character before or after the caret location, based on whether
is true. - DeleteToLineBreakIntent
Deletes from the current caret location to the previous or next soft or hard
line break, based on whether
is true. - DeleteToNextWordBoundaryIntent
Deletes from the current caret location to the previous or next word
boundary, based on whether
is true. - DesktopTextSelectionControls
- Desktop Material styled text selection controls.
- DesktopTextSelectionToolbar
- A Material-style desktop text selection toolbar.
- DesktopTextSelectionToolbarButton
- A TextButton for the Material desktop text selection toolbar.
- DesktopTextSelectionToolbarLayoutDelegate
- Positions the toolbar at anchor if it fits, otherwise moves it so that it just fits fully on-screen.
- DevToolsDeepLinkProperty
- Debugging message for DevTools deep links.
- DiagnosticsNode
- Defines diagnostics data for a value.
- Dialog
- A Material Design dialog.
T> - A dialog route with Material entrance and exit animations, modal barrier color, and modal barrier behavior (dialog is dismissible with a tap on the barrier).
- DialogTheme
- Defines a theme for Dialog widgets.
- DialogThemeData
- Defines default property values for descendant Dialog widgets.
- DirectionalCaretMovementIntent
- A DirectionalTextEditingIntent that moves the caret or the selection to a new location.
- DirectionalFocusAction
- An Action that moves the focus to the focusable node in the direction configured by the associated DirectionalFocusIntent.direction.
- DirectionalFocusIntent
- An Intent that represents moving to the next focusable node in the given direction.
- Directionality
- A widget that determines the ambient directionality of text and text-direction-sensitive render objects.
- DirectionalTextEditingIntent
- A text editing related Intent that performs an operation towards a given direction of the current caret location.
- DisabledChipAttributes
- An interface for Material Design chips that can be enabled and disabled.
- DismissAction
- An Action that dismisses the focused widget.
- Dismissible
- A widget that can be dismissed by dragging in the indicated direction.
- DismissIntent
- An Intent that dismisses the currently focused widget.
- DismissMenuAction
- An action that closes all the menus associated with the given MenuController.
- DismissUpdateDetails
- Details for DismissUpdateCallback.
- DisplayFeatureSubScreen
- Positions child such that it avoids overlapping any DisplayFeature that splits the screen into sub-screens.
T extends State< StatefulWidget> > - Provides non-leaking access to a BuildContext.
- Divider
- A thin horizontal line, with padding on either side.
- DividerTheme
- An inherited widget that defines the configuration for Dividers, VerticalDividers, dividers between ListTiles, and dividers between rows in DataTables in this widget's subtree.
- DividerThemeData
- Defines the visual properties of Divider, VerticalDivider, dividers between ListTiles, and dividers between rows in DataTables.
- DoNothingAction
- An Action that doesn't perform any action when invoked.
- DoNothingAndStopPropagationIntent
- An Intent that is bound to a DoNothingAction, but, in addition to not performing an action, also stops the propagation of the key event bound to this intent to other key event handlers in the focus chain.
- DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent
- An Intent to send the event straight to the engine.
- DoNothingIntent
- An Intent that is bound to a DoNothingAction.
- DragBoundary
- Provides a DragBoundaryDelegate for its descendants whose bounds are those defined by this widget.
T> - The interface for defining the algorithm for a boundary that a specified shape is dragged within.
- DragDownDetails
- Details object for callbacks that use GestureDragDownCallback.
- DragEndDetails
- Details object for callbacks that use GestureDragEndCallback.
T extends Object> - A widget that can be dragged from to a DragTarget.
- DraggableDetails
- Represents the details when a specific pointer event occurred on the Draggable.
- DraggableScrollableActuator
- A widget that can notify a descendent DraggableScrollableSheet that it should reset its position to the initial state.
- DraggableScrollableController
- Controls a DraggableScrollableSheet.
- DraggableScrollableNotification
- A Notification related to the extent, which is the size, and scroll offset, which is the position of the child list, of the DraggableScrollableSheet.
- DraggableScrollableSheet
- A container for a Scrollable that responds to drag gestures by resizing the scrollable until a limit is reached, and then scrolling.
- DragScrollActivity
- The activity a scroll view performs when the user drags their finger across the screen.
- DragStartDetails
- Details object for callbacks that use GestureDragStartCallback.
T extends Object> - A widget that receives data when a Draggable widget is dropped.
T> - Represents the details when a pointer event occurred on the DragTarget.
- DragUpdateDetails
- Details object for callbacks that use GestureDragUpdateCallback.
- Drawer
- A Material Design panel that slides in horizontally from the edge of a Scaffold to show navigation links in an application.
- DrawerButton
- A Material Design drawer icon button.
- DrawerButtonIcon
- A "drawer" icon that's appropriate for the current TargetPlatform.
- DrawerController
- Provides interactive behavior for Drawer widgets.
- DrawerControllerState
- State for a DrawerController.
- DrawerHeader
- The top-most region of a Material Design drawer. The header's child widget, if any, is placed inside a Container whose decoration can be passed as an argument, inset by the given padding.
- DrawerTheme
- An inherited widget that defines visual properties for Drawers in this widget's subtree.
- DrawerThemeData
- Defines default property values for descendant Drawer widgets.
- DrivenScrollActivity
- An activity that animates a scroll view based on animation parameters.
T> - A Material Design button for selecting from a list of items.
T> - A FormField that contains a DropdownButton.
- DropdownButtonHideUnderline
- An inherited widget that causes any descendant DropdownButton widgets to not include their regular underline.
T> - A dropdown menu that can be opened from a TextField. The selected menu item is displayed in that field.
T> - Defines a DropdownMenu menu button that represents one item view in the menu.
T> - An item in a menu created by a DropdownButton.
- DropdownMenuTheme
- An inherited widget that defines the visual properties for DropdownMenus in this widget's subtree.
- DropdownMenuThemeData
- Overrides the default values of visual properties for descendant DropdownMenu widgets.
- DropSliderValueIndicatorShape
- The default shape of a Material 3 Slider's value indicator.
- DualTransitionBuilder
- A transition builder that animates its child based on the AnimationStatus of the provided animation.
- Durations
- The set of durations in the Material specification.
- Easing
- The set of easing curves in the Material specification.
- EdgeDraggingAutoScroller
- An auto scroller that scrolls the scrollable if a drag gesture drags close to its edge.
- EdgeInsets
- An immutable set of offsets in each of the four cardinal directions.
- EdgeInsetsDirectional
- An immutable set of offsets in each of the four cardinal directions, but whose horizontal components are dependent on the writing direction.
- EdgeInsetsGeometry
- Base class for EdgeInsets that allows for text-direction aware resolution.
- EdgeInsetsGeometryTween
- An interpolation between two EdgeInsetsGeometrys.
- EdgeInsetsTween
- An interpolation between two EdgeInsetss.
- EditableText
- A basic text input field.
- EditableTextState
- State for an EditableText.
- EditableTextTapOutsideIntent
- An Intent that represents a tap outside the field.
- ElasticInCurve
- An oscillating curve that grows in magnitude while overshooting its bounds.
- ElasticInOutCurve
- An oscillating curve that grows and then shrinks in magnitude while overshooting its bounds.
- ElasticOutCurve
- An oscillating curve that shrinks in magnitude while overshooting its bounds.
- Element
- An instantiation of a Widget at a particular location in the tree.
- ElevatedButton
- A Material Design "elevated button".
- ElevatedButtonTheme
- Overrides the default ButtonStyle of its ElevatedButton descendants.
- ElevatedButtonThemeData
- A ButtonStyle that overrides the default appearance of ElevatedButtons when it's used with ElevatedButtonTheme or with the overall Theme's ThemeData.elevatedButtonTheme.
- ElevationOverlay
- A utility class for dealing with the overlay color needed to indicate elevation of surfaces.
- EmptyTextSelectionControls
- Text selection controls that do not show any toolbars or handles.
- EndDrawerButton
- A Material Design end drawer icon button.
- EndDrawerButtonIcon
- A "end drawer" icon that's appropriate for the current TargetPlatform.
- ErrorDescription
- An explanation of the problem and its cause, any information that may help track down the problem, background information, etc.
- ErrorHint
- An ErrorHint provides specific, non-obvious advice that may be applicable.
- ErrorSummary
- A short (one line) description of the problem that was detected.
- ErrorWidget
- A widget that renders an exception's message.
- ExactAssetImage
- Fetches an image from an AssetBundle, associating it with the given scale.
- ExcludeFocus
- A widget that controls whether or not the descendants of this widget are focusable.
- ExcludeFocusTraversal
- A widget that controls whether or not the descendants of this widget are traversable.
- ExcludeSemantics
- A widget that drops all the semantics of its descendants.
- Expanded
- A widget that expands a child of a Row, Column, or Flex so that the child fills the available space.
- ExpandIcon
- A widget representing a rotating expand/collapse button. The icon rotates 180 degrees when pressed, then reverts the animation on a second press. The underlying icon is Icons.expand_more.
- ExpandSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent
- Expands the current selection to the document boundary in the direction given by forward.
- ExpandSelectionToLineBreakIntent
- Expands the current selection to the closest line break in the direction given by forward.
- ExpansionPanel
- A material expansion panel. It has a header and a body and can be either expanded or collapsed. The body of the panel is only visible when it is expanded.
- ExpansionPanelList
- A material expansion panel list that lays out its children and animates expansions.
- ExpansionPanelRadio
- An expansion panel that allows for radio-like functionality. This means that at any given time, at most, one ExpansionPanelRadio can remain expanded.
- ExpansionTile
- A single-line ListTile with an expansion arrow icon that expands or collapses the tile to reveal or hide the children.
- ExpansionTileController
- Enables control over a single ExpansionTile's expanded/collapsed state.
- ExpansionTileTheme
- Overrides the default ExpansionTileTheme of its ExpansionTile descendants.
- ExpansionTileThemeData
- Used with ExpansionTileTheme to define default property values for descendant ExpansionTile widgets.
- ExtendSelectionByCharacterIntent
- Extends, or moves the current selection from the current TextSelection.extent position to the previous or the next character boundary.
- ExtendSelectionByPageIntent
- Scrolls up or down by page depending on the forward parameter. Extends the selection up or down by page based on the forward parameter.
- ExtendSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent
- Extends, or moves the current selection from the current TextSelection.extent position to the start or the end of the document.
- ExtendSelectionToLineBreakIntent
- Extends, or moves the current selection from the current TextSelection.extent position to the closest line break in the direction given by forward.
- ExtendSelectionToNextParagraphBoundaryIntent
- Extends, or moves the current selection from the current TextSelection.extent position to the previous or the next paragraph boundary.
- ExtendSelectionToNextParagraphBoundaryOrCaretLocationIntent
- Extends, or moves the current selection from the current TextSelection.extent position to the previous or the next paragraph boundary depending on the forward parameter.
- ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryIntent
- Extends, or moves the current selection from the current TextSelection.extent position to the previous or the next word boundary.
- ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryOrCaretLocationIntent
- Extends, or moves the current selection from the current TextSelection.extent position to the previous or the next word boundary, or the TextSelection.base position if it's closer in the move direction.
- ExtendSelectionVerticallyToAdjacentLineIntent
- Extends, or moves the current selection from the current TextSelection.extent position to the closest position on the adjacent line.
- ExtendSelectionVerticallyToAdjacentPageIntent
- Expands, or moves the current selection from the current TextSelection.extent position to the closest position on the adjacent page.
- FadeForwardsPageTransitionsBuilder
- Used by PageTransitionsTheme to define a horizontal MaterialPageRoute page transition animation that looks like the default page transition used on Android U.
- FadeInImage
- An image that shows a placeholder image while the target image is loading, then fades in the new image when it loads.
- FadeTransition
- Animates the opacity of a widget.
- FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder
- Used by PageTransitionsTheme to define a vertically fading MaterialPageRoute page transition animation that looks like the default page transition used on Android O.
- Feedback
- Provides platform-specific acoustic and/or haptic feedback for certain actions.
- FileImage
- Decodes the given File object as an image, associating it with the given scale.
- FilledButton
- A Material Design filled button.
- FilledButtonTheme
- Overrides the default ButtonStyle of its FilledButton descendants.
- FilledButtonThemeData
- A ButtonStyle that overrides the default appearance of FilledButtons when it's used with FilledButtonTheme or with the overall Theme's ThemeData.filledButtonTheme.
- FilterChip
- A Material Design filter chip.
- FittedBox
- Scales and positions its child within itself according to fit.
- FittedSizes
- The pair of sizes returned by applyBoxFit.
- FixedColumnWidth
- Sizes the column to a specific number of pixels.
- FixedExtentMetrics
- Metrics for a ScrollPosition to a scroll view with fixed item sizes.
- FixedExtentScrollController
- A controller for scroll views whose items have the same size.
- FixedExtentScrollPhysics
- A snapping physics that always lands directly on items instead of anywhere within the scroll extent.
- FixedScrollMetrics
- An immutable snapshot of values associated with a Scrollable viewport.
- Flex
- A widget that displays its children in a one-dimensional array.
- FlexColumnWidth
- Sizes the column by taking a part of the remaining space once all the other columns have been laid out.
- Flexible
- A widget that controls how a child of a Row, Column, or Flex flexes.
- FlexibleSpaceBar
- The part of a Material Design AppBar that expands, collapses, and stretches.
- FlexibleSpaceBarSettings
- Provides sizing and opacity information to a FlexibleSpaceBar.
- FlippedCurve
- A curve that is the reversed inversion of its given curve.
- FlippedTweenSequence
- Enables creating a flipped Animation whose value is defined by a sequence of Tweens.
- FloatingActionButton
- A Material Design floating action button.
- FloatingActionButtonAnimator
- Provider of animations to move the FloatingActionButton between FloatingActionButtonLocations.
- FloatingActionButtonLocation
- An object that defines a position for the FloatingActionButton based on the Scaffold's ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry.
- FloatingActionButtonThemeData
- Defines default property values for descendant FloatingActionButton widgets.
- FloatingLabelAlignment
- Defines where the floating label should be displayed within an InputDecorator.
- Flow
- A widget that sizes and positions children efficiently, according to the logic in a FlowDelegate.
- FlowDelegate
- A delegate that controls the appearance of a flow layout.
- FlowPaintingContext
- A context in which a FlowDelegate paints.
- FlutterErrorDetails
- Class for information provided to FlutterExceptionHandler callbacks.
- FlutterLogo
- The Flutter logo, in widget form. This widget respects the IconTheme. For guidelines on using the Flutter logo, visit
- FlutterLogoDecoration
- An immutable description of how to paint Flutter's logo.
- Focus
- A widget that manages a FocusNode to allow keyboard focus to be given to this widget and its descendants.
- FocusableActionDetector
- A widget that combines the functionality of Actions, Shortcuts, MouseRegion and a Focus widget to create a detector that defines actions and key bindings, and provides callbacks for handling focus and hover highlights.
- FocusAttachment
- An attachment point for a FocusNode.
- FocusManager
- Manages the focus tree.
- FocusNode
- An object that can be used by a stateful widget to obtain the keyboard focus and to handle keyboard events.
- FocusOrder
- Base class for all sort orders for OrderedTraversalPolicy traversal.
- FocusScope
- A FocusScope is similar to a Focus, but also serves as a scope for its descendants, restricting focus traversal to the scoped controls.
- FocusScopeNode
- A subclass of FocusNode that acts as a scope for its descendants, maintaining information about which descendant is currently or was last focused.
- FocusTraversalGroup
- A widget that describes the inherited focus policy for focus traversal for its descendants, grouping them into a separate traversal group.
- FocusTraversalOrder
- An inherited widget that describes the order in which its child subtree should be traversed.
- FocusTraversalPolicy
- Determines how focusable widgets are traversed within a FocusTraversalGroup.
- FontFeature
- A feature tag and value that affect the selection of glyphs in a font.
- FontVariation
- An axis tag and value that can be used to customize variable fonts.
- FontWeight
- The thickness of the glyphs used to draw the text.
- ForcePressDetails
- Details object for callbacks that use GestureForcePressStartCallback, GestureForcePressPeakCallback, GestureForcePressEndCallback or GestureForcePressUpdateCallback.
- Form
- An optional container for grouping together multiple form field widgets (e.g. TextField widgets).
T> - A single form field.
T> - The current state of a FormField. Passed to the FormFieldBuilder method for use in constructing the form field's widget.
- FormState
- State associated with a Form widget.
- FractionallySizedBox
- A widget that sizes its child to a fraction of the total available space. For more details about the layout algorithm, see RenderFractionallySizedOverflowBox.
- FractionalOffset
- An offset that's expressed as a fraction of a Size.
- FractionalOffsetTween
- An interpolation between two fractional offsets.
- FractionalTranslation
- Applies a translation transformation before painting its child.
- FractionColumnWidth
- Sizes the column to a fraction of the table's constraints' maxWidth.
T> - A widget that builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with a Future.
- GappedSliderTrackShape
- The gapped shape of a Slider's track.
- GestureDetector
- A widget that detects gestures.
T extends GestureRecognizer> - Factory for creating gesture recognizers.
T extends GestureRecognizer> - Factory for creating gesture recognizers that delegates to callbacks.
T extends State< StatefulWidget> > - A key that is unique across the entire app.
T extends State< StatefulWidget> > - A global key that takes its identity from the object used as its value.
- GlowingOverscrollIndicator
- A visual indication that a scroll view has overscrolled.
- GlyphInfo
- The measurements of a character (or a sequence of visually connected characters) within a paragraph.
- Gradient
- A 2D gradient.
- GradientRotation
- A GradientTransform that rotates the gradient around the center-point of its bounding box.
- GradientTransform
- Base class for transforming gradient shaders without applying the same transform to the entire canvas.
- GridPaper
- A widget that draws a rectilinear grid of lines one pixel wide.
- GridTile
- A tile in a Material Design grid list.
- GridTileBar
- A header used in a Material Design GridTile.
- GridView
- A scrollable, 2D array of widgets.
- HandleThumbShape
- The bar shape of a Slider's thumb.
- Hero
- A widget that marks its child as being a candidate for hero animations.
- HeroController
- A Navigator observer that manages Hero transitions.
- HeroControllerScope
- An inherited widget to host a hero controller.
- HeroMode
- Enables or disables Heroes in the widget subtree.
- HoldScrollActivity
- A scroll activity that does nothing but can be released to resume normal idle behavior.
- HSLColor
- A color represented using alpha, hue, saturation, and lightness.
- HSVColor
- A color represented using alpha, hue, saturation, and value.
- HtmlElementView
- Embeds an HTML element in the Widget hierarchy in Flutter web.
- Icon
- A graphical icon widget drawn with a glyph from a font described in an IconData such as material's predefined IconDatas in Icons.
- IconButtonTheme
- Overrides the default ButtonStyle of its IconButton descendants.
- IconButtonThemeData
- A ButtonStyle that overrides the default appearance of IconButtons when it's used with the IconButton, the IconButtonTheme or the overall Theme's ThemeData.iconButtonTheme.
