FluentLocalizations class abstract
Callers can lookup localized strings with an instance of FluentLocalizations
returned by FluentLocalizations.of(context)
Applications need to include FluentLocalizations.delegate()
in their app's
list, and the locales they support in the app's
list. For example:
import 'generated/fluent_localizations.dart';
return MaterialApp(
localizationsDelegates: FluentLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,
supportedLocales: FluentLocalizations.supportedLocales,
home: MyApplicationHome(),
Update pubspec.yaml
Please make sure to update your pubspec.yaml to include the following packages:
# Internationalization support.
sdk: flutter
intl: any # Use the pinned version from flutter_localizations
# Rest of dependencies
iOS Applications
iOS applications define key application metadata, including supported locales, in an Info.plist file that is built into the application bundle. To configure the locales supported by your app, you’ll need to edit this file.
First, open your project’s ios/Runner.xcworkspace Xcode workspace file. Then, in the Project Navigator, open the Info.plist file under the Runner project’s Runner folder.
Next, select the Information Property List item, select Add Item from the Editor menu, then select Localizations from the pop-up menu.
Select and expand the newly-created Localizations item then, for each locale your application supports, add a new item and select the locale you wish to add from the pop-up menu in the Value field. This list should be consistent with the languages listed in the FluentLocalizations.supportedLocales property.
- Implementers
- FluentLocalizationsAr
- FluentLocalizationsBe
- FluentLocalizationsBn
- FluentLocalizationsCa
- FluentLocalizationsCs
- FluentLocalizationsDe
- FluentLocalizationsEl
- FluentLocalizationsEn
- FluentLocalizationsEs
- FluentLocalizationsFa
- FluentLocalizationsFr
- FluentLocalizationsHe
- FluentLocalizationsHi
- FluentLocalizationsHr
- FluentLocalizationsHu
- FluentLocalizationsId
- FluentLocalizationsIt
- FluentLocalizationsJa
- FluentLocalizationsKo
- FluentLocalizationsKu
- FluentLocalizationsMs
- FluentLocalizationsMy
- FluentLocalizationsNl
- FluentLocalizationsPl
- FluentLocalizationsPt
- FluentLocalizationsRo
- FluentLocalizationsRu
- FluentLocalizationsSk
- FluentLocalizationsSv
- FluentLocalizationsTa
- FluentLocalizationsTh
- FluentLocalizationsTr
- FluentLocalizationsUk
- FluentLocalizationsUr
- FluentLocalizationsUz
- FluentLocalizationsVi
- FluentLocalizationsZh
- Available extensions
- FluentLocalizations(String locale)
- am → String
The text used by TimePicker for the AM field.
no setter
- backButtonTooltip → String
The tooltip for the back button on NavigationAppBar.
no setter
- clickToSearch → String
The tooltip for the "Click to Search" button.
no setter
- closeButtonLabel → String
Label for "close" buttons and menu items.
no setter
The tooltip for the toggle navigation button.
no setter
- closeTabLabel → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The label used by TabView's close button.no setter - closeTabLabelSuffix → String
The label used by TabView's close button.
no setter
- closeWindowTooltip → String
The tooltip used by the "Close" button on desktop windows.
no setter
- copyActionLabel → String
The label for the copy action on the text selection controls.
no setter
- copyActionTooltip → String
The tooltip for the copy action on the text selection controls.
no setter
- copyShortcut → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The copy shortcut label used by text selection controls.no setter - cutActionLabel → String
The label for the cut action on the text selection controls.
no setter
- cutActionTooltip → String
The tooltip for the cut action on the text selection controls.
no setter
- cutShortcut → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The cut shortcut label used by text selection controls.no setter - day → String
The text used by DatePicker for the day field
no setter
- dialogLabel → String
The dialog label.
no setter
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- hour → String
The text used by TimePicker for the hour field.
no setter
- localeName → String
- minimizeWindowTooltip → String
The tooltip used by the "Minimize" button on desktop windows.
no setter
- minute → String
The text used by TimePicker for the minute field.
no setter
- modalBarrierDismissLabel → String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) for a modal barrier to indicate that a tap dismisses the barrier. A modal barrier can for example be found behind an alert or popup to block user interaction with elements behind it.
no setter
- month → String
The text used by DatePicker for the month field
no setter
- newTabLabel → String
The label used by TabView's new button.
no setter
- noResultsFoundLabel → String
The label used by AutoSuggestBox when the results can't be found.
no setter
The tooltip for the toogle navigation button.
no setter
- pasteActionLabel → String
The label for the paste button on the text selection controls.
no setter
- pasteActionTooltip → String
The tooltip for the paste action on the text selection controls.
no setter
- pasteShortcut → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The paste shortcut label used by text selection controls.no setter - pm → String
The text used by TimePicker for the PM field.
no setter
- restoreWindowTooltip → String
The tooltip used by the "Restore" button on desktop windows.
no setter
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- scrollTabBackwardLabel → String
The label used by TabView's scroll backward button.
no setter
- scrollTabForwardLabel → String
The label used by TabView's scroll forward button.
no setter
- searchLabel → String
Label for "search" text fields.
no setter
- selectAllActionLabel → String
The label for the select all button on the text selection controls.
no setter
- selectAllActionTooltip → String
The tooltip for the select all action on the text selection controls.
no setter
- selectAllShortcut → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The select all shortcut label used by text selection controls.no setter - year → String
The text used by DatePicker for the year field
no setter
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Methods
BuildContext context) → FluentLocalizations
→ const LocalizationsDelegate<
FluentLocalizations> -
→ const List<
LocalizationsDelegate> - A list of this localizations delegate along with the default localizations delegates.
→ const List<
Locale> - A list of this localizations delegate's supported locales.