- IconData
- A description of an icon fulfilled by a font glyph.
- IconDataProperty
- DiagnosticsProperty that has an IconData as value.
- Icons
- Identifiers for the supported Material Icons.
- IconTheme
- Controls the default properties of icons in a widget subtree.
- IconThemeData
- Defines the size, font variations, color, opacity, and shadows of icons.
- IdleScrollActivity
- A scroll activity that does nothing.
- IgnoreBaseline
- A widget that causes the parent to ignore the child for the purposes of baseline alignment.
- IgnorePointer
- A widget that is invisible during hit testing.
- Image
- A widget that displays an image.
- ImageCache
- Class for caching images.
- ImageCacheStatus
- Information about how the ImageCache is tracking an image.
- ImageChunkEvent
- An immutable notification of image bytes that have been incrementally loaded.
- ImageConfiguration
- Configuration information passed to the ImageProvider.resolve method to select a specific image.
- ImageFiltered
- Applies an ImageFilter to its child.
- ImageIcon
- An icon that comes from an ImageProvider, e.g. an AssetImage.
- ImageInfo
- A dart:ui.Image object with its corresponding scale.
T extends Object> - Identifies an image without committing to the precise final asset. This allows a set of images to be identified and for the precise image to later be resolved based on the environment, e.g. the device pixel ratio.
- ImageShader
- A shader (as used by Paint.shader) that tiles an image.
- ImageSizeInfo
- Tracks the bytes used by a dart:ui.Image compared to the bytes needed to paint that image without scaling it.
- ImageStream
- A handle to an image resource.
- ImageStreamCompleter
- Base class for those that manage the loading of dart:ui.Image objects for ImageStreams.
- ImageStreamCompleterHandle
- An opaque handle that keeps an ImageStreamCompleter alive even if it has lost its last listener.
- ImageStreamListener
- Interface for receiving notifications about the loading of an image.
- ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget
- An abstract class for building widgets that animate changes to their properties.
T extends ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget> -
A base class for the
of widgets with implicit animations. - IndexedSemantics
- A widget that annotates the child semantics with an index.
T extends Element?> - A value for Element.slot used for children of MultiChildRenderObjectElements.
- IndexedStack
- A Stack that shows a single child from a list of children.
- InheritedElement
- An Element that uses an InheritedWidget as its configuration.
T> - An InheritedWidget that's intended to be used as the base class for models whose dependents may only depend on one part or "aspect" of the overall model.
T> - An Element that uses a InheritedModel as its configuration.
T extends Listenable> - An inherited widget for a Listenable notifier, which updates its dependencies when the notifier is triggered.
- InheritedTheme
- An InheritedWidget that defines visual properties like colors and text styles, which the child's subtree depends on.
- InheritedWidget
- Base class for widgets that efficiently propagate information down the tree.
- Ink
- A convenience widget for drawing images and other decorations on Material widgets, so that InkWell and InkResponse splashes will render over them.
- InkDecoration
- A decoration on a part of a Material.
- InkFeature
- A visual reaction on a piece of Material.
- InkHighlight
- A visual emphasis on a part of a Material receiving user interaction.
- InkResponse
- An area of a Material that responds to touch. Has a configurable shape and can be configured to clip splashes that extend outside its bounds or not.
- InkRipple
- A visual reaction on a piece of Material to user input.
- InkSparkle
- Begin a Material 3 ink sparkle ripple, centered at the tap or click position relative to the referenceBox.
- InkSplash
- A visual reaction on a piece of Material to user input.
- InkWell
- A rectangular area of a Material that responds to touch.
- InlineSpan
- An immutable span of inline content which forms part of a paragraph.
- InlineSpanSemanticsInformation
- The textual and semantic label information for an InlineSpan.
- InputBorder
- Defines the appearance of an InputDecorator's border.
- InputChip
- A Material Design input chip.
- InputDatePickerFormField
- A TextFormField configured to accept and validate a date entered by a user.
- InputDecoration
- The border, labels, icons, and styles used to decorate a Material Design text field.
- InputDecorationTheme
- Defines the default appearance of InputDecorators.
- InputDecorator
- Defines the appearance of a Material Design text field.
- InspectorReferenceData
- Structure to help reference count Dart objects referenced by a GUI tool using WidgetInspectorService.
- InspectorSelection
- Mutable selection state of the inspector.
- InspectorSerializationDelegate
- A delegate that configures how a hierarchy of DiagnosticsNodes are serialized by the Flutter Inspector.
- Intent
- An abstract class representing a particular configuration of an Action.
- InteractiveInkFeature
- An ink feature that displays a color "splash" in response to a user gesture that can be confirmed or canceled.
- InteractiveInkFeatureFactory
- An encapsulation of an InteractiveInkFeature constructor used by InkWell, InkResponse, and ThemeData.
- InteractiveViewer
- A widget that enables pan and zoom interactions with its child.
- Interval
- A curve that is 0.0 until begin, then curved (according to curve) from 0.0 at begin to 1.0 at end, then remains 1.0 past end.
- IntrinsicColumnWidth
- Sizes the column according to the intrinsic dimensions of all the cells in that column.
- IntrinsicHeight
- A widget that sizes its child to the child's intrinsic height.
- IntrinsicWidth
- A widget that sizes its child to the child's maximum intrinsic width.
- IntTween
- An interpolation between two integers that rounds.
- KeepAlive
- Mark a child as needing to stay alive even when it's in a lazy list that would otherwise remove it.
- KeepAliveHandle
- A Listenable which can be manually triggered.
- KeepAliveNotification
- Indicates that the subtree through which this notification bubbles must be kept alive even if it would normally be discarded as an optimization.
- Key
- A Key is an identifier for Widgets, Elements and SemanticsNodes.
- KeyboardInsertedContent
- A class representing rich content (such as a PNG image) inserted via the system input method.
- KeyboardListener
- A widget that calls a callback whenever the user presses or releases a key on a keyboard.
- KeyedSubtree
- A widget that builds its child.
- KeyEvent
- Defines the interface for keyboard key events.
T extends KeyboardKey> - A set of KeyboardKeys that can be used as the keys in a Map.
T extends State< StatefulWidget> > - A global key with a debugging label.
- LayerLink
- An object that a LeaderLayer can register with.
- LayoutBuilder
- Builds a widget tree that can depend on the parent widget's size.
- LayoutChangedNotification
- Indicates that the layout of one of the descendants of the object receiving this notification has changed in some way, and that therefore any assumptions about that layout are no longer valid.
- LayoutId
- Metadata for identifying children in a CustomMultiChildLayout.
- LeafRenderObjectElement
- An Element that uses a LeafRenderObjectWidget as its configuration.
- LeafRenderObjectWidget
- A superclass for RenderObjectWidgets that configure RenderObject subclasses that have no children.
- LexicalFocusOrder
- Can be given to a FocusTraversalOrder widget to use a String to assign a lexical order to a widget subtree that is using a OrderedTraversalPolicy to define the order in which widgets should be traversed with the keyboard.
- LicensePage
- A page that shows licenses for software used by the application.
- LimitedBox
- A box that limits its size only when it's unconstrained.
- LinearBorder
- An OutlinedBorder like BoxBorder that allows one to define a rectangular (box) border in terms of zero to four LinearBorderEdges, each of which is rendered as a single line.
- LinearBorderEdge
- Defines the relative size and alignment of one LinearBorder edge.
- LinearGradient
- A 2D linear gradient.
- LinearProgressIndicator
- A Material Design linear progress indicator, also known as a progress bar.
- LineMetrics
- LineMetrics stores the measurements and statistics of a single line in the paragraph.
- ListBody
- A widget that arranges its children sequentially along a given axis, forcing them to the dimension of the parent in the other axis.
- Listenable
- An object that maintains a list of listeners.
- ListenableBuilder
- A general-purpose widget for building a widget subtree when a Listenable changes.
- Listener
- A widget that calls callbacks in response to common pointer events.
- ListTile
- A single fixed-height row that typically contains some text as well as a leading or trailing icon.
- ListTileTheme
- An inherited widget that defines color and style parameters for ListTiles in this widget's subtree.
- ListTileThemeData
- Used with ListTileTheme to define default property values for descendant ListTile widgets, as well as classes that build ListTiles, like CheckboxListTile, RadioListTile, and SwitchListTile.
- ListView
- A scrollable list of widgets arranged linearly.
- ListWheelChildBuilderDelegate
- A delegate that supplies children for ListWheelScrollView using a builder callback.
- ListWheelChildDelegate
- A delegate that supplies children for ListWheelScrollView.
- ListWheelChildListDelegate
- A delegate that supplies children for ListWheelScrollView using an explicit list.
- ListWheelChildLoopingListDelegate
- A delegate that supplies infinite children for ListWheelScrollView by looping an explicit list.
- ListWheelElement
- Element that supports building children lazily for ListWheelViewport.
- ListWheelScrollView
- A box in which children on a wheel can be scrolled.
- ListWheelViewport
- A viewport showing a subset of children on a wheel.
- LiveTextInputStatusNotifier
- A ValueNotifier whose value indicates whether the current device supports the Live Text (OCR) function.
- Locale
- An identifier used to select a user's language and formatting preferences.
- LocalHistoryEntry
- An entry in the history of a LocalHistoryRoute.
- Localizations
Defines the Locale for its
and the localized resources that the child depends on. -
T> -
A factory for a set of localized resources of type
, to be loaded by a Localizations widget. - LocalKey
- A key that is not a GlobalKey.
- LogicalKeySet
- A set of LogicalKeyboardKeys that can be used as the keys in a map.
T extends Object> - Makes its child draggable starting from long press.
- LongPressEndDetails
- Details for callbacks that use GestureLongPressEndCallback.
- LongPressMoveUpdateDetails
- Details for callbacks that use GestureLongPressMoveUpdateCallback.
- LongPressStartDetails
- Details for callbacks that use GestureLongPressStartCallback.
- LookupBoundary
- A lookup boundary controls what entities are visible to descendants of the boundary via the static lookup methods provided by the boundary.
- Magnifier
- A Material-styled magnifying glass.
- MagnifierController
- A controller for a magnifier.
- MagnifierDecoration
- The decorations to put around the loupe in a RawMagnifier.
- MagnifierInfo
- A data class that contains the geometry information of text layouts and selection gestures, used to position magnifiers.
- MaskFilter
- A mask filter to apply to shapes as they are painted. A mask filter is a function that takes a bitmap of color pixels, and returns another bitmap of color pixels.
- Material
- A piece of material.
- MaterialAccentColor
- Defines a single accent color as well a swatch of four shades of the accent color.
- MaterialApp
- An application that uses Material Design.
- MaterialBanner
- A Material Design banner.
- MaterialBannerTheme
- An inherited widget that defines the configuration for MaterialBanners in this widget's subtree.
- MaterialBannerThemeData
- Defines the visual properties of MaterialBanner widgets.
- MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData
- A CupertinoThemeData that defers unspecified theme attributes to an upstream Material ThemeData.
- MaterialButton
- A utility class for building Material buttons that depend on the ambient ButtonTheme and Theme.
- MaterialColor
- Defines a single color as well a color swatch with ten shades of the color.
- MaterialGap
- A class that represents a gap within MergeableMaterial.
- MaterialInkController
- An interface for creating InkSplashs and InkHighlights on a Material.
- MaterialLocalizations
- Defines the localized resource values used by the Material widgets.
T> - A page that creates a material style PageRoute.
T> - A modal route that replaces the entire screen with a platform-adaptive transition.
- MaterialPointArcTween
- A Tween that interpolates an Offset along a circular arc.
- MaterialRectArcTween
- A Tween that interpolates a Rect by having its opposite corners follow circular arcs.
- MaterialRectCenterArcTween
- A Tween that interpolates a Rect by moving it along a circular arc from begin's to end's while interpolating the rectangle's width and height.
- MaterialScrollBehavior
- Describes how Scrollable widgets behave for MaterialApps.
- MaterialSlice
- A class that can be used as a child to MergeableMaterial. It is a slice of Material that animates merging with other slices.
- MaterialStateOutlineInputBorder
- Defines a OutlineInputBorder that is also a MaterialStateProperty.
- MaterialStateUnderlineInputBorder
- Defines a UnderlineInputBorder that is also a MaterialStateProperty.
- MaterialTextSelectionControls
- Android Material styled text selection controls.
- MaterialTextSelectionHandleControls
- Android Material styled text selection handle controls.
- Matrix4
- 4D Matrix. Values are stored in column major order.
- Matrix4Tween
- An interpolation between two Matrix4s.
- MatrixTransition
- Animates the Matrix4 of a transformed widget.
- MatrixUtils
- Utility functions for working with matrices.
- MaxColumnWidth
- Sizes the column such that it is the size that is the maximum of two column width specifications.
- MediaQuery
- Establishes a subtree in which media queries resolve to the given data.
- MediaQueryData
- Information about a piece of media (e.g., a window).
- MemoryImage
- Decodes the given Uint8List buffer as an image, associating it with the given scale.
- MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding
- An InheritedWidget that provides a descendant MenuAcceleratorLabel with the function to invoke when the accelerator is pressed.
- MenuAcceleratorLabel
- A widget that draws the label text for a menu item (typically a MenuItemButton or SubmenuButton) and renders its child with information about the currently active keyboard accelerator.
- MenuAnchor
- A widget used to mark the "anchor" for a set of submenus, defining the rectangle used to position the menu, which can be done either with an explicit location, or with an alignment.
- MenuBar
- A menu bar that manages cascading child menus.
- MenuBarTheme
- An inherited widget that defines the configuration for the MenuBar widgets in this widget's descendants.
- MenuBarThemeData
- A data class that MenuBarTheme uses to define the visual properties of MenuBar widgets.
- MenuButtonTheme
- Overrides the default ButtonStyle of its MenuItemButton and SubmenuButton descendants.
- MenuButtonThemeData
- A ButtonStyle theme that overrides the default appearance of SubmenuButtons and MenuItemButtons when it's used with a MenuButtonTheme or with the overall Theme's ThemeData.menuTheme.
- MenuController
- A controller to manage a menu created by a MenuBar or MenuAnchor.
- MenuItemButton
- A button for use in a MenuBar, in a menu created with MenuAnchor, or on its own, that can be activated by click or keyboard navigation.
- MenuStyle
- The visual properties that menus have in common.
- MenuTheme
- An inherited widget that defines the configuration in this widget's descendants for menus created by the SubmenuButton, MenuBar, or MenuAnchor widgets.
- MenuThemeData
- Defines the configuration of the submenus created by the SubmenuButton, MenuBar, or MenuAnchor widgets.
- MergeableMaterial
- Displays a list of MergeableMaterialItem children. The list contains MaterialSlice items whose boundaries are either "merged" with adjacent items or separated by a MaterialGap. The children are distributed along the given mainAxis in the same way as the children of a ListBody. When the list of children changes, gaps are automatically animated open or closed as needed.
- MergeableMaterialItem
- The base type for MaterialSlice and MaterialGap.
- MergeSemantics
- A widget that merges the semantics of its descendants.
- MetaData
- Holds opaque meta data in the render tree.
- MinColumnWidth
- Sizes the column such that it is the size that is the minimum of two column width specifications.
- ModalBarrier
- A widget that prevents the user from interacting with widgets behind itself.
T> - A route that represents a Material Design modal bottom sheet.
T> - A route that blocks interaction with previous routes.
- MouseCursor
- An interface for mouse cursor definitions.
- MouseRegion
- A widget that tracks the movement of mice.
- MultiChildLayoutDelegate
- A delegate that controls the layout of multiple children.
- MultiChildRenderObjectElement
- An Element that uses a MultiChildRenderObjectWidget as its configuration.
- MultiChildRenderObjectWidget
- A superclass for RenderObjectWidgets that configure RenderObject subclasses that have a single list of children. (This superclass only provides the storage for that child list, it doesn't actually provide the updating logic.)
- MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter
- Manages the decoding and scheduling of image frames.
- MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate
- A delegate that handles events and updates for multiple Selectable children.
- Material 3 Navigation Bar component.
- An inherited widget that defines visual properties for NavigationBars and NavigationDestinations in this widget's subtree.
- Defines default property values for descendant NavigationBar widgets.
- A Material 3 NavigationBar destination.
- Material Design Navigation Drawer component.
- A Material Design NavigationDrawer destination.
- An inherited widget that defines visual properties for NavigationDrawers and NavigationDestinations in this widget's subtree.
- Defines default property values for descendant NavigationDrawer widgets.
- Selection Indicator for the Material 3 NavigationBar and NavigationRail components.
- A notification that a change in navigation has taken place.
- A Material Design widget that is meant to be displayed at the left or right of an app to navigate between a small number of views, typically between three and five.
- Defines a NavigationRail button that represents one "destination" view.
- An inherited widget that defines visual properties for NavigationRails and NavigationRailDestinations in this widget's subtree.
- Defines default property values for descendant NavigationRail widgets.
- NavigationToolbar is a layout helper to position 3 widgets or groups of widgets along a horizontal axis that's sensible for an application's navigation bar such as in Material Design and in iOS.
- A widget that manages a set of child widgets with a stack discipline.
- An interface for observing the behavior of a Navigator.
- Enables the handling of system back gestures.
- The state for a Navigator widget.
- NestedScrollView
- A scrolling view inside of which can be nested other scrolling views, with their scroll positions being intrinsically linked.
- NestedScrollViewState
- The State for a NestedScrollView.
- NestedScrollViewViewport
- The Viewport variant used by NestedScrollView.
- NetworkImage
- Fetches the given URL from the network, associating it with the given scale.
- NeverScrollableScrollPhysics
- Scroll physics that does not allow the user to scroll.
- NextFocusAction
- An Action that moves the focus to the next focusable node in the focus order.
- NextFocusIntent
- An Intent bound to NextFocusAction, which moves the focus to the next focusable node in the focus traversal order.
- NoSplash
- An InteractiveInkFeature that doesn't paint a splash.
- NotchedShape
- A shape with a notch in its outline.
- Notification
- A notification that can bubble up the widget tree.
T extends Notification> - A widget that listens for Notifications bubbling up the tree.
- NumericFocusOrder
- Can be given to a FocusTraversalOrder widget to assign a numerical order to a widget subtree that is using a OrderedTraversalPolicy to define the order in which widgets should be traversed with the keyboard.
- ObjectKey
- A key that takes its identity from the object used as its value.
- Offset
- An immutable 2D floating-point offset.
- Offstage
- A widget that lays the child out as if it was in the tree, but without painting anything, without making the child available for hit testing, and without taking any room in the parent.
- OneFrameImageStreamCompleter
- Manages the loading of dart:ui.Image objects for static ImageStreams (those with only one frame).
- Opacity
- A widget that makes its child partially transparent.
- OpenUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder
- Used by PageTransitionsTheme to define a vertical MaterialPageRoute page transition animation that looks like the default page transition used on Android P.
- OrderedTraversalPolicy
- A FocusTraversalPolicy that orders nodes by an explicit order that resides in the nearest FocusTraversalOrder widget ancestor.
- OrientationBuilder
- Builds a widget tree that can depend on the parent widget's orientation (distinct from the device orientation).
- OutlinedBorder
- A ShapeBorder that draws an outline with the width and color specified by side.
- OutlinedButton
- A Material Design "Outlined Button"; essentially a TextButton with an outlined border.
- OutlinedButtonTheme
- Overrides the default ButtonStyle of its OutlinedButton descendants.
- OutlinedButtonThemeData
- A ButtonStyle that overrides the default appearance of OutlinedButtons when it's used with OutlinedButtonTheme or with the overall Theme's ThemeData.outlinedButtonTheme.
- OutlineInputBorder
- Draws a rounded rectangle around an InputDecorator's container.
- OvalBorder
- A border that fits an elliptical shape.
- OverflowBar
- A widget that lays out its children in a row unless they "overflow" the available horizontal space, in which case it lays them out in a column instead.
- OverflowBox
- A widget that imposes different constraints on its child than it gets from its parent, possibly allowing the child to overflow the parent.
- Overlay
- A stack of entries that can be managed independently.
- OverlayEntry
- A place in an Overlay that can contain a widget.
- OverlayPortal
- A widget that renders its overlay child on an Overlay.
- OverlayPortalController
- A class to show, hide and bring to top an OverlayPortal's overlay child in the target Overlay.
T> - A route that displays widgets in the Navigator's Overlay.
- OverlayState
- The current state of an Overlay.
- OverscrollIndicatorNotification
- A notification that either a GlowingOverscrollIndicator or a StretchingOverscrollIndicator will start showing an overscroll indication.
- OverscrollNotification
- A notification that a Scrollable widget has not changed its scroll position because the change would have caused its scroll position to go outside of its scroll bounds.
- Padding
- A widget that insets its child by the given padding.
- PaddleRangeSliderValueIndicatorShape
- A variant shape of a RangeSlider's value indicators. The value indicator is in the shape of an upside-down pear.
- PaddleSliderValueIndicatorShape
- A variant shape of a Slider's value indicator . The value indicator is in the shape of an upside-down pear.
T> - Describes the configuration of a Route.
- PageController
- A controller for PageView.
- PageMetrics
- Metrics for a PageView.
T> - A modal route that replaces the entire screen.
T> - A utility class for defining one-off page routes in terms of callbacks.
- PageScrollPhysics
- Scroll physics used by a PageView.
- PageStorage
- Establish a subtree in which widgets can opt into persisting states after being destroyed.
- PageStorageBucket
- A storage bucket associated with a page in an app.
T> - A Key that can be used to persist the widget state in storage after the destruction and will be restored when recreated.
- PageTransitionsBuilder
- Used by PageTransitionsTheme to define a MaterialPageRoute page transition animation.
- PageTransitionsTheme
- Defines the page transition animations used by MaterialPageRoute for different TargetPlatforms.
- PageView
- A scrollable list that works page by page.
- PaginatedDataTable
- A table that follows the Material 2 design specification, using multiple pages to display data.
- PaginatedDataTableState
- Holds the state of a PaginatedDataTable.
- Paint
- A description of the style to use when drawing on a Canvas.
- PaintingContext
- A place to paint.
T> - An abstract class providing an interface for evaluating a parametric curve.
T extends ParentData> - An Element that uses a ParentDataWidget as its configuration.
T extends ParentData> - Base class for widgets that hook ParentData information to children of RenderObjectWidgets.
- PasteTextIntent
- An Intent to paste text from Clipboard to the field.
- Path
- A complex, one-dimensional subset of a plane.
- PerformanceOverlay
- Displays performance statistics.
- PersistentBottomSheetController
- A ScaffoldFeatureController for standard bottom sheets.
- PhysicalModel
- A widget representing a physical layer that clips its children to a shape.
- PhysicalShape
- A widget representing a physical layer that clips its children to a path.
- PinnedHeaderSliver
- A sliver that keeps its Widget child at the top of the a CustomScrollView.
- Placeholder
- A widget that draws a box that represents where other widgets will one day be added.
- PlaceholderDimensions
- Holds the Size and baseline required to represent the dimensions of a placeholder in text.
- PlaceholderSpan
- An immutable placeholder that is embedded inline within text.
- PlatformAdaptiveIcons
- A set of platform-adaptive Material Design icons.
- PlatformMenu
- A class for representing menu items that have child submenus.
- PlatformMenuBar
- A menu bar that uses the platform's native APIs to construct and render a menu described by a PlatformMenu/PlatformMenuItem hierarchy.
- PlatformMenuDelegate
- An abstract delegate class that can be used to set WidgetsBinding.platformMenuDelegate to provide for managing platform menus.
- PlatformMenuItem
- A class for PlatformMenuItems that do not have submenus (as a PlatformMenu would), but can be selected.
- PlatformMenuItemGroup
- A class that groups other menu items into sections delineated by dividers.
- PlatformProvidedMenuItem
- A class that represents a menu item that is provided by the platform.
- PlatformRouteInformationProvider
- The route information provider that propagates the platform route information changes.
- PlatformSelectableRegionContextMenu
- A widget that provides native selection context menu for its child subtree.
- PlatformViewCreationParams
- The parameters used to create a PlatformViewController.
- PlatformViewLink
- Links a platform view with the Flutter framework.
- PlatformViewSurface
- Integrates a platform view with Flutter's compositor, touch, and semantics subsystems.
- PointerCancelEvent
- The input from the pointer is no longer directed towards this receiver.
- PointerDownEvent
- The pointer has made contact with the device.
- PointerEvent
- Base class for touch, stylus, or mouse events.
- PointerMoveEvent
- The pointer has moved with respect to the device while the pointer is in contact with the device.
- PointerUpEvent
- The pointer has stopped making contact with the device.
T> - Allows listening to and preventing pops.
T> - Manages back navigation gestures.
T> - Displays a menu when pressed and calls onSelected when the menu is dismissed because an item was selected. The value passed to onSelected is the value of the selected menu item.
T> - The State for a PopupMenuButton.
- PopupMenuDivider
- A horizontal divider in a Material Design popup menu.
T> - A base class for entries in a Material Design popup menu.
T> - An item in a Material Design popup menu.
T, W extends PopupMenuItem< T> > - The State for PopupMenuItem subclasses.
- PopupMenuTheme
- An inherited widget that defines the configuration for popup menus in this widget's subtree.
- PopupMenuThemeData
- Defines the visual properties of the routes used to display popup menus as well as PopupMenuItem and PopupMenuDivider widgets.
T> - A modal route that overlays a widget over the current route.
- Positioned
- A widget that controls where a child of a Stack is positioned.
- PositionedDirectional
- A widget that controls where a child of a Stack is positioned without committing to a specific TextDirection.
- PositionedTransition
- Animated version of Positioned which takes a specific Animation<RelativeRect> to transition the child's position from a start position to an end position over the lifetime of the animation.
- PredictiveBackPageTransitionsBuilder
- Used by PageTransitionsTheme to define a MaterialPageRoute page transition animation that looks like the default page transition used on Android U and above when using predictive back.
- PredictiveBackRoute
- An interface for a route that supports predictive back gestures.
- PreferredSize
- A widget with a preferred size.
- PreferredSizeWidget
- An interface for widgets that can return the size this widget would prefer if it were otherwise unconstrained.
- PreviousFocusAction
- An Action that moves the focus to the previous focusable node in the focus order.
- PreviousFocusIntent
- An Intent bound to PreviousFocusAction, which moves the focus to the previous focusable node in the focus traversal order.
- PrimaryScrollController
- Associates a ScrollController with a subtree.
- PrioritizedAction
- An Action that iterates through a list of Intents, invoking the first that is enabled.
- PrioritizedIntents
- An Intent that evaluates a series of specified orderedIntents for execution.
- ProgressIndicator
- A base class for Material Design progress indicators.
- ProgressIndicatorTheme
- An inherited widget that defines the configuration for ProgressIndicators in this widget's subtree.
- ProgressIndicatorThemeData
- Defines the visual properties of ProgressIndicator widgets.
- ProxyAnimation
- An animation that is a proxy for another animation.
- ProxyElement
- An Element that uses a ProxyWidget as its configuration.
- ProxyWidget
- A widget that has a child widget provided to it, instead of building a new widget.
- RadialGradient
- A 2D radial gradient.
T> - A Material Design radio button.
T> - A ListTile with a Radio. In other words, a radio button with a label.
T> - A menu item that combines a Radio widget with a MenuItemButton.
- RadioTheme
- Applies a radio theme to descendant Radio widgets.
- RadioThemeData
- Defines default property values for descendant Radio widgets.
- Radius
- A radius for either circular or elliptical shapes.
- RangeLabels
- Object for setting range slider label values that appear in the value indicator for each thumb.
- RangeMaintainingScrollPhysics
- Scroll physics that attempt to keep the scroll position in range when the contents change dimensions suddenly.
- RangeSlider
- A Material Design range slider.
- RangeSliderThumbShape
- Base class for RangeSlider thumb shapes.
- RangeSliderTickMarkShape
- Base class for RangeSlider tick mark shapes.
- RangeSliderTrackShape
- Base class for RangeSlider track shapes.
- RangeSliderValueIndicatorShape
- Base class for RangeSlider value indicator shapes.
- RangeValues
- Object for representing range slider thumb values.
T extends Object> - A widget for helping the user make a selection by entering some text and choosing from among a list of options.
- RawChip
- A raw Material Design chip.
T> - A general dialog route which allows for customization of the dialog popup.
- RawGestureDetector
- A widget that detects gestures described by the given gesture factories.
- RawGestureDetectorState
- State for a RawGestureDetector.
- RawImage
- A widget that displays a dart:ui.Image directly.
- RawKeyboardListener
- A widget that calls a callback whenever the user presses or releases a key on a keyboard.
- RawKeyEvent
- Defines the interface for raw key events.
- RawMagnifier
- A common base class for magnifiers.
- RawMaterialButton
- Creates a button based on Semantics, Material, and InkWell widgets.
- RawScrollbar
- An extendable base class for building scrollbars that fade in and out.
T extends RawScrollbar> - The state for a RawScrollbar widget, also shared by the Scrollbar and CupertinoScrollbar widgets.
- RawView
- The lower level workhorse widget for View that bootstraps a render tree for a view.
- ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy
- Traverses the focus order in "reading order".
- Rect
- An immutable, 2D, axis-aligned, floating-point rectangle whose coordinates are relative to a given origin.
- RectangularRangeSliderTrackShape
- A RangeSlider track that's a simple rectangle.
- RectangularRangeSliderValueIndicatorShape
- The default shape of a RangeSlider's value indicators.
- RectangularSliderTrackShape
- A Slider track that's a simple rectangle.
- RectangularSliderValueIndicatorShape
- The default shape of a Slider's value indicator.
- RectTween
- An interpolation between two rectangles.
- RedoTextIntent
- An Intent that represents a user interaction that attempts to go back to the previous editing state.
- RefreshIndicator
- A widget that supports the Material "swipe to refresh" idiom.
- RefreshIndicatorState
- Contains the state for a RefreshIndicator. This class can be used to programmatically show the refresh indicator, see the show method.
- RefreshProgressIndicator
- An indicator for the progress of refreshing the contents of a widget.
- RelativePositionedTransition
- Animated version of Positioned which transitions the child's position based on the value of rect relative to a bounding box with the specified size.
- RelativeRect
- An immutable 2D, axis-aligned, floating-point rectangle whose coordinates are given relative to another rectangle's edges, known as the container. Since the dimensions of the rectangle are relative to those of the container, this class has no width and height members. To determine the width or height of the rectangle, convert it to a Rect using toRect() (passing the container's own Rect), and then examine that object.
- RelativeRectTween
- An interpolation between two relative rects.
- RenderBox
- A render object in a 2D Cartesian coordinate system.
- RenderNestedScrollViewViewport
- The RenderViewport variant used by NestedScrollView.
- RenderObject
- An object in the render tree.
- RenderObjectElement
- An Element that uses a RenderObjectWidget as its configuration.
T extends RenderObject> - A bridge from a RenderObject to an Element tree.
T extends RenderObject> - The root of an element tree that is hosted by a RenderObject.
- RenderObjectWidget
- RenderObjectWidgets provide the configuration for RenderObjectElements, which wrap RenderObjects, which provide the actual rendering of the application.
- RenderSemanticsGestureHandler
- Listens for the specified gestures from the semantics server (e.g. an accessibility tool).
- RenderSliverOverlapAbsorber
- A sliver that wraps another, forcing its layout extent to be treated as overlap.
- RenderSliverOverlapInjector
- A sliver that has a sliver geometry based on the values stored in a SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle.
- RenderTapRegion
- A render object that defines a region that can detect taps inside or outside of itself and any group of regions it belongs to, without participating in the gesture disambiguation system.
- RenderTapRegionSurface
- A render object that provides notification of a tap inside or outside of a set of registered regions, without participating in the gesture disambiguation system (other than to consume tap down events if TapRegion.consumeOutsideTaps is true).
- RenderTreeRootElement
- A RenderObjectElement used to manage the root of a render tree.
- RenderTwoDimensionalViewport
- A base class for viewing render objects that scroll in two dimensions.
- ReorderableDelayedDragStartListener
- A wrapper widget that will recognize the start of a drag operation by looking for a long press event. Once it is recognized, it will start a drag operation on the wrapped item in the reorderable list.
- ReorderableDragStartListener
- A wrapper widget that will recognize the start of a drag on the wrapped widget by a PointerDownEvent, and immediately initiate dragging the wrapped item to a new location in a reorderable list.
- ReorderableList
- A scrolling container that allows the user to interactively reorder the list items.
- ReorderableListState
- The state for a list that allows the user to interactively reorder the list items.
- ReorderableListView
- A list whose items the user can interactively reorder by dragging.
- RepaintBoundary
- A widget that creates a separate display list for its child.
- ReplaceTextIntent
- An Intent that represents a user interaction that attempts to modify the current TextEditingValue in an input field.
- RequestFocusAction
- An Action that requests the focus on the node it is given in its RequestFocusIntent.
- RequestFocusIntent
- An intent for use with the RequestFocusAction, which supplies the FocusNode that should be focused.
- ResizeImage
- Instructs Flutter to decode the image at the specified dimensions instead of at its native size.
- ResizeImageKey
- Key used internally by ResizeImage.
- RestorableBool
- A RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore a bool.
- RestorableBoolN
- A RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore a bool that is nullable.
T extends ChangeNotifier> - A base class for creating a RestorableProperty that stores and restores a ChangeNotifier.
- RestorableDateTime
- A RestorableValue that knows how to save and restore DateTime.
- RestorableDateTimeN
- A RestorableValue that knows how to save and restore DateTime that is nullable.
- RestorableDouble
- A RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore a double.
- RestorableDoubleN
- A RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore a double that is nullable.
T extends Enum> - A RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore an Enum type.
T extends Enum> - A RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore a nullable Enum type.
- RestorableInt
- A RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore an int.
- RestorableIntN
- A RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore an int that is nullable.
T extends Listenable> - A base class for creating a RestorableProperty that stores and restores a Listenable.
T extends num> - A RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore a num.
T extends num?> - A RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore a num that is nullable.
T> -
Manages an object of type
, whose value a State object wants to have restored during state restoration. -
T> - Gives access to a Route object and its return value that was added to a navigator via one of its "restorable" API methods.
- RestorableString
- A RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore a String.
- RestorableStringN
- A RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore a String that is nullable.
- RestorableTextEditingController
- A RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore a TextEditingController.
- RestorableTimeOfDay
- A RestorableValue that knows how to save and restore TimeOfDay.
T> - A RestorableProperty that makes the wrapped value accessible to the owning State object via the value getter and setter.
- RestorationBucket
- A RestorationBucket holds pieces of the restoration data that a part of the application needs to restore its state.
- RestorationScope
- Creates a new scope for restoration IDs used by descendant widgets to claim RestorationBuckets.
- ReverseAnimation
- An animation that is the reverse of another animation.
T extends Object?> - A Tween that evaluates its parent in reverse.
- RichText
- A paragraph of rich text.
- RootBackButtonDispatcher
- The default implementation of back button dispatcher for the root router.
- RootElement
- The root of the element tree.
- RootRenderObjectElement
- Deprecated. Unused in the framework and will be removed in a future version of Flutter.
- RootRestorationScope
- Inserts a child bucket of RestorationManager.rootBucket into the widget tree and makes it available to descendants via RestorationScope.of.
- RootWidget
- A widget for the root of the widget tree.
- RotatedBox
- A widget that rotates its child by a integral number of quarter turns.
- RotationTransition
- Animates the rotation of a widget.
- RoundedRectangleBorder
- A rectangular border with rounded corners.
- RoundedRectRangeSliderTrackShape
- The default shape of a RangeSlider's track.
- RoundedRectSliderTrackShape
- The default shape of a Slider's track.
- RoundedRectSliderValueIndicatorShape
- The rounded rectangle shape of a Slider's value indicator.
- RoundRangeSliderThumbShape
- The default shape of a RangeSlider's thumbs.
- RoundRangeSliderTickMarkShape
- The default shape of each RangeSlider tick mark.
- RoundSliderOverlayShape
- The default shape of a Slider's thumb overlay.
- RoundSliderThumbShape
- The default shape of a Slider's thumb.
- RoundSliderTickMarkShape
- The default shape of each Slider tick mark.
T> - An abstraction for an entry managed by a Navigator.
- RouteAware
- An interface for objects that are aware of their current Route.
- RouteInformation
- A piece of routing information.
T> - A delegate that is used by the Router widget to parse a route information into a configuration of type T.
- RouteInformationProvider
- A route information provider that provides route information for the Router widget
R extends Route> - A Navigator observer that notifies RouteAwares of changes to the state of their Route.
T> - The dispatcher for opening and closing pages of an application.
T> - A convenient bundle to configure a Router widget.
T> - A delegate that is used by the Router widget to build and configure a navigating widget.
- RouteSettings
- Data that might be useful in constructing a Route.
- RouteTransitionRecord
- A Route wrapper interface that can be staged for TransitionDelegate to decide how its underlying Route should transition on or off screen.
- Row
- A widget that displays its children in a horizontal array.
- RRect
- An immutable rounded rectangle with the custom radii for all four corners.
- RSTransform
- A transform consisting of a translation, a rotation, and a uniform scale.
- SafeArea
- A widget that insets its child with sufficient padding to avoid intrusions by the operating system.
- SawTooth
- A sawtooth curve that repeats a given number of times over the unit interval.
- Scaffold
- Implements the basic Material Design visual layout structure.
T extends Widget, U> - An interface for controlling a feature of a Scaffold.
- ScaffoldGeometry
- Geometry information for Scaffold components after layout is finished.
- ScaffoldMessenger
- Manages SnackBars and MaterialBanners for descendant Scaffolds.
- ScaffoldMessengerState
- State for a ScaffoldMessenger.
- ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry
- The geometry of the Scaffold after all its contents have been laid out except the FloatingActionButton.
- ScaffoldState
- State for a Scaffold.
- ScaleEndDetails
- Details for GestureScaleEndCallback.
- ScaleStartDetails
- Details for GestureScaleStartCallback.
- ScaleTransition
- Animates the scale of a transformed widget.
- ScaleUpdateDetails
- Details for GestureScaleUpdateCallback.
- Scrollable
- A widget that manages scrolling in one dimension and informs the Viewport through which the content is viewed.
- ScrollableDetails
- Describes the aspects of a Scrollable widget to inform inherited widgets like ScrollBehavior for decorating or enumerate the properties of combined Scrollables, such as TwoDimensionalScrollable.
- ScrollableState
- State object for a Scrollable widget.
- ScrollAction
- An Action that scrolls the relevant Scrollable by the amount configured in the ScrollIntent given to it.
- ScrollActivity
- Base class for scrolling activities like dragging and flinging.
- ScrollActivityDelegate
- A backend for a ScrollActivity.
T extends Object> - An ImageProvider that makes use of Scrollable.recommendDeferredLoadingForContext to avoid loading images when rapidly scrolling.
- Scrollbar
- A Material Design scrollbar.
- ScrollbarPainter
- Paints a scrollbar's track and thumb.
- ScrollbarTheme
- Applies a scrollbar theme to descendant Scrollbar widgets.
- ScrollbarThemeData
- Defines default property values for descendant Scrollbar widgets.
- ScrollBehavior
- Describes how Scrollable widgets should behave.
- ScrollConfiguration
- Controls how Scrollable widgets behave in a subtree.
- ScrollContext
- An interface that Scrollable widgets implement in order to use ScrollPosition.
- ScrollController
- Controls a scrollable widget.
- ScrollDragController
- Scrolls a scroll view as the user drags their finger across the screen.
- ScrollEndNotification
- A notification that a Scrollable widget has stopped scrolling.
- ScrollHoldController
- Interface for holding a Scrollable stationary.
- ScrollIncrementDetails
- A details object that describes the type of scroll increment being requested of a ScrollIncrementCalculator function, as well as the current metrics for the scrollable.
- ScrollIntent
- An Intent that represents scrolling the nearest scrollable by an amount appropriate for the type specified.
- ScrollMetricsNotification
- A notification that a scrollable widget's ScrollMetrics have changed.
- ScrollNotification
- A Notification related to scrolling.
- ScrollNotificationObserver
- Notifies its listeners when a descendant scrolls.
- ScrollNotificationObserverState
- The listener list state for a ScrollNotificationObserver returned by ScrollNotificationObserver.of.
- ScrollPhysics
- Determines the physics of a Scrollable widget.
- ScrollPosition
- Determines which portion of the content is visible in a scroll view.
- ScrollPositionWithSingleContext
- A scroll position that manages scroll activities for a single ScrollContext.
- ScrollSpringSimulation
- A SpringSimulation where the value of x is guaranteed to have exactly the end value when the simulation isDone.
- ScrollStartNotification
- A notification that a Scrollable widget has started scrolling.
- ScrollToDocumentBoundaryIntent
- Scrolls to the beginning or end of the document depending on the forward parameter.
- ScrollUpdateNotification
- A notification that a Scrollable widget has changed its scroll position.
- ScrollView
- A widget that combines a Scrollable and a Viewport to create an interactive scrolling pane of content in one dimension.
- SearchAnchor
- Manages a "search view" route that allows the user to select one of the suggested completions for a search query.
- SearchBarTheme
- Applies a search bar theme to descendant SearchBar widgets.
- SearchBarThemeData
- Defines default property values for descendant SearchBar widgets.
- SearchController
- A controller to manage a search view created by SearchAnchor.
T> - Delegate for showSearch to define the content of the search page.
- SearchViewTheme
- An inherited widget that defines the configuration in this widget's descendants for search view created by the SearchAnchor widget.
- SearchViewThemeData
- Defines the configuration of the search views created by the SearchAnchor widget.
T> - A Material button that allows the user to select from limited set of options.
T> - State for SegmentedButton.
- SegmentedButtonTheme
- An inherited widget that defines the visual properties for SegmentedButtons in this widget's subtree.
- SegmentedButtonThemeData
- Overrides the default values of visual properties for descendant SegmentedButton widgets.
- SelectableChipAttributes
- An interface for Material Design chips that can be selected.
- SelectableRegion
- A widget that introduces an area for user selections.
- SelectableRegionSelectionStatusScope
- Notifies its listeners when the selection under a SelectableRegion or SelectionArea is being changed or finalized.
- SelectableRegionState
- State for a SelectableRegion.
- SelectableText
- A run of selectable text with a single style.
- SelectAction
- An action that selects the currently focused control.
- SelectAllTextIntent
- An Intent to select everything in the field.
- SelectIntent
- An Intent that selects the currently focused control.
- SelectionArea
- A widget that introduces an area for user selections with adaptive selection controls.
- SelectionAreaState
- State for a SelectionArea.
- SelectionContainer
- A container that handles SelectionEvents for the Selectables in the subtree.
- SelectionContainerDelegate
- A delegate to handle SelectionEvents for a SelectionContainer.
- SelectionDetails
- A read-only interface for accessing the details of a selection under a SelectionListener.
- SelectionListener
- A SelectionContainer that allows the user to access the SelectionDetails and listen to selection changes for the child subtree it wraps under a SelectionArea or SelectableRegion.
- SelectionListenerNotifier
- Notifies listeners when the selection under a SelectionListener has been changed.
- SelectionOverlay
- An object that manages a pair of selection handles and a toolbar.
- SelectionRegistrarScope
- An inherited widget to host a SelectionRegistrar for the subtree.
- Semantics
- A widget that annotates the widget tree with a description of the meaning of the widgets.
- SemanticsDebugger
- A widget that visualizes the semantics for the child.
- SemanticsGestureDelegate
- A base class that describes what semantics notations a RawGestureDetector should add to the render object RenderSemanticsGestureHandler.
- Shader
- Base class for objects such as Gradient and ImageShader which correspond to shaders as used by Paint.shader.
- ShaderMask
- A widget that applies a mask generated by a Shader to its child.
- ShaderWarmUp
- Interface for drawing an image to warm up Skia shader compilations.
- Shadow
- A single shadow.
- ShapeBorder
- Base class for shape outlines.
- ShapeBorderClipper
- A CustomClipper that clips to the outer path of a ShapeBorder.
- ShapeBorderTween
- An interpolation between two ShapeBorders.
- ShapeDecoration
- An immutable description of how to paint an arbitrary shape.
Enables sharing key/value data with its
and all of the child's descendants. - ShortcutActivator
- An interface to define the keyboard key combination to trigger a shortcut.
- ShortcutManager
- A manager of keyboard shortcut bindings used by Shortcuts to handle key events.
- ShortcutMapProperty
A DiagnosticsProperty which handles formatting a
Map<LogicalKeySet, Intent>
(the same type as the Shortcuts.shortcuts property) so that its diagnostic output is human-readable. - ShortcutRegistrar
- A widget that holds a ShortcutRegistry which allows descendants to add, remove, or replace shortcuts.
- ShortcutRegistry
- A class used by ShortcutRegistrar that allows adding or removing shortcut bindings by descendants of the ShortcutRegistrar.
- ShortcutRegistryEntry
- A entry returned by ShortcutRegistry.addAll that allows the caller to identify the shortcuts they registered with the ShortcutRegistry through the ShortcutRegistrar.
- Shortcuts
- A widget that creates key bindings to specific actions for its descendants.
- ShortcutSerialization
- A class used by MenuSerializableShortcut to describe the shortcut for serialization to send to the platform for rendering a PlatformMenuBar.
- ShrinkWrappingViewport
- A widget that is bigger on the inside and shrink wraps its children in the main axis.
- SimpleDialog
- A simple Material Design dialog.
- SimpleDialogOption
- An option used in a SimpleDialog.
- Simulation
- The base class for all simulations.
- SingleActivator
- A shortcut key combination of a single key and modifiers.
- SingleChildLayoutDelegate
- A delegate for computing the layout of a render object with a single child.
- SingleChildRenderObjectElement
- An Element that uses a SingleChildRenderObjectWidget as its configuration.
- SingleChildRenderObjectWidget
- A superclass for RenderObjectWidgets that configure RenderObject subclasses that have a single child slot.
- SingleChildScrollView
- A box in which a single widget can be scrolled.
- Size
- Holds a 2D floating-point size.
- SizeChangedLayoutNotification
- Indicates that the size of one of the descendants of the object receiving this notification has changed, and that therefore any assumptions about that layout are no longer valid.
- SizeChangedLayoutNotifier
- A widget that automatically dispatches a SizeChangedLayoutNotification when the layout dimensions of its child change.
- SizedBox
- A box with a specified size.
- SizedOverflowBox
- A widget that is a specific size but passes its original constraints through to its child, which may then overflow.
- SizeTransition
- Animates its own size and clips and aligns its child.
- SizeTween
- An interpolation between two sizes.
- Slider
- A Material Design slider.
- SliderComponentShape
- Base class for slider thumb, thumb overlay, and value indicator shapes.
- SliderTheme
- Applies a slider theme to descendant Slider widgets.
- SliderThemeData
- Holds the color, shape, and typography values for a Material Design slider theme.
- SliderTickMarkShape
- Base class for Slider tick mark shapes.
- SliderTrackShape
- Base class for slider track shapes.
- SlideTransition
- Animates the position of a widget relative to its normal position.
- SliverAnimatedGrid
- A SliverGrid that animates items when they are inserted or removed.
- SliverAnimatedGridState
- The state for a SliverAnimatedGrid that animates items when they are inserted or removed.
- SliverAnimatedList
- A SliverList that animates items when they are inserted or removed.
- SliverAnimatedListState
- The state for a SliverAnimatedList that animates items when they are inserted or removed.
- SliverAnimatedOpacity
- Animated version of SliverOpacity which automatically transitions the sliver child's opacity over a given duration whenever the given opacity changes.
- SliverAppBar
- A Material Design app bar that integrates with a CustomScrollView.
- SliverChildBuilderDelegate
- A delegate that supplies children for slivers using a builder callback.
- SliverChildDelegate
- A delegate that supplies children for slivers.
- SliverChildListDelegate
- A delegate that supplies children for slivers using an explicit list.
- SliverConstrainedCrossAxis
- A sliver that constrains the cross axis extent of its sliver child.
- SliverCrossAxisExpanded
- Set a flex factor for allocating space in the cross axis direction.
- SliverCrossAxisGroup
- A sliver that places multiple sliver children in a linear array along the cross axis.
- SliverFadeTransition
- Animates the opacity of a sliver widget.
- SliverFillRemaining
- A sliver that contains a single box child that fills the remaining space in the viewport.
- SliverFillViewport
- A sliver that contains multiple box children that each fills the viewport.
- SliverFixedExtentList
- A sliver that places multiple box children with the same main axis extent in a linear array.
- SliverFloatingHeader
- A sliver that shows its child when the user scrolls forward and hides it when the user scrolls backwards.
- SliverGrid
- A sliver that places multiple box children in a two dimensional arrangement.
- SliverGridDelegate
- Controls the layout of tiles in a grid.
- SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount
- Creates grid layouts with a fixed number of tiles in the cross axis.
- SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent
- Creates grid layouts with tiles that each have a maximum cross-axis extent.
- SliverIgnorePointer
- A sliver widget that is invisible during hit testing.
- SliverLayoutBuilder
- Builds a sliver widget tree that can depend on its own SliverConstraints.
- SliverList
- A sliver that places multiple box children in a linear array along the main axis.
- SliverMainAxisGroup
- A sliver that places multiple sliver children in a linear array along the main axis, one after another.
- SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement
- An element that lazily builds children for a SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget.
- SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget
- A base class for slivers that have multiple box children.
- SliverOffstage
- A sliver that lays its sliver child out as if it was in the tree, but without painting anything, without making the sliver child available for hit testing, and without taking any room in the parent.
- SliverOpacity
- A sliver widget that makes its sliver child partially transparent.
- SliverOverlapAbsorber
- A sliver that wraps another, forcing its layout extent to be treated as overlap.
- SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle
- Handle to provide to a SliverOverlapAbsorber, a SliverOverlapInjector, and an NestedScrollViewViewport, to shift overlap in a NestedScrollView.
- SliverOverlapInjector
- A sliver that has a sliver geometry based on the values stored in a SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle.
- SliverPadding
- A sliver that applies padding on each side of another sliver.
- SliverPersistentHeader
- A sliver whose size varies when the sliver is scrolled to the edge of the viewport opposite the sliver's GrowthDirection.
- SliverPersistentHeaderDelegate
- Delegate for configuring a SliverPersistentHeader.
- SliverPrototypeExtentList
- A sliver that places its box children in a linear array and constrains them to have the same extent as a prototype item along the main axis.
- SliverReorderableList
- A sliver list that allows the user to interactively reorder the list items.
- SliverReorderableListState
- The state for a sliver list that allows the user to interactively reorder the list items.
- SliverResizingHeader
- A sliver that is pinned to the start of its CustomScrollView and reacts to scrolling by resizing between the intrinsic sizes of its min and max extent prototypes.
- SliverSafeArea
- A sliver that insets another sliver by sufficient padding to avoid intrusions by the operating system.
- SliverToBoxAdapter
- A sliver that contains a single box widget.
- SliverVariedExtentList
- A sliver that places its box children in a linear array and constrains them to have the corresponding extent returned by itemExtentBuilder.
- SliverVisibility
- Whether to show or hide a sliver child.
- SliverWithKeepAliveWidget
- A base class for slivers that have KeepAlive children.
SlotType, ChildType extends RenderObject> - A superclass for RenderObjectWidgets that configure RenderObject subclasses that organize their children in different slots.
SlotType, ChildType extends RenderObject> - Element used by the SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidget.
- SnackBar
- A lightweight message with an optional action which briefly displays at the bottom of the screen.
- SnackBarAction
- A button for a SnackBar, known as an "action".
- SnackBarThemeData
- Customizes default property values for SnackBar widgets.
- SnapshotController
- A controller for the SnapshotWidget that controls when the child image is displayed and when to regenerated the child image.
- SnapshotPainter
- A painter used to paint either a snapshot or the child widgets that would be a snapshot.
- SnapshotWidget
- A widget that can replace its child with a snapshotted version of the child.
- Spacer
- Spacer creates an adjustable, empty spacer that can be used to tune the spacing between widgets in a Flex container, like Row or Column.
- SpellCheckConfiguration
- Controls how spell check is performed for text input.
- SpellCheckSuggestionsToolbar
- The default spell check suggestions toolbar for Android.
- SpellCheckSuggestionsToolbarLayoutDelegate
- Positions the toolbar below anchor or adjusts it higher to fit above the bottom view insets, if applicable.
- Split
- A curve that progresses according to beginCurve until split, then according to endCurve.
- SpringDescription
- Structure that describes a spring's constants.
- Stack
- A widget that positions its children relative to the edges of its box.
- StadiumBorder
- A border that fits a stadium-shaped border (a box with semicircles on the ends) within the rectangle of the widget it is applied to.
- StandardFabLocation
- A base class that simplifies building FloatingActionButtonLocations when used with mixins FabTopOffsetY, FabFloatOffsetY, FabDockedOffsetY, FabStartOffsetX, FabCenterOffsetX, FabEndOffsetX, and FabMiniOffsetAdjustment.
- StarBorder
- A border that fits a star or polygon-shaped border within the rectangle of the widget it is applied to.
T extends StatefulWidget> - The logic and internal state for a StatefulWidget.
- StatefulBuilder
- A platonic widget that both has state and calls a closure to obtain its child widget.
- StatefulElement
- An Element that uses a StatefulWidget as its configuration.
- StatefulWidget
- A widget that has mutable state.
- StatelessElement
- An Element that uses a StatelessWidget as its configuration.
- StatelessWidget
- A widget that does not require mutable state.
- StaticSelectionContainerDelegate
- A delegate that manages updating multiple Selectable children where the Selectables do not change or move around frequently.
- StatusTransitionWidget
- A widget that rebuilds when the given animation changes status.
- Step
- A material step used in Stepper. The step can have a title and subtitle, an icon within its circle, some content and a state that governs its styling.
- Stepper
- A material stepper widget that displays progress through a sequence of steps. Steppers are particularly useful in the case of forms where one step requires the completion of another one, or where multiple steps need to be completed in order to submit the whole form.
- StepStyle
- This class is used to override the default visual properties of Step widgets within a Stepper.
- StepTween
- An interpolation between two integers that floors.
T> - Widget that builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with a Stream.
T, S> - Base class for widgets that build themselves based on interaction with a specified Stream.
- StretchingOverscrollIndicator
- A Material Design visual indication that a scroll view has overscrolled.
- StrutStyle
- Defines the strut, which sets the minimum height a line can be relative to the baseline.
- A menu button that displays a cascading menu.
- SweepGradient
- A 2D sweep gradient.
- Switch
- A Material Design switch.
- SwitchListTile
- A ListTile with a Switch. In other words, a switch with a label.
- SwitchTheme
- Applies a switch theme to descendant Switch widgets.
- SwitchThemeData
- Defines default property values for descendant Switch widgets.
- SystemContextMenu
- Displays the system context menu on top of the Flutter view.
- SystemMouseCursors
- A collection of system MouseCursors.
- Tab
- A Material Design TabBar tab.
- TabBar
- A Material Design primary tab bar.
- TabBarTheme
- Defines a theme for TabBar widgets.
- TabBarThemeData
- Defines default property values for descendant TabBar widgets.
- TabBarView
- A page view that displays the widget which corresponds to the currently selected tab.
- TabController
- Coordinates tab selection between a TabBar and a TabBarView.
- Table
- A widget that uses the table layout algorithm for its children.
- TableBorder
- Border specification for Table widgets.
- TableCell
- A widget that controls how a child of a Table is aligned.
- TableColumnWidth
- Base class to describe how wide a column in a RenderTable should be.
- TableRow
- A horizontal group of cells in a Table.
- TableRowInkWell
- A rectangular area of a Material that responds to touch but clips its ink splashes to the current table row of the nearest table.
- TabPageSelector
- Uses TabPageSelectorIndicator to display a row of small circular indicators, one per tab.
- TabPageSelectorIndicator
- Displays a single circle with the specified size, border style, border color and background colors.
- TapDownDetails
- Details for GestureTapDownCallback, such as position.
- TappableChipAttributes
- An interface for Material Design chips that can be tapped.
- TapRegion
- A widget that defines a region that can detect taps inside or outside of itself and any group of regions it belongs to, without participating in the gesture disambiguation system (other than to consume tap down events if consumeOutsideTaps is true).
- TapRegionRegistry
- An interface for registering and unregistering a RenderTapRegion (typically created with a TapRegion widget) with a RenderTapRegionSurface (typically created with a TapRegionSurface widget).
- TapRegionSurface
- A widget that provides notification of a tap inside or outside of a set of registered regions, without participating in the gesture disambiguation system.
- TapUpDetails
- Details for GestureTapUpCallback, such as position.
- Text
- A run of text with a single style.
- TextAlignVertical
- The vertical alignment of text within an input box.
- TextBox
- A rectangle enclosing a run of text.
- TextButton
- A Material Design "Text Button".
- TextButtonTheme
- Overrides the default ButtonStyle of its TextButton descendants.
- TextButtonThemeData
- A ButtonStyle that overrides the default appearance of TextButtons when it's used with TextButtonTheme or with the overall Theme's ThemeData.textButtonTheme.
- TextDecoration
- A linear decoration to draw near the text.
- TextEditingController
- A controller for an editable text field.
- TextEditingValue
- The current text, selection, and composing state for editing a run of text.
- TextField
- A Material Design text field.
- TextFieldTapRegion
- A TapRegion that adds its children to the tap region group for widgets based on the EditableText text editing widget, such as TextField and CupertinoTextField.
- TextFormField
- A FormField that contains a TextField.
- TextHeightBehavior
Defines how to apply
over and under text. - TextInputType
- The type of information for which to optimize the text input control.
- TextMagnifier
- A Magnifier positioned by rules dictated by the native Android magnifier.
- TextMagnifierConfiguration
- A configuration object for a magnifier (e.g. in a text field).
- TextPainter
- An object that paints a TextSpan tree into a Canvas.
- TextPosition
- A position in a string of text.
- TextRange
- A range of characters in a string of text.
- TextScaler
- A class that describes how textual contents should be scaled for better readability.
- TextSelection
- A range of text that represents a selection.
- TextSelectionControls
- An interface for building the selection UI, to be provided by the implementer of the toolbar widget.
- TextSelectionGestureDetector
- A gesture detector to respond to non-exclusive event chains for a text field.
- TextSelectionGestureDetectorBuilder
- Builds a TextSelectionGestureDetector to wrap an EditableText.
- TextSelectionGestureDetectorBuilderDelegate
- Delegate interface for the TextSelectionGestureDetectorBuilder.
- TextSelectionOverlay
- An object that manages a pair of text selection handles for a RenderEditable.
- TextSelectionPoint
- Represents the coordinates of the point in a selection, and the text direction at that point, relative to top left of the RenderEditable that holds the selection.
- TextSelectionTheme
- An inherited widget that defines the appearance of text selection in this widget's subtree.
- TextSelectionThemeData
- Defines the visual properties needed for text selection in TextField and SelectableText widgets.
- TextSelectionToolbar
- A fully-functional Material-style text selection toolbar.
- TextSelectionToolbarAnchors
- The position information for a text selection toolbar.
- TextSelectionToolbarLayoutDelegate
- A SingleChildLayoutDelegate for use with CustomSingleChildLayout that positions its child above anchorAbove if it fits, or otherwise below anchorBelow.
- TextSelectionToolbarTextButton
- A button styled like a Material native Android text selection menu button.
- TextSpan
- An immutable span of text.
- TextStyle
- An immutable style describing how to format and paint text.
- TextStyleTween
- An interpolation between two TextStyles.
- TextTheme
- Material design text theme.
- Texture
- A rectangle upon which a backend texture is mapped.
- Theme
- Applies a theme to descendant widgets.
- ThemeData
- Defines the configuration of the overall visual Theme for a MaterialApp or a widget subtree within the app.
- ThemeDataTween
- An interpolation between two ThemeDatas.
T extends ThemeExtension< T> > - An interface that defines custom additions to a ThemeData object.
- ThreePointCubic
- A cubic polynomial composed of two curves that share a common center point.
- Threshold
- A curve that is 0.0 until it hits the threshold, then it jumps to 1.0.
- TickerFuture
- An object representing an ongoing Ticker sequence.
- TickerMode
- Enables or disables tickers (and thus animation controllers) in the widget subtree.
- TickerProvider
- An interface implemented by classes that can vend Ticker objects.
- TimeOfDay
- A value representing a time during the day, independent of the date that day might fall on or the time zone.
- TimePickerDialog
- A Material Design time picker designed to appear inside a popup dialog.
- TimePickerTheme
- An inherited widget that defines the configuration for time pickers displayed using showTimePicker in this widget's subtree.
- TimePickerThemeData
- Defines the visual properties of the widget displayed with showTimePicker.
- Title
- A widget that describes this app in the operating system.
- ToggleablePainter
- A base class for a CustomPainter that may be passed to ToggleableStateMixin.buildToggleable to draw the visual representation of a Toggleable.
- ToggleButtons
- A set of toggle buttons.
- ToggleButtonsTheme
- An inherited widget that defines color and border parameters for ToggleButtons in this widget's subtree.
- ToggleButtonsThemeData
- Defines the color and border properties of ToggleButtons widgets.
- Tolerance
- Structure that specifies maximum allowable magnitudes for distances, durations, and velocity differences to be considered equal.
- ToolbarItemsParentData
- ParentData that determines whether or not to paint the corresponding child.
- ToolbarOptions
- Toolbar configuration for EditableText.
- Tooltip
- A Material Design tooltip.
- TooltipState
- Contains the state for a Tooltip.
- TooltipTheme
- Applies a tooltip theme to descendant Tooltip widgets.
- TooltipThemeData
- Defines the visual properties of Tooltip widgets, a tooltip theme.
- TooltipVisibility
- Overrides the visibility of descendant Tooltip widgets.
- TrackingScrollController
- A ScrollController whose initialScrollOffset tracks its most recently updated ScrollPosition.
- TrainHoppingAnimation
- This animation starts by proxying one animation, but when the value of that animation crosses the value of the second (either because the second is going in the opposite direction, or because the one overtakes the other), the animation hops over to proxying the second animation.
- Transform
- A widget that applies a transformation before painting its child.
- TransformationController
- A thin wrapper on ValueNotifier whose value is a Matrix4 representing a transformation.
- TransformProperty
- Property which handles Matrix4 that represent transforms.
T> - The delegate that decides how pages added and removed from Navigator.pages transition in or out of the screen.
T> - A route with entrance and exit transitions.
- TransposeCharactersIntent
- An Intent that represents a user interaction that attempts to swap the characters immediately around the cursor.
T> - A widget that displays TreeSliverNodes that expand and collapse in a vertically and horizontally scrolling Viewport.
- TreeSliverController
- Enables control over the TreeSliverNodes of a TreeSliver.
T> - A data structure for configuring children of a TreeSliver.
T extends Object?> - A linear interpolation between a beginning and ending value.
T extends Object?> - Widget builder that animates a property of a Widget to a target value whenever the target value changes.
T> - Enables creating an Animation whose value is defined by a sequence of Tweens.
T> - A simple holder for one element of a TweenSequence.
- TwoDimensionalChildBuilderDelegate
- A delegate that supplies children for a TwoDimensionalScrollView using a builder callback.
- TwoDimensionalChildDelegate
- A delegate that supplies children for scrolling in two dimensions.
- TwoDimensionalChildListDelegate
- A delegate that supplies children for a TwoDimensionalViewport using an explicit two dimensional array.
- TwoDimensionalChildManager
- A delegate used by RenderTwoDimensionalViewport to manage its children.
- TwoDimensionalScrollable
- A widget that manages scrolling in both the vertical and horizontal dimensions and informs the TwoDimensionalViewport through which the content is viewed.
- TwoDimensionalScrollableState
- State object for a TwoDimensionalScrollable widget.
- TwoDimensionalScrollView
- A widget that combines a TwoDimensionalScrollable and a TwoDimensionalViewport to create an interactive scrolling pane of content in both vertical and horizontal dimensions.
- TwoDimensionalViewport
- A widget through which a portion of larger content can be viewed, typically in combination with a TwoDimensionalScrollable.
- TwoDimensionalViewportParentData
- Parent data structure used by RenderTwoDimensionalViewport.
- Typography
- The color and geometry TextThemes for Material apps.
- UiKitView
- Embeds an iOS view in the Widget hierarchy.
- UnconstrainedBox
- A widget that imposes no constraints on its child, allowing it to render at its "natural" size.
- UnderlineInputBorder
- Draws a horizontal line at the bottom of an InputDecorator's container and defines the container's shape.
- UnderlineTabIndicator
- Used with TabBar.indicator to draw a horizontal line below the selected tab.
T> - Provides undo/redo capabilities for a ValueNotifier.
- UndoHistoryController
- A controller for the undo history, for example for an editable text field.
T> - State for a UndoHistory.
- UndoHistoryValue
- Represents whether the current undo stack can undo or redo.
- UndoTextIntent
- An Intent that represents a user interaction that attempts to go back to the previous editing state.
- UniqueKey
- A key that is only equal to itself.
T extends State< StatefulWidget> > - Base class for stateful widgets that have exactly one inflated instance in the tree.
- UnmanagedRestorationScope
- Inserts a provided RestorationBucket into the widget tree and makes it available to descendants via RestorationScope.of.
- UpdateSelectionIntent
- An Intent that represents a user interaction that attempts to change the selection in an input field.
- UserAccountsDrawerHeader
- A Material Design Drawer header that identifies the app's user.
- UserScrollNotification
- A notification that the user has changed the ScrollDirection in which they are scrolling, or have stopped scrolling.
T> - A key that uses a value of a particular type to identify itself.
T> - A widget whose content stays synced with a ValueListenable.
T> - A ChangeNotifier that holds a single value.
- Velocity
- A velocity in two dimensions.
- VerticalDivider
- A thin vertical line, with padding on either side.
- View
- Bootstraps a render tree that is rendered into the provided FlutterView.
- ViewAnchor
- Decorates a child widget with a side View.
- ViewCollection
- A collection of sibling Views.
- Viewport
- A widget through which a portion of larger content can be viewed, typically in combination with a Scrollable.
- Visibility
- Whether to show or hide a child.
- VisualDensity
- Defines the visual density of user interface components.
- VoidCallbackAction
- An Action that invokes the VoidCallback given to it in the VoidCallbackIntent passed to it when invoked.
- VoidCallbackIntent
- An Intent that keeps a VoidCallback to be invoked by a VoidCallbackAction when it receives this intent.
K, V> - Does not hold keys from garbage collection.
- Widget
- Describes the configuration for an Element.
- WidgetInspector
- A widget that enables inspecting the child widget's structure.
- WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy
- A FocusTraversalPolicy that traverses the focus order in widget hierarchy order.
- WidgetsApp
- A convenience widget that wraps a number of widgets that are commonly required for an application.
- WidgetsBindingObserver
- Interface for classes that register with the Widgets layer binding.
- WidgetsFlutterBinding
- A concrete binding for applications based on the Widgets framework.
- WidgetsLocalizations
- Interface for localized resource values for the lowest levels of the Flutter framework.
- WidgetSpan
- An immutable widget that is embedded inline within text.
- WidgetStateBorderSide
- Defines a BorderSide whose value depends on a set of WidgetStates which represent the interactive state of a component.
- WidgetStateColor
- Defines a Color that is also a WidgetStateProperty.
- WidgetStateInputBorder
- Defines an InputBorder that is also a WidgetStateProperty.
T> -
Uses a WidgetStateMap to resolve to a single value of type
based on the current set of Widget states. - WidgetStateMouseCursor
- Defines a MouseCursor whose value depends on a set of WidgetStates which represent the interactive state of a component.
- WidgetStateOutlinedBorder
- Defines an OutlinedBorder whose value depends on a set of WidgetStates which represent the interactive state of a component.
T> -
Interface for classes that resolve to a value of type
based on a widget's interactive "state", which is defined as a set of WidgetStates. -
T> - Convenience class for creating a WidgetStateProperty that resolves to the given value for all states.
- WidgetStatesConstraint
- This class allows WidgetState enum values to be combined using WidgetStateOperators.
- WidgetStatesController
- Manages a set of WidgetStates and notifies listeners of changes.
- WidgetStateTextStyle
- Defines a TextStyle that is also a WidgetStateProperty.
- WidgetToRenderBoxAdapter
- An adapter for placing a specific RenderBox in the widget tree.
- WillPopScope
- Registers a callback to veto attempts by the user to dismiss the enclosing ModalRoute.
- WordBoundary
- A TextBoundary subclass for locating word breaks.
- Wrap
- A widget that displays its children in multiple horizontal or vertical runs.
- YearPicker
- A scrollable grid of years to allow picking a year.
- ZoomPageTransitionsBuilder
- Used by PageTransitionsTheme to define a zooming MaterialPageRoute page transition animation that looks like the default page transition used on Android Q.
- AndroidOverscrollIndicator
- Types of overscroll indicators supported by
- AnimationBehavior
- Configures how an AnimationController behaves when animations are disabled.
- AnimationStatus
- The status of an animation.
- AppLifecycleState
- States that an application can be in once it is running.
- AutofillContextAction
- Predefined autofill context clean up actions.
- AutovalidateMode
- Used to configure the auto validation of FormField and Form widgets.
- Axis
- The two cardinal directions in two dimensions.
- AxisDirection
- A direction along either the horizontal or vertical Axis in which the origin, or zero position, is determined.
- BannerLocation
- Where to show a Banner.
- BlendMode
- Algorithms to use when painting on the canvas.
- BlurStyle
- Styles to use for blurs in MaskFilter objects.
- BorderStyle
- The style of line to draw for a BorderSide in a Border.
- Refines the layout of a BottomNavigationBar when the enclosing MediaQueryData.orientation is Orientation.landscape.
- Defines the layout and behavior of a BottomNavigationBar.
- BoxFit
- How a box should be inscribed into another box.
- BoxShape
- The shape to use when rendering a Border or BoxDecoration.
- Brightness
- Describes the contrast of a theme or color palette.
- ButtonBarLayoutBehavior
- Used with ButtonTheme and ButtonThemeData to define how the button bar should size itself with either constraints or internal padding.
- ButtonTextTheme
- Used with ButtonTheme and ButtonThemeData to define a button's base colors, and the defaults for the button's minimum size, internal padding, and shape.
- Clip
- Different ways to clip content.
- ClipboardStatus
- An enumeration of the status of the content on the user's clipboard.
- CollapseMode
- The collapsing effect while the space bar collapses from its full size.
- ConnectionState
- The state of connection to an asynchronous computation.
- ContextMenuButtonType
- The buttons that can appear in a context menu by default.
- CrossAxisAlignment
- How the children should be placed along the cross axis in a flex layout.
- CrossFadeState
- Specifies which of two children to show. See AnimatedCrossFade.
- DatePickerEntryMode
- Mode of date entry method for the date picker dialog.
- DatePickerMode
- Initial display of a calendar date picker.
- DayPeriod
- Whether the TimeOfDay is before or after noon.
- DecorationPosition
- Where to paint a box decoration.
- DiagnosticLevel
- The various priority levels used to filter which diagnostics are shown and omitted.
- DiagonalDragBehavior
- Specifies how to configure the DragGestureRecognizers of a TwoDimensionalScrollable.
- DismissDirection
- The direction in which a Dismissible can be dismissed.
- DrawerAlignment
- The possible alignments of a Drawer.
- DropdownMenuCloseBehavior
- Defines the behavior for closing the dropdown menu when an item is selected.
- DynamicSchemeVariant
- The algorithm used to construct a ColorScheme in ColorScheme.fromSeed.
- FilterQuality
- Quality levels for image sampling in ImageFilter and Shader objects that sample images and for Canvas operations that render images.
- FlexFit
- How the child is inscribed into the available space.
- FloatingHeaderSnapMode
- Specifies how a partially visible SliverFloatingHeader animates into a view when a user scroll gesture ends.
- FloatingLabelBehavior
- Defines how the floating label should behave.
- FlutterLogoStyle
- Possible ways to draw Flutter's logo.
- FocusHighlightMode
- An enum to describe which kind of focus highlight behavior to use when displaying focus information.
- FocusHighlightStrategy
- An enum to describe how the current value of FocusManager.highlightMode is determined. The strategy is set on FocusManager.highlightStrategy.
- FontStyle
- Whether to use the italic type variation of glyphs in the font.
- GrowthDirection
- The direction in which a sliver's contents are ordered, relative to the scroll offset axis.
- HeroFlightDirection
- Direction of the hero's flight based on the navigation operation.
- HitTestBehavior
- How to behave during hit tests.
- HourFormat
- Describes how hours are formatted.
- IconAlignment
- Determines the alignment of the icon within the widgets such as:
- ImageRepeat
- How to paint any portions of a box not covered by an image.
- KeyEventResult
- An enum that describes how to handle a key event handled by a FocusOnKeyCallback or FocusOnKeyEventCallback.
- ListTileControlAffinity
- Where to place the control in widgets that use ListTile to position a control next to a label.
- ListTileStyle
- Defines the title font used for ListTile descendants of a ListTileTheme.
- ListTileTitleAlignment
- Defines how ListTile.leading and ListTile.trailing are vertically aligned relative to the ListTile's titles (ListTile.title and ListTile.subtitle).
- LiveTextInputStatus
- An enumeration that indicates whether the current device is available for Live Text input.
- LockState
- Determines how the state of a lock key is used to accept a shortcut.
- MainAxisAlignment
- How the children should be placed along the main axis in a flex layout.
- MainAxisSize
- How much space should be occupied in the main axis.
- MaterialBannerClosedReason
- Specify how a MaterialBanner was closed.
- MaterialTapTargetSize
- Configures the tap target and layout size of certain Material widgets.
- MaterialType
- The various kinds of material in Material Design. Used to configure the default behavior of Material widgets.
- Specifies when each NavigationDestination's label should appear.
- Describes the navigation mode to be set by a MediaQuery widget.
- Defines the behavior of the labels of a NavigationRail.
- OptionsViewOpenDirection
- A direction in which to open the options-view overlay.
- Orientation
- Whether in portrait or landscape.
- OverflowBarAlignment
- Defines the horizontal alignment of OverflowBar children when they're laid out in an overflow column.
- PaintingStyle
- Strategies for painting shapes and paths on a canvas.
- PanAxis
- This enum is used to specify the behavior of the InteractiveViewer when the user drags the viewport.
- PathFillType
- Determines the winding rule that decides how the interior of a Path is calculated.
- PathOperation
- Strategies for combining paths.
- PlaceholderAlignment
- Where to vertically align the placeholder relative to the surrounding text.
- PlatformProvidedMenuItemType
- The list of possible platform provided, prebuilt menus for use in a PlatformMenuBar.
- PopupMenuPosition
- Used to configure how the PopupMenuButton positions its popup menu.
- RefreshIndicatorStatus
Indicates current status of Material
. - RefreshIndicatorTriggerMode
- Used to configure how RefreshIndicator can be triggered.
- RenderComparison
- The description of the difference between two objects, in the context of how it will affect the rendering.
- ResizeImagePolicy
- Configures the behavior for ResizeImage.
- RouteInformationReportingType
- The Router's intention when it reports a new RouteInformation to the RouteInformationProvider.
- RoutePopDisposition
- Indicates whether the current route should be popped.
- ScriptCategory
- A characterization of the of a TextTheme's glyphs that is used to define its localized TextStyle geometry for ThemeData.textTheme.
- ScrollbarOrientation
- An orientation along either the horizontal or vertical Axis.
- ScrollDecelerationRate
- The rate at which scroll momentum will be decelerated.
- ScrollIncrementType
- Describes the type of scroll increment that will be performed by a ScrollAction on a Scrollable.
- ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy
The policy to use when applying the
parameter of ScrollPosition.ensureVisible. - ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior
- A representation of how a ScrollView should dismiss the on-screen keyboard.
- SelectableRegionSelectionStatus
- The status of the selection under a SelectableRegion.
- SelectionChangedCause
- Indicates what triggered the change in selected text (including changes to the cursor location).
- ShowValueIndicator
- Describes the conditions under which the value indicator on a Slider will be shown. Used with SliderThemeData.showValueIndicator.
- SliderInteraction
- Possible ways for a user to interact with a Slider.
- SmartDashesType
- Indicates how to handle the intelligent replacement of dashes in text input.
- SmartQuotesType
- Indicates how to handle the intelligent replacement of quotes in text input.
- SnackBarBehavior
- Defines where a SnackBar should appear within a Scaffold and how its location should be adjusted when the scaffold also includes a FloatingActionButton or a BottomNavigationBar.
- SnackBarClosedReason
- Specify how a SnackBar was closed.
- SnapshotMode
- Controls how the SnapshotWidget paints its child.
- StackFit
- How to size the non-positioned children of a Stack.
- StandardComponentType
- An enum identifying standard UI components.
- StepperType
- Defines the Stepper's main axis.
- StepState
- The state of a Step which is used to control the style of the circle and text.
- StretchMode
- The stretching effect while the space bar stretches beyond its full size.
- StrokeCap
- Styles to use for line endings.
- StrokeJoin
- Styles to use for line segment joins.
- TabAlignment
- Defines how tabs are aligned horizontally in a TabBar.
- TabBarIndicatorSize
- Defines how the bounds of the selected tab indicator are computed.
- TabIndicatorAnimation
- Defines how the tab indicator animates when the selected tab changes.
- TableCellVerticalAlignment
- Vertical alignment options for cells in RenderTable objects.
- TargetPlatform
- The platform that user interaction should adapt to target.
- TextAffinity
- A way to disambiguate a TextPosition when its offset could match two different locations in the rendered string.
- TextAlign
- Whether and how to align text horizontally.
- TextBaseline
- A horizontal line used for aligning text.
- TextCapitalization
- Configures how the platform keyboard will select an uppercase or lowercase keyboard.
- TextDecorationStyle
- The style in which to draw a text decoration
- TextDirection
- A direction in which text flows.
- TextInputAction
- An action the user has requested the text input control to perform.
- TextLeadingDistribution
- How the "leading" is distributed over and under the text.
- TextOverflow
- How overflowing text should be handled.
- TextSelectionHandleType
- The type of selection handle to be displayed.
- TextWidthBasis
- The different ways of measuring the width of one or more lines of text.
- ThemeMode
- Describes which theme will be used by MaterialApp.
- Thumb
- Identifier for a thumb.
- TileMode
- Defines what happens at the edge of a gradient or the sampling of a source image in an ImageFilter.
- TimeOfDayFormat
- Determines how the time picker invoked using showTimePicker formats and lays out the time controls.
- TimePickerEntryMode
- Interactive input mode of the time picker dialog.
- TooltipTriggerMode
- The method of interaction that will trigger a tooltip. Used in Tooltip.triggerMode and TooltipThemeData.triggerMode.
- TraversalDirection
- A direction along either the horizontal or vertical axes.
- TraversalEdgeBehavior
- Controls the transfer of focus beyond the first and the last items of a FocusScopeNode.
- UnfocusDisposition
- Describe what should happen after FocusNode.unfocus is called.
- VertexMode
- Defines how a list of points is interpreted when drawing a set of triangles.
- VerticalDirection
- A direction in which boxes flow vertically.
- WebHtmlElementStrategy
- The strategy for and NetworkImage to decide whether to display images in HTML elements contained in a platform view instead of fetching bytes.
- WidgetInspectorServiceExtensions
- Service extension constants for the Widget Inspector.
- WidgetsServiceExtensions
- Service extension constants for the widgets library.
- WidgetState
- Interactive states that some of the widgets can take on when receiving input from the user.
- WrapAlignment
- How Wrap should align objects.
- WrapCrossAlignment
- Who Wrap should align children within a run in the cross axis.
- AnimationEagerListenerMixin
- A mixin that replaces the didRegisterListener/didUnregisterListener contract with a dispose contract.
- AnimationLazyListenerMixin
- A mixin that helps listen to another object only when this object has registered listeners.
- AnimationLocalListenersMixin
- A mixin that implements the addListener/removeListener protocol and notifies all the registered listeners when notifyListeners is called.
- AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin
- A mixin that implements the addStatusListener/removeStatusListener protocol and notifies all the registered listeners when notifyStatusListeners is called.
T> - Implements most of the Animation interface by deferring its behavior to a given parent Animation.
T extends StatefulWidget> - A mixin with convenience methods for clients of AutomaticKeepAlive. Used with State subclasses.
- BaseRangeSliderTrackShape
- Base range slider track shape that provides an implementation of getPreferredRect for default sizing.
- BaseSliderTrackShape
- Base track shape that provides an implementation of getPreferredRect for default sizing.
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin
- A mixin class that provides an implementation for finding a node in a particular direction.
- FabCenterOffsetX
- Mixin for a "center" floating action button location, such as FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerFloat.
- FabContainedOffsetY
- Mixin for a "contained" floating action button location, such as FloatingActionButtonLocation.endContained.
- FabDockedOffsetY
- Mixin for a "docked" floating action button location, such as FloatingActionButtonLocation.endDocked.
- FabEndOffsetX
- Mixin for an "end" floating action button location, such as FloatingActionButtonLocation.endDocked.
- FabFloatOffsetY
- Mixin for a "float" floating action button location, such as FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerFloat.
- FabMiniOffsetAdjustment
- Mixin for a "mini" floating action button location, such as FloatingActionButtonLocation.miniStartTop.
- FabStartOffsetX
- Mixin for a "start" floating action button location, such as FloatingActionButtonLocation.startTop.
- FabTopOffsetY
- Mixin for a "top" floating action button location, such as FloatingActionButtonLocation.startTop.
T> - A mixin used by routes to handle back navigations internally by popping a list.
T> - A mixin that provides platform-adaptive transitions for a PageRoute.
T extends StatefulWidget> - Mixin for State classes that require knowledge of changing MaterialState values for their child widgets.
- MenuSerializableShortcut
- A mixin allowing a ShortcutActivator to provide data for serialization of the shortcut when sending to the platform.
- NotifiableElementMixin
- Mixin this class to allow receiving Notification objects dispatched by child elements.
- PaintingBinding
- Binding for the painting library.
- A mixin that wires RouterDelegate.popRoute to the Navigator it builds.
ConstraintType extends Constraints, ChildType extends RenderObject> - Generic mixin for RenderObjects created by ConstrainedLayoutBuilder.
S extends StatefulWidget> - Manages the restoration data for a State object of a StatefulWidget.
- RootElementMixin
- Mixin for the element at the root of the tree.
- ScrollMetrics
- A description of a Scrollable's contents, useful for modeling the state of its viewport.
T extends StatefulWidget> - Provides a single Ticker that is configured to only tick while the current tree is enabled, as defined by TickerMode.
SlotType, ChildType extends RenderObject> - Mixin for a RenderObject configured by a SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidget.
SlotType, ChildType extends RenderObject> - A mixin version of SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidget.
- TextSelectionDelegate
- A mixin for manipulating the selection, provided for toolbar or shortcut keys.
- TextSelectionHandleControls
- TextSelectionControls that specifically do not manage the toolbar in order to leave that to EditableText.contextMenuBuilder.
T extends StatefulWidget> - Provides Ticker objects that are configured to only tick while the current tree is enabled, as defined by TickerMode.
S extends StatefulWidget> - A mixin for StatefulWidgets that implement toggleable controls with toggle animations (e.g. Switches, CupertinoSwitches, Checkboxes, CupertinoCheckboxes, Radios, and CupertinoRadios).
T> - A mixin for classes implementing a tree structure as expected by a TreeSliverController.
- ViewportElementMixin
- A mixin that allows Elements containing Viewport like widgets to correctly modify the notification depth of a ViewportNotificationMixin.
- ViewportNotificationMixin
- Mixin for Notifications that track how many RenderAbstractViewport they have bubbled through.
- WidgetInspectorService
- Service used by GUI tools to interact with the WidgetInspector.
- WidgetsBinding
- The glue between the widgets layer and the Flutter engine.
- StringCharacters on String
- WidgetStateOperators on WidgetStatesConstraint
- These operators can be used inside a WidgetStateMap to combine states and find a match.
- accelerateEasing → const Curve
- The accelerate easing curve in the Material 2 specification.
- decelerateEasing → const Curve
- The decelerate easing curve in the Material 2 specification.
- factory → const _Factory
Used to annotate an instance or static method
. Indicates thatm
must either be abstract or must return a newly allocated object ornull
. In addition, every method that either implements or overridesm
is implicitly annotated with this same annotation. - immutable → const Immutable
Used to annotate a class
. Indicates thatC
and all subtypes ofC
must be immutable. - iOSHorizontalOffset → const int
- An eyeballed value that moves the cursor slightly left of where it is rendered for text on Android so its positioning more accurately matches the native iOS text cursor positioning.
→ const Animation<
double> - An animation that is always complete.
→ const Animation<
double> - An animation that is always dismissed.
- The height of the bottom navigation bar.
→ const List<
String> - The default mime types to be used when allowedMimeTypes is not provided.
- kDefaultFontSize → const double
- The default font size if none is specified.
- kDefaultRouteTraversalEdgeBehavior → const TraversalEdgeBehavior
- The default value of Navigator.routeTraversalEdgeBehavior.
→ const Map<
int, List< BoxShadow> > - Map of elevation offsets used by Material Design to BoxShadow definitions.
- kFloatingActionButtonMargin → const double
- The margin that a FloatingActionButton should leave between it and the edge of the screen.
- kFloatingActionButtonSegue → const Duration
- The amount of time the FloatingActionButton takes to transition in or out.
- kFloatingActionButtonTurnInterval → const double
- The fraction of a circle the FloatingActionButton should turn when it enters.
→ const Map<
MaterialType, BorderRadius?> - The border radii used by the various kinds of material in Material Design.
- kMaterialListPadding → const EdgeInsets
- The padding added around material list items.
- kMiniButtonOffsetAdjustment → const double
- If a FloatingActionButton is used on a Scaffold in certain positions, it is moved kMiniButtonOffsetAdjustment pixels closer to the edge of the screen.
- kMinInteractiveDimension → const double
- The minimum dimension of any interactive region according to Material guidelines.
- kRadialReactionAlpha → const int
- The value of the alpha channel to use when drawing a circular material ink response.
- kRadialReactionDuration → const Duration
- The amount of time a circular material ink response should take to expand to its full size.
- kRadialReactionRadius → const double
- The default radius of a circular material ink response in logical pixels.
- kTabLabelPadding → const EdgeInsets
- The horizontal padding included by Tabs.
- kTabScrollDuration → const Duration
- The duration of the horizontal scroll animation that occurs when a tab is tapped.
- kTextHeightNone → const double
- A TextStyle.height value that indicates the text span should take the height defined by the font, which may not be exactly the height of TextStyle.fontSize.
- kTextTabBarHeight → const double
- The height of a tab bar containing text.
- kThemeAnimationDuration → const Duration
- The duration over which theme changes animate by default.
- kThemeChangeDuration → const Duration
- The amount of time theme change animations should last.
- kToolbarHeight → const double
- The height of the toolbar component of the AppBar.
- mustCallSuper → const _MustCallSuper
Used to annotate an instance member (method, getter, setter, operator, or
. Indicates that every invocation of a member that overridesm
must also invokem
. In addition, every method that overridesm
is implicitly annotated with this same annotation. - optionalTypeArgs → const _OptionalTypeArgs
Used to annotate a class, mixin, extension, function, method, or typedef
. Indicates that any type arguments declared onC
are to be treated as optional. - protected → const _Protected
- Used to annotate an instance member in a class or mixin which is meant to be visible only within the declaring library, and to other instance members of the class or mixin, and their subtypes.
- required → const Required
Used to annotate a named parameter
in a method or functionf
. Indicates that every invocation off
must include an argument corresponding top
, despite the fact thatp
would otherwise be an optional parameter. - standardEasing → const Curve
- The standard easing curve in the Material 2 specification.
- staticIconProvider → const Object
- Annotation for classes that only provide static const IconData instances.
- visibleForTesting → const _VisibleForTesting
- Used to annotate a declaration that was made public, so that it is more visible than otherwise necessary, to make code testable.
- widgetFactory → const _WidgetFactory
- Annotation which marks a function as a widget factory for the purpose of widget creation tracking.
- debugCaptureShaderWarmUpImage ↔ ShaderWarmUpImageCallback
Called by ShaderWarmUp.execute immediately after it creates an Image.
getter/setter pair
- debugCaptureShaderWarmUpPicture ↔ ShaderWarmUpPictureCallback
Called by ShaderWarmUp.execute immediately after it creates a Picture.
getter/setter pair
- debugDisableShadows ↔ bool
Whether to replace all shadows with solid color blocks.
getter/setter pair
- debugEnhanceBuildTimelineArguments ↔ bool
Adds debugging information to Timeline events related to Widget builds.
getter/setter pair
- debugFocusChanges ↔ bool
Setting to true will cause extensive logging to occur when focus changes occur.
getter/setter pair
- debugHighlightDeprecatedWidgets ↔ bool
Show banners for deprecated widgets.
getter/setter pair
- debugImageOverheadAllowance ↔ int
The number of bytes an image must use before it triggers inversion when
debugInvertOversizedImages is true.
getter/setter pair
- debugInvertOversizedImages ↔ bool
If true, the framework will color invert and horizontally flip images that
have been decoded to a size taking at least debugImageOverheadAllowance
bytes more than necessary.
getter/setter pair
- debugNetworkImageHttpClientProvider ↔ HttpClientProvider?
Provider from which NetworkImage will get its HttpClient in debug builds.
getter/setter pair
- debugOnPaintImage ↔ PaintImageCallback?
If not null, called when the framework is about to paint an Image to a
Canvas with an ImageSizeInfo that contains the decoded size of the
image as well as its output size.
getter/setter pair
- debugOnRebuildDirtyWidget ↔ RebuildDirtyWidgetCallback?
Callback invoked for every dirty widget built each frame.
getter/setter pair
- debugPrint ↔ DebugPrintCallback
Prints a message to the console, which you can access using the "flutter"
tool's "logs" command ("flutter logs").
getter/setter pair
- debugPrintBuildScope ↔ bool
Log all calls to BuildOwner.buildScope.
getter/setter pair
- debugPrintGlobalKeyedWidgetLifecycle ↔ bool
Log when widgets with global keys are deactivated and log when they are
reactivated (retaken).
getter/setter pair
- debugPrintRebuildDirtyWidgets ↔ bool
Log the dirty widgets that are built each frame.
getter/setter pair
- debugPrintScheduleBuildForStacks ↔ bool
Log the call stacks that mark widgets as needing to be rebuilt.
getter/setter pair
- debugProfileBuildsEnabled ↔ bool
Adds Timeline events for every Widget built.
getter/setter pair
- debugProfileBuildsEnabledUserWidgets ↔ bool
Adds Timeline events for every user-created Widget built.
getter/setter pair
- desktopTextSelectionControls → TextSelectionControls
Desktop text selection controls that loosely follow Material design
- desktopTextSelectionHandleControls → TextSelectionControls
Desktop text selection handle controls that loosely follow Material design
- emptyTextSelectionControls → TextSelectionControls
Text selection controls that do not show any toolbars or handles.
- imageCache → ImageCache
The singleton that implements the Flutter framework's image cache.
no setter
- kDefaultIconDarkColor → Color
The default color for ThemeData.iconTheme when ThemeData.brightness is
Brightness.light. This color is used in IconButton to detect whether
IconTheme.of(context).color is the same as the default color of ThemeData.iconTheme.
- kDefaultIconLightColor → Color
The default color for ThemeData.iconTheme when ThemeData.brightness is
Brightness.dark. This color is used in IconButton to detect whether
IconTheme.of(context).color is the same as the default color of ThemeData.iconTheme.
- materialTextSelectionControls → TextSelectionControls
Text selection controls that follow the Material Design specification.
- materialTextSelectionHandleControls → TextSelectionControls
Text selection handle controls that follow the Material Design specification.
- primaryFocus → FocusNode?
Provides convenient access to the current FocusManager.primaryFocus from
the WidgetsBinding instance.
no setter
BoxFit fit, Size inputSize, Size outputSize) → FittedSizes - Apply a BoxFit value.
AxisDirection axisDirection) → bool - Returns whether traveling along the given axis direction visits coordinates along that axis in numerically decreasing order.
AxisDirection axisDirection) → Axis - Returns the Axis that contains the given AxisDirection.
List< Locale> ? preferredLocales, Iterable<Locale> supportedLocales) → Locale - The default locale resolution algorithm.
TextEditingValue value, bool composingWithinCurrentTextRange, TextStyle? style, TextStyle misspelledTextStyle, SpellCheckResults spellCheckResults) → TextSpan - Builds the TextSpan tree given the current state of the text input and spell check results.
Draggable< Object> draggable, BuildContext context, Offset position) → Offset - Display the feedback anchored at the position of the original child.
Iterable< KeyEventResult> results) → KeyEventResult - Combine the results returned by multiple FocusOnKeyCallbacks or FocusOnKeyEventCallbacks.
List< InlineSpanSemanticsInformation> infoList) → List<InlineSpanSemanticsInformation> - Combines _semanticsInfo entries where permissible.
BuildContext context, {Size? size}) → ImageConfiguration - Creates an ImageConfiguration based on the given BuildContext (and optionally size).
String reason, {bool debugDisableShadowsOverride = false}) → bool - Returns true if none of the painting library debug variables have been changed.
String reason) → bool - Returns true if none of the widget library debug variables have been changed.
BuildContext context, {String? why, String? hint, String? alternative}) → bool - Asserts that the given context has a Directionality ancestor.
BuildContext context) → bool - Asserts that the given context has a Material ancestor within the closest LookupBoundary.
BuildContext context) → bool - Asserts that the given context has a Localizations ancestor that contains a MaterialLocalizations delegate.
BuildContext context) → bool - Asserts that the given context has a MediaQuery ancestor.
BuildContext context) → bool - Asserts that the given context has an Overlay ancestor.
BuildContext context) → bool - Asserts that the given context has a Scaffold ancestor.
BuildContext context) → bool - Asserts that the given context has a ScaffoldMessenger ancestor.
BuildContext context) → bool - Asserts that the given context has a Table ancestor.
BuildContext context) → bool - Asserts that the given context has a Localizations ancestor that contains a WidgetsLocalizations delegate.
Widget parent, Iterable< Widget> children, {String? message}) → bool - Asserts if the given child list contains any duplicate non-null keys.
) → String - Returns a text representation of the current focus tree, along with the current attributes on each node.
Matrix4? transform) → List< String> - Returns a list of strings representing the given transform in a format useful for TransformProperty.
) → void - Print a string representation of the currently running app.
) → void - Prints a text representation of the current focus tree, along with the current attributes on each node.
) → void - Prints a textual representation of the layer trees.
) → void - Prints a textual representation of the render trees.
) → void - Flushes inter-frame tracking of image size information from paintImage.
Object object) → bool - Returns if an object is user created.
Widget widget) → bool - Returns true if a Widget is user created.
Iterable< Widget> items) → bool - Asserts if the given list of items contains any duplicate non-null keys.
{StackTrace? stackTrace, String? label, int? maxFrames}) → void - Dump the stack to the console using debugPrint and FlutterError.defaultStackFilter.
Iterable< DiagnosticsNode> properties) → Iterable<DiagnosticsNode> - Transformer to parse and gather information about DiagnosticsDebugCreator.
Widget widget, Widget? built) → void -
Asserts that the
widget is not null. -
Uint8List bytes) → Future< Image> - Creates an image from a list of bytes.
ScrollNotification notification) → bool -
A ScrollNotificationPredicate that checks whether
notification.depth == 0
, which means that the notification did not bubble through any intervening scrolling widgets. -
Axis direction) → Axis - Returns the opposite of the given Axis.
AxisDirection axisDirection) → AxisDirection - Returns the opposite of the given AxisDirection.
BuildContext context, Axis axis, bool reverse) → AxisDirection -
Returns the AxisDirection in the given Axis in the current
Directionality (or the reverse if
is true). -
{required TimeOfDayFormat of}) → HourFormat - The HourFormat used for the given TimeOfDayFormat.
String selectorName) → Intent? - Maps the selector from NSStandardKeyBindingResponding to the Intent if the selector is recognized.
List< FontVariation> ? a, List<FontVariation> ? b, double t) → List<FontVariation> ? - Interpolate between two lists of FontVariation objects.
Canvas canvas, Rect rect, {BorderSide top = BorderSide.none, BorderSide right = BorderSide.none, BorderSide bottom = BorderSide.none, BorderSide left = BorderSide.none}) → void - Paints a border around the given rectangle on the canvas.
{required Canvas canvas, required Rect rect, required Image image, String? debugImageLabel, double scale = 1.0, double opacity = 1.0, ColorFilter? colorFilter, BoxFit? fit, Alignment alignment =, Rect? centerSlice, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, bool flipHorizontally = false, bool invertColors = false, FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.medium, bool isAntiAlias = false, BlendMode blendMode = BlendMode.srcOver}) → void - Paints an image into the given rectangle on the canvas.
Canvas canvas, Paint paint, Offset start, Offset end, int zigs, double width) → void - Draw a line between two points, which cuts diagonally back and forth across the line that connects the two points.
Draggable< Object> draggable, BuildContext context, Offset position) → Offset - Display the feedback anchored at the position of the touch that started the drag.
{required Size size, required Size childSize, required Offset target, required bool preferBelow, double verticalOffset = 0.0, double margin = 10.0}) → Offset - Position a child box within a container box, either above or below a target point.
ImageProvider< Object> provider, BuildContext context, {Size? size, ImageErrorListener? onError}) → Future<void> - Prefetches an image into the image cache.
Widget app) → void - Inflate the given widget and attach it to the view.
Widget app) → void - Inflate the given widget and bootstrap the widget tree.
{required BuildContext context, String? applicationName, String? applicationVersion, Widget? applicationIcon, String? applicationLegalese, List< Widget> ? children, bool barrierDismissible = true, Color? barrierColor, String? barrierLabel, RouteSettings? routeSettings, Offset? anchorPoint}) → void - Displays an AboutDialog, which describes the application and provides a button to show licenses for software used by the application.
{required BuildContext context, String? applicationName, String? applicationVersion, Widget? applicationIcon, String? applicationLegalese, List< Widget> ? children, bool barrierDismissible = true, Color? barrierColor, String? barrierLabel, RouteSettings? routeSettings, Offset? anchorPoint}) → void - Displays either a Material or Cupertino AboutDialog depending on platform, which describes the application and provides a button to show licenses for software used by the application.
T> ({required BuildContext context, required WidgetBuilder builder, bool? barrierDismissible, Color? barrierColor, String? barrierLabel, bool useSafeArea = true, RouteSettings? routeSettings, Offset? anchorPoint, TraversalEdgeBehavior? traversalEdgeBehavior}) → Future< T?> - Displays either a Material or Cupertino dialog depending on platform.
{required BuildContext context, required WidgetBuilder builder, Color? backgroundColor, double? elevation, ShapeBorder? shape, Clip? clipBehavior, BoxConstraints? constraints, bool? enableDrag, bool? showDragHandle, AnimationController? transitionAnimationController, AnimationStyle? sheetAnimationStyle}) → PersistentBottomSheetController - Shows a Material Design bottom sheet in the nearest Scaffold ancestor. To show a persistent bottom sheet, use the Scaffold.bottomSheet.
{required BuildContext context, DateTime? initialDate, required DateTime firstDate, required DateTime lastDate, DateTime? currentDate, DatePickerEntryMode initialEntryMode = DatePickerEntryMode.calendar, SelectableDayPredicate? selectableDayPredicate, String? helpText, String? cancelText, String? confirmText, Locale? locale, bool barrierDismissible = true, Color? barrierColor, String? barrierLabel, RouteSettings? routeSettings, TextDirection? textDirection, TransitionBuilder? builder, DatePickerMode initialDatePickerMode =, String? errorFormatText, String? errorInvalidText, String? fieldHintText, String? fieldLabelText, TextInputType? keyboardType, Offset? anchorPoint, ValueChanged< DatePickerEntryMode> ? onDatePickerModeChange, Icon? switchToInputEntryModeIcon, Icon? switchToCalendarEntryModeIcon}) → Future<DateTime?> - Shows a dialog containing a Material Design date picker.
{required BuildContext context, DateTimeRange? initialDateRange, required DateTime firstDate, required DateTime lastDate, DateTime? currentDate, DatePickerEntryMode initialEntryMode = DatePickerEntryMode.calendar, String? helpText, String? cancelText, String? confirmText, String? saveText, String? errorFormatText, String? errorInvalidText, String? errorInvalidRangeText, String? fieldStartHintText, String? fieldEndHintText, String? fieldStartLabelText, String? fieldEndLabelText, Locale? locale, bool barrierDismissible = true, Color? barrierColor, String? barrierLabel, RouteSettings? routeSettings, TextDirection? textDirection, TransitionBuilder? builder, Offset? anchorPoint, TextInputType keyboardType = TextInputType.datetime, Icon? switchToInputEntryModeIcon, Icon? switchToCalendarEntryModeIcon, SelectableDayForRangePredicate? selectableDayPredicate}) → Future< DateTimeRange?> - Shows a full screen modal dialog containing a Material Design date range picker.
T> ({required BuildContext context, required WidgetBuilder builder, bool barrierDismissible = true, Color? barrierColor, String? barrierLabel, bool useSafeArea = true, RouteSettings? routeSettings, Offset? anchorPoint, TraversalEdgeBehavior? traversalEdgeBehavior}) → Future< T?> - Displays a Material dialog above the current contents of the app, with Material entrance and exit animations, modal barrier color, and modal barrier behavior (dialog is dismissible with a tap on the barrier).
T extends Object?> ({required BuildContext context, required RoutePageBuilder pageBuilder, bool barrierDismissible = false, String? barrierLabel, Color barrierColor = const Color(0x80000000), Duration transitionDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 200), RouteTransitionsBuilder? transitionBuilder, RouteSettings? routeSettings, Offset? anchorPoint}) → Future< T?> - Displays a dialog above the current contents of the app.
{required BuildContext context, String? applicationName, String? applicationVersion, Widget? applicationIcon, String? applicationLegalese, }) → void - Displays a LicensePage, which shows licenses for software used by the application.
T> ({required BuildContext context, RelativeRect? position, PopupMenuPositionBuilder? positionBuilder, required List< PopupMenuEntry< items, T? initialValue, double? elevation, Color? shadowColor, Color? surfaceTintColor, String? semanticLabel, ShapeBorder? shape, Color? color, BoxConstraints? constraints, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none, RouteSettings? routeSettings, AnimationStyle? popUpAnimationStyle, bool? requestFocus}) → Future<T> >T?> -
Shows a popup menu that contains the
. -
T> ({required BuildContext context, required WidgetBuilder builder, Color? backgroundColor, String? barrierLabel, double? elevation, ShapeBorder? shape, Clip? clipBehavior, BoxConstraints? constraints, Color? barrierColor, bool isScrollControlled = false, double scrollControlDisabledMaxHeightRatio = _defaultScrollControlDisabledMaxHeightRatio, bool isDismissible = true, bool enableDrag = true, bool? showDragHandle, bool useSafeArea = false, RouteSettings? routeSettings, AnimationController? transitionAnimationController, Offset? anchorPoint, AnimationStyle? sheetAnimationStyle}) → Future< T?> - Shows a modal Material Design bottom sheet.
T> ({required BuildContext context, required SearchDelegate< T> delegate, String? query = '', bool maintainState = false}) → Future<T?> - Shows a full screen search page and returns the search result selected by the user when the page is closed.
{required BuildContext context, required TimeOfDay initialTime, TransitionBuilder? builder, bool barrierDismissible = true, Color? barrierColor, String? barrierLabel, TimePickerEntryMode initialEntryMode = TimePickerEntryMode.dial, String? cancelText, String? confirmText, String? helpText, String? errorInvalidText, String? hourLabelText, String? minuteLabelText, RouteSettings? routeSettings, EntryModeChangeCallback? onEntryModeChanged, Offset? anchorPoint, Orientation? orientation, Icon? switchToInputEntryModeIcon, Icon? switchToTimerEntryModeIcon}) → Future< TimeOfDay?> - Shows a dialog containing a Material Design time picker.
TextDirection textDirection) → AxisDirection - Returns the AxisDirection in which reading occurs in the given TextDirection.
= void Function(Action<
Intent> action) - The kind of callback that an Action uses to notify of changes to the action's state.
T> = T Function(double value) - A typedef used by Animatable.fromCallback to create an Animatable from a callback.
- AnimatedCrossFadeBuilder = Widget Function(Widget topChild, Key topChildKey, Widget bottomChild, Key bottomChildKey)
- Signature for the AnimatedCrossFade.layoutBuilder callback.
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, int index, Animation<
double> animation) - Signature for the builder callback used by AnimatedList, AnimatedList.separated & AnimatedGrid to build their animated children.
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, Animation<
double> animation) -
Signature for the builder callback used in
to animate their children after they have been removed. -
= Widget Function(Widget? currentChild, List<
Widget> previousChildren) - Signature for builders used to generate custom layouts for AnimatedSwitcher.
= Widget Function(Widget child, Animation<
double> animation) - Signature for builders used to generate custom transitions for AnimatedSwitcher.
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, Animation<
double> animation, Widget? child) - Builder callback used by DualTransitionBuilder.
- AnimationStatusListener = void Function(AnimationStatus status)
- Signature for listeners attached using Animation.addStatusListener.
= Future<
AppExitResponse> Function() - A callback type that is used by AppLifecycleListener.onExitRequested to ask the application if it wants to cancel application termination or not.
= void Function(String action, Map<
String, dynamic> data) - Signature for the callback that reports the app private command results.
T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot< T> snapshot) - Signature for strategies that build widgets based on asynchronous interaction.
- AutocompleteFieldViewBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, TextEditingController textEditingController, FocusNode focusNode, VoidCallback onFieldSubmitted)
- The type of the Autocomplete callback which returns the widget that contains the input TextField or TextFormField.
T extends Object> = void Function(T option) - The type of the callback used by the RawAutocomplete widget to indicate that the user has selected an option.
T extends Object> = FutureOr< Iterable< Function(TextEditingValue textEditingValue)T> > - The type of the RawAutocomplete callback which computes the list of optional completions for the widget's field, based on the text the user has entered so far.
T extends Object> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, AutocompleteOnSelected< T> onSelected, Iterable<T> options) -
The type of the RawAutocomplete callback which returns a Widget that
displays the specified
and callsonSelected
if the user selects an option. -
T extends Object> = String Function(T option) - The type of the RawAutocomplete callback that converts an option value to a string which can be displayed in the widget's options menu.
- BottomSheetDragEndHandler = void Function(DragEndDetails details, {required bool isClosing})
- A callback for when the user stops dragging the bottom sheet.
- BottomSheetDragStartHandler = void Function(DragStartDetails details)
- A callback for when the user begins dragging the bottom sheet.
- BoxConstraintsTransform = BoxConstraints Function(BoxConstraints constraints)
- Signature for a function that transforms a BoxConstraints to another BoxConstraints.
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, Set<
MaterialState> states, Widget? child) - The type for ButtonStyle.backgroundBuilder and ButtonStyle.foregroundBuilder.
- ChildIndexGetter = int? Function(Key key)
Called to find the new index of a child based on its
in case of reordering. - ConditionalElementVisitor = bool Function(Element element)
- Signature for the callback to BuildContext.visitAncestorElements.
= Future<
bool?> Function(DismissDirection direction) - Signature used by Dismissible to give the application an opportunity to confirm or veto a dismiss gesture.
- ControlsWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ControlsDetails details)
A builder that creates a widget given the two callbacks
. - CreatePlatformViewCallback = PlatformViewController Function(PlatformViewCreationParams params)
- Constructs a PlatformViewController.
= Tween<
Rect?> Function(Rect? begin, Rect? end) - Signature for a function that takes two Rect instances and returns a RectTween that transitions between them.
- DataColumnSortCallback = void Function(int columnIndex, bool ascending)
- Signature for DataColumn.onSort callback.
= Future<
Codec> Function(ImmutableBuffer buffer, {bool allowUpscaling, int? cacheHeight, int? cacheWidth}) - Performs the decode process for use in ImageProvider.loadBuffer.
= Widget? Function(BuildContext context, Animation<
double> animation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation, bool allowSnapshotting, Widget? child) - Signature for a builder used to control a page's exit transition.
= void Function(Page<
Object?> page) - Signature for the Navigator.onDidRemovePage callback.
- DismissDirectionCallback = void Function(DismissDirection direction)
Signature used by Dismissible to indicate that it has been dismissed in
the given
. - DismissUpdateCallback = void Function(DismissUpdateDetails details)
- Signature used by Dismissible to indicate that the dismissible has been dragged.
= Offset Function(Draggable<
Object> draggable, BuildContext context, Offset position) - Signature for the strategy that determines the drag start point of a Draggable.
- DragEndCallback = void Function(DraggableDetails details)
- Signature for when the draggable is dropped.
- DraggableCanceledCallback = void Function(Velocity velocity, Offset offset)
- Signature for when a Draggable is dropped without being accepted by a DragTarget.
T> = void Function(T data) - Signature for causing a DragTarget to accept the given data.
T> = void Function(DragTargetDetails< T> details) - Signature for determining information about the acceptance by a DragTarget.
T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, List< T?> candidateData, List rejectedData) - Signature for building children of a DragTarget.
T> = void Function(T? data) - Signature for when a Draggable leaves a DragTarget.
T> = void Function(DragTargetDetails< T> details) - Signature for when a Draggable moves within a DragTarget.
T> = bool Function(T? data) - Signature for determining whether the given data will be accepted by a DragTarget.
T> = bool Function(DragTargetDetails< T> details) - Signature for determining whether the given data will be accepted by a DragTarget, based on provided information.
- DragUpdateCallback = void Function(DragUpdateDetails details)
- Signature for when a Draggable is dragged across the screen.
- DrawerCallback = void Function(bool isOpened)
- Signature for the callback that's called when a DrawerController is opened or closed.
= List<
Widget> Function(BuildContext context) - A builder to customize dropdown buttons.
- EditableTextContextMenuBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, EditableTextState editableTextState)
- Signature for a widget builder that builds a context menu for the given EditableTextState.
- ElementCreatedCallback = void Function(Object element)
- The signature of the function that gets called when the HtmlElementView DOM element is created.
- ElementVisitor = void Function(Element element)
- Signature for the callback to BuildContext.visitChildElements.
- EntryModeChangeCallback = void Function(TimePickerEntryMode mode)
- Signature for when the time picker entry mode is changed.
- ErrorWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(FlutterErrorDetails details)
- Signature for the constructor that is called when an error occurs while building a widget.
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, {required GlobalKey<
State< key, required VoidCallback onPressed})StatefulWidget> > - Signature for the builder callback used by WidgetInspector.exitWidgetSelectionButtonBuilder.
- ExpansionPanelCallback = void Function(int panelIndex, bool isExpanded)
- Signature for the callback that's called when an ExpansionPanel is expanded or collapsed.
- ExpansionPanelHeaderBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, bool isExpanded)
- Signature for the callback that's called when the header of the ExpansionPanel needs to rebuild.
T> = List< DropdownMenuEntry< Function(List<T> >DropdownMenuEntry< entries, String filter)T> > - A callback function that returns the list of the items that matches the current applied filter.
- FocusOnKeyCallback = KeyEventResult Function(FocusNode node, RawKeyEvent event)
- Signature of a callback used by Focus.onKey and FocusScope.onKey to receive key events.
- FocusOnKeyEventCallback = KeyEventResult Function(FocusNode node, KeyEvent event)
- Signature of a callback used by Focus.onKeyEvent and FocusScope.onKeyEvent to receive key events.
T> = Widget Function(FormFieldState< T> field) - Signature for building the widget representing the form field.
T> = void Function(T? newValue) - Signature for being notified when a form field changes value.
T> = String? Function(T? value) - Signature for validating a form field.
- GenerateAppTitle = String Function(BuildContext context)
- The signature of WidgetsApp.onGenerateTitle.
- GestureDragCancelCallback = void Function()
- Signature for when the pointer that previously triggered a GestureDragDownCallback did not complete.
- GestureDragDownCallback = void Function(DragDownDetails details)
- Signature for when a pointer has contacted the screen and might begin to move.
- GestureDragEndCallback = void Function(DragEndDetails details)
- Signature for when a pointer that was previously in contact with the screen and moving is no longer in contact with the screen.
- GestureDragStartCallback = void Function(DragStartDetails details)
- Signature for when a pointer has contacted the screen and has begun to move.
- GestureDragUpdateCallback = void Function(DragUpdateDetails details)
- Signature for when a pointer that is in contact with the screen and moving has moved again.
- GestureForcePressEndCallback = void Function(ForcePressDetails details)
- Signature for when the pointer that previously triggered a ForcePressGestureRecognizer.onStart callback is no longer in contact with the screen.
- GestureForcePressPeakCallback = void Function(ForcePressDetails details)
- Signature used by ForcePressGestureRecognizer for when a pointer that has pressed with at least ForcePressGestureRecognizer.peakPressure.
- GestureForcePressStartCallback = void Function(ForcePressDetails details)
- Signature used by a ForcePressGestureRecognizer for when a pointer has pressed with at least ForcePressGestureRecognizer.startPressure.
- GestureForcePressUpdateCallback = void Function(ForcePressDetails details)
- Signature used by ForcePressGestureRecognizer during the frames after the triggering of a ForcePressGestureRecognizer.onStart callback.
- GestureLongPressCallback = void Function()
- Callback signature for LongPressGestureRecognizer.onLongPress.
- GestureLongPressEndCallback = void Function(LongPressEndDetails details)
- Callback signature for LongPressGestureRecognizer.onLongPressEnd.
- GestureLongPressMoveUpdateCallback = void Function(LongPressMoveUpdateDetails details)
- Callback signature for LongPressGestureRecognizer.onLongPressMoveUpdate.
- GestureLongPressStartCallback = void Function(LongPressStartDetails details)
- Callback signature for LongPressGestureRecognizer.onLongPressStart.
- GestureLongPressUpCallback = void Function()
- Callback signature for LongPressGestureRecognizer.onLongPressUp.
T extends GestureRecognizer> = T Function() - Signature for closures that implement GestureRecognizerFactory.constructor.
T extends GestureRecognizer> = void Function(T instance) - Signature for closures that implement GestureRecognizerFactory.initializer.
- GestureScaleEndCallback = void Function(ScaleEndDetails details)
- Signature for when the pointers are no longer in contact with the screen.
- GestureScaleStartCallback = void Function(ScaleStartDetails details)
- Signature for when the pointers in contact with the screen have established a focal point and initial scale of 1.0.
- GestureScaleUpdateCallback = void Function(ScaleUpdateDetails details)
- Signature for when the pointers in contact with the screen have indicated a new focal point and/or scale.
- GestureTapCallback = void Function()
- Signature for when a tap has occurred.
- GestureTapCancelCallback = void Function()
- Signature for when the pointer that previously triggered a GestureTapDownCallback will not end up causing a tap.
- GestureTapDownCallback = void Function(TapDownDetails details)
- Signature for when a pointer that might cause a tap has contacted the screen.
- GestureTapUpCallback = void Function(TapUpDetails details)
- Signature for when a pointer that will trigger a tap has stopped contacting the screen.
= Widget Function(BuildContext flightContext, Animation<
double> animation, HeroFlightDirection flightDirection, BuildContext fromHeroContext, BuildContext toHeroContext) - A function that lets Heroes self supply a Widget that is shown during the hero's flight from one route to another instead of default (which is to show the destination route's instance of the Hero).
- HeroPlaceholderBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Size heroSize, Widget child)
- Signature for a function that builds a Hero placeholder widget given a child and a Size.
- HttpClientProvider = HttpClient Function()
- Signature for a method that returns an HttpClient.
- ImageChunkListener = void Function(ImageChunkEvent event)
- Signature for listening to ImageChunkEvent events.
= Future<
Codec> Function(ImmutableBuffer buffer, {TargetImageSizeCallback? getTargetSize}) - Performs the decode process for use in ImageProvider.loadImage.
- ImageErrorListener = void Function(Object exception, StackTrace? stackTrace)
- Signature for reporting errors when resolving images.
- ImageErrorWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Object error, StackTrace? stackTrace)
- Signature used by Image.errorBuilder to create a replacement widget to render instead of the image.
- ImageFrameBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child, int? frame, bool wasSynchronouslyLoaded)
- Signature used by Image.frameBuilder to control the widget that will be used when an Image is built.
- ImageListener = void Function(ImageInfo image, bool synchronousCall)
- Signature for callbacks reporting that an image is available.
- ImageLoadingBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child, ImageChunkEvent? loadingProgress)
- Signature used by Image.loadingBuilder to build a representation of the image's loading progress.
- IndexedWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, int index)
- Signature for a function that creates a widget for a given index, e.g., in a list.
= List<
Route> Function(String initialRoute) - The signature of WidgetsApp.onGenerateInitialRoutes.
- InlineSpanVisitor = bool Function(InlineSpan span)
- Called on each span as InlineSpan.visitChildren walks the InlineSpan tree.
- InputCounterWidgetBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, {required int currentLength, required bool isFocused, required int? maxLength})
- Signature for the TextField.buildCounter callback.
- InspectorSelectionChangedCallback = void Function()
- Signature for the selection change callback used by WidgetInspectorService.selectionChangedCallback.
- InteractiveViewerWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Quad viewport)
A signature for widget builders that take a
of the current viewport. - LayoutWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints)
- The signature of the LayoutBuilder builder function.
= Locale? Function(List<
Locale> ? locales, Iterable<Locale> supportedLocales) - The signature of WidgetsApp.localeListResolutionCallback.
= Locale? Function(Locale? locale, Iterable<
Locale> supportedLocales) - The signature of WidgetsApp.localeResolutionCallback.
= Widget? Function(BuildContext context, MagnifierController controller, ValueNotifier<
MagnifierInfo> magnifierInfo) - Signature for a builder that builds a Widget with a MagnifierController.
T> = WidgetPropertyResolver< T> -
Signature for the function that returns a value of type
based on a given set of states. - MaterialState = WidgetState
- Interactive states that some of the Material widgets can take on when receiving input from the user.
- MaterialStateBorderSide = WidgetStateBorderSide
- Defines a BorderSide whose value depends on a set of MaterialStates which represent the interactive state of a component.
- MaterialStateColor = WidgetStateColor
- Defines a Color that is also a MaterialStateProperty.
- MaterialStateMouseCursor = WidgetStateMouseCursor
- Defines a MouseCursor whose value depends on a set of MaterialStates which represent the interactive state of a component.
- MaterialStateOutlinedBorder = WidgetStateOutlinedBorder
- Defines an OutlinedBorder whose value depends on a set of MaterialStates which represent the interactive state of a component.
T> = WidgetStateProperty< T> -
Interface for classes that resolve to a value of type
based on a widget's interactive "state", which is defined as a set of MaterialStates. -
T> = WidgetStatePropertyAll< T> - Convenience class for creating a MaterialStateProperty that resolves to the given value for all states.
- MaterialStatesController = WidgetStatesController
- Manages a set of MaterialStates and notifies listeners of changes.
- MaterialStateTextStyle = WidgetStateTextStyle
- Defines a TextStyle that is also a MaterialStateProperty.
- MenuAcceleratorChildBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, String label, int index)
- The type of builder function used for building a MenuAcceleratorLabel's MenuAcceleratorLabel.builder function.
- MenuAnchorChildBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, MenuController controller, Widget? child)
- The type of builder function used by MenuAnchor.builder to build the widget that the MenuAnchor surrounds.
- MenuItemSerializableIdGenerator = int Function(PlatformMenuItem item)
- The signature for a function that generates unique menu item IDs for serialization of a PlatformMenuItem.
- MoveExitWidgetSelectionButtonBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, {bool isLeftAligned, required VoidCallback onPressed})
- Signature for the builder callback used by WidgetInspector.moveExitWidgetSelectionButtonBuilder.
- A callback that given a BuildContext finds a NavigatorState.
= List<
Widget> Function(BuildContext context, bool innerBoxIsScrolled) - Signature used by NestedScrollView for building its header.
T extends Notification> = bool Function(T notification) - Signature for Notification listeners.
- NullableIndexedWidgetBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, int index)
- Signature for a function that creates a widget for a given index, e.g., in a list, but may return null.
T extends Intent> = Object? Function(T intent) - The signature of a callback accepted by CallbackAction.onInvoke.
- OnKeyEventCallback = KeyEventResult Function(KeyEvent event)
- Signature of a callback used by FocusManager.addEarlyKeyEventHandler and FocusManager.addLateKeyEventHandler.
- OrientationWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Orientation orientation)
- Signature for a function that builds a widget given an Orientation.
= PageRoute<
T> Function<T>(RouteSettings settings, WidgetBuilder builder) - The signature of WidgetsApp.pageRouteBuilder.
- PaintImageCallback = void Function(ImageSizeInfo info)
- Called when the framework is about to paint an Image to a Canvas with an ImageSizeInfo that contains the decoded size of the image as well as its output size.
- PaintRangeValueIndicator = void Function(PaintingContext context, Offset offset)
- RangeSlider uses this callback to paint the value indicator on the overlay. Since the value indicator is painted on the Overlay; this method paints the value indicator in a RenderBox that appears in the Overlay.
- PaintValueIndicator = void Function(PaintingContext context, Offset offset)
- Slider uses this callback to paint the value indicator on the overlay.
- PlatformViewSurfaceFactory = Widget Function(BuildContext context, PlatformViewController controller)
- A factory for a surface presenting a platform view as part of the widget hierarchy.
- PointerCancelEventListener = void Function(PointerCancelEvent event)
- Signature for listening to PointerCancelEvent events.
- PointerDownEventListener = void Function(PointerDownEvent event)
- Signature for listening to PointerDownEvent events.
- PointerMoveEventListener = void Function(PointerMoveEvent event)
- Signature for listening to PointerMoveEvent events.
- PointerUpEventListener = void Function(PointerUpEvent event)
- Signature for listening to PointerUpEvent events.
- PopInvokedCallback = void Function(bool didPop)
- A callback type for informing that a navigation pop has been invoked, whether or not it was handled successfully.
T> = void Function(bool didPop, T? result) - A callback type for informing that a navigation pop has been invoked, whether or not it was handled successfully.
- PopPageCallback = bool Function(Route route, dynamic result)
- Signature for the Navigator.onPopPage callback.
T> = void Function(T? result) - A signature for a function that is passed the result of a Route.
- PopupMenuCanceled = void Function()
- Signature for the callback invoked when a PopupMenuButton is dismissed without selecting an item.
T> = List< PopupMenuEntry< Function(BuildContext context)T> > - Signature used by PopupMenuButton to lazily construct the items shown when the button is pressed.
T> = void Function(T value) - Signature for the callback invoked when a menu item is selected. The argument is the value of the PopupMenuItem that caused its menu to be dismissed.
- PopupMenuPositionBuilder = RelativeRect Function(BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints)
- A builder that creates a RelativeRect to position a popup menu. Both BuildContext and BoxConstraints are from the PopupRoute that displays this menu.
- RangeThumbSelector = Thumb? Function(TextDirection textDirection, RangeValues values, double tapValue, Size thumbSize, Size trackSize, double dx)
- Decides which thumbs (if any) should be selected.
- RebuildDirtyWidgetCallback = void Function(Element e, bool builtOnce)
- Signature for debugOnRebuildDirtyWidget implementations.
- RectCallback = Rect Function()
- Signature for the callback used by ink effects to obtain the rectangle for the effect.
= Future<
void> Function() - The signature for a function that's called when the user has dragged a RefreshIndicator far enough to demonstrate that they want the app to refresh. The returned Future must complete when the refresh operation is finished.
- RegisterServiceExtensionCallback = void Function({required ServiceExtensionCallback callback, required String name})
Signature for a method that registers the service extension
with the givenname
. - RegisterViewFactory = void Function(String, Object (int viewId), {bool isVisible})
Function signature for
. - ReorderCallback = void Function(int oldIndex, int newIndex)
- A callback used by ReorderableList to report that a list item has moved to a new position in the list.
= DragBoundaryDelegate<
Rect> ? Function(BuildContext context) - Used to provide drag boundaries during drag-and-drop reordering.
= Widget Function(Widget child, int index, Animation<
double> animation) - Signature for the builder callback used to decorate the dragging item in ReorderableList and SliverReorderableList.
T> = Route< T> Function(BuildContext context, Object? arguments) - Creates a Route that is to be added to a Navigator.
T> = void Function(T result) - A callback to handle the result of a completed Route.
- RouteFactory = Route? Function(RouteSettings settings)
- Creates a route for the given route settings.
= List<
Route> Function(String initialRoute) - Creates a series of one or more routes.
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, Animation<
double> animation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation) - Signature for the function that builds a route's primary contents. Used in PageRouteBuilder and showGeneralDialog.
- RoutePredicate = bool Function(Route route)
- Signature for the Navigator.popUntil predicate argument.
- RoutePresentationCallback = String Function(Object? arguments)
A callback that given some
and anavigator
adds a new restorable route to thatnavigator
and returns the opaque ID of that new route. -
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, Animation<
double> animation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation, Widget child) - Signature for the function that builds a route's transitions. Used in PageRouteBuilder and showGeneralDialog.
- ScrollableWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ScrollController scrollController)
- The signature of a method that provides a BuildContext and ScrollController for building a widget that may overflow the draggable Axis of the containing DraggableScrollableSheet.
- ScrollControllerCallback = void Function(ScrollPosition position)
- Signature for when a ScrollController has added or removed a ScrollPosition.
- ScrollIncrementCalculator = double Function(ScrollIncrementDetails details)
- A typedef for a function that can calculate the offset for a type of scroll increment given a ScrollIncrementDetails.
- ScrollNotificationCallback = void Function(ScrollNotification notification)
- A ScrollNotification listener for ScrollNotificationObserver.
- ScrollNotificationPredicate = bool Function(ScrollNotification notification)
- A predicate for ScrollNotification, used to customize widgets that listen to notifications from their children.
- SearchAnchorChildBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, SearchController controller)
- Signature for a function that creates a Widget which is used to open a search view.
T> = int? Function(List< DropdownMenuEntry< entries, String query)T> > - A callback function that returns the index of the item that matches the current contents of a text field.
- SelectableDayForRangePredicate = bool Function(DateTime day, DateTime? selectedStartDay, DateTime? selectedEndDay)
- Signature for predicating enabled dates in date range pickers.
- SelectableDayPredicate = bool Function(DateTime day)
- Signature for predicating dates for enabled date selections.
- SelectableRegionContextMenuBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, SelectableRegionState selectableRegionState)
- Signature for a widget builder that builds a context menu for the given SelectableRegionState.
- SelectionChangedCallback = void Function(TextSelection selection, SelectionChangedCause? cause)
- Signature for the callback that reports when the user changes the selection (including the cursor location).
- SemanticFormatterCallback = String Function(double value)
- A callback that formats a numeric value from a Slider or RangeSlider widget.
- SemanticIndexCallback = int? Function(Widget widget, int localIndex)
- A callback which produces a semantic index given a widget and the local index.
= List<
CustomPainterSemantics> Function(Size size) - Signature of the function returned by CustomPainter.semanticsBuilder.
- ShaderCallback = Shader Function(Rect bounds)
- Signature for a function that creates a Shader for a given Rect.
- ShaderWarmUpImageCallback = bool Function(Image image)
- The signature of debugCaptureShaderWarmUpImage.
- ShaderWarmUpPictureCallback = bool Function(Picture picture)
- The signature of debugCaptureShaderWarmUpPicture.
The type of the SharedAppData.getValue
parameter. - SliverLayoutWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, SliverConstraints constraints)
- The signature of the SliverLayoutBuilder builder function.
- StatefulWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, StateSetter setState)
- Signature for the builder callback used by StatefulBuilder.
- StateSetter = void Function(VoidCallback fn)
- The signature of State.setState functions.
- StepIconBuilder = Widget? Function(int stepIndex, StepState stepState)
A builder that creates the icon widget for the Step at
, givenstepState
. -
= FutureOr<
Iterable< Function(BuildContext context, SearchController controller)Widget> > - Signature for a function that creates a Widget to build the suggestion list based on the input in the search bar.
- TapRegionCallback = void Function(PointerDownEvent event)
- Signature for a callback called for a PointerDownEvent relative to a TapRegion.
- TapRegionUpCallback = void Function(PointerUpEvent event)
- Signature for a callback called for a PointerUpEvent relative to a TapRegion.
- ToolbarBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child)
- The type for a Function that builds a toolbar's container with the given child.
- TooltipTriggeredCallback = void Function()
- Signature for when a tooltip is triggered.
- TransformCallback = Matrix4 Function(double animationValue)
- Signature for the callback to MatrixTransition.onTransform.
- TransitionBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget? child)
- A builder that builds a widget given a child.
- TraversalRequestFocusCallback = void Function(FocusNode node, {double? alignment, ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy? alignmentPolicy, Curve? curve, Duration? duration})
- Signature for the callback that's called when a traversal policy requests focus.
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, TreeSliverNode<
Object?> node, AnimationStyle animationStyle) - Signature for a function that creates a Widget to represent the given TreeSliverNode in the TreeSliver.
= void Function(TreeSliverNode<
Object?> node) - Signature for a function that is called when a TreeSliverNode is toggled, changing its expanded state.
= double Function(TreeSliverNode<
Object?> node, SliverLayoutDimensions dimensions) - Signature for a function that returns an extent for the given TreeSliverNode in the TreeSliver.
T extends Object> = Tween< T> Function(T targetValue) - Signature for a Tween factory.
T extends Object> = Tween< T> ? Function(Tween<T> ? tween, T targetValue, TweenConstructor<T> constructor) - Signature for callbacks passed to ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState.forEachTween.
- TwoDimensionalIndexedWidgetBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, ChildVicinity vicinity)
- Signature for a function that creates a widget for a given ChildVicinity, e.g., in a TwoDimensionalScrollView, but may return null.
- TwoDimensionalViewportBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ViewportOffset verticalPosition, ViewportOffset horizontalPosition)
- Signature used by TwoDimensionalScrollable to build the viewport through which the scrollable content is displayed.
T> = void Function(T value) - Signature for callbacks that report that an underlying value has changed.
T> = T Function() - Signature for callbacks that are to report a value on demand.
T> = T Function(T) - Signature for method used to transform values in Animation.fromValueListenable.
T> = void Function(T value) - Signature for callbacks that report that a value has been set.
T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, T value, Widget? child) - Builds a Widget when given a concrete value of a ValueListenable<T>.
= Widget Function(Iterable<
Widget> suggestions) - Signature for a function that creates a Widget to layout the suggestion list.
- ViewportBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ViewportOffset position)
- Signature used by Scrollable to build the viewport through which the scrollable content is displayed.
- VoidCallback = void Function()
- Signature of callbacks that have no arguments and return no data.
- WidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context)
- Signature for a function that creates a widget, e.g. or
T> = T Function(Set< WidgetState> states) -
Signature for the function that returns a value of type
based on a given set of states. -
T> = Map< WidgetStatesConstraint, T> -
A Map used to resolve to a single value of type
based on the current set of Widget states. -
= Future<
bool> Function() - Signature for a callback that verifies that it's OK to call Navigator.pop.
Exceptions / Errors
- FlutterError
- Error class used to report Flutter-specific assertion failures and contract violations.
- NetworkImageLoadException
- The exception thrown when the HTTP request to load a network image fails.
- TickerCanceled
- Exception thrown by Ticker objects on the TickerFuture.orCancel future when the ticker is canceled.