FluentLocalizationsEl class
The translations for Modern Greek (el
- Inheritance
- Object
- FluentLocalizations
- FluentLocalizationsEl
- Available extensions
- FluentLocalizationsEl([String locale = 'el'])
- am → String
The text used by TimePicker for the AM field.
no setteroverride
- backButtonTooltip → String
The tooltip for the back button on NavigationAppBar.
no setteroverride
- clickToSearch → String
The tooltip for the "Click to Search" button.
no setteroverride
- closeButtonLabel → String
Label for "close" buttons and menu items.
no setteroverride
The tooltip for the toggle navigation button.
no setteroverride
- closeTabLabel → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The label used by TabView's close button.no setter - closeTabLabelSuffix → String
The label used by TabView's close button.
no setteroverride
- closeWindowTooltip → String
The tooltip used by the "Close" button on desktop windows.
no setteroverride
- copyActionLabel → String
The label for the copy action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- copyActionTooltip → String
The tooltip for the copy action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- copyShortcut → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The copy shortcut label used by text selection controls.no setter - cutActionLabel → String
The label for the cut action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- cutActionTooltip → String
The tooltip for the cut action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- cutShortcut → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The cut shortcut label used by text selection controls.no setter - day → String
The text used by DatePicker for the day field
no setteroverride
- dialogLabel → String
The dialog label.
no setteroverride
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- hour → String
The text used by TimePicker for the hour field.
no setteroverride
- localeName → String
- minimizeWindowTooltip → String
The tooltip used by the "Minimize" button on desktop windows.
no setteroverride
- minute → String
The text used by TimePicker for the minute field.
no setteroverride
- modalBarrierDismissLabel → String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) for a modal barrier to indicate that a tap dismisses the barrier. A modal barrier can for example be found behind an alert or popup to block user interaction with elements behind it.
no setteroverride
- month → String
The text used by DatePicker for the month field
no setteroverride
- newTabLabel → String
The label used by TabView's new button.
no setteroverride
- noResultsFoundLabel → String
The label used by AutoSuggestBox when the results can't be found.
no setteroverride
The tooltip for the toogle navigation button.
no setteroverride
- pasteActionLabel → String
The label for the paste button on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- pasteActionTooltip → String
The tooltip for the paste action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- pasteShortcut → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The paste shortcut label used by text selection controls.no setter - pm → String
The text used by TimePicker for the PM field.
no setteroverride
- restoreWindowTooltip → String
The tooltip used by the "Restore" button on desktop windows.
no setteroverride
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- scrollTabBackwardLabel → String
The label used by TabView's scroll backward button.
no setteroverride
- scrollTabForwardLabel → String
The label used by TabView's scroll forward button.
no setteroverride
- searchLabel → String
Label for "search" text fields.
no setteroverride
- selectAllActionLabel → String
The label for the select all button on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- selectAllActionTooltip → String
The tooltip for the select all action on the text selection controls.
no setteroverride
- selectAllShortcut → String
Available on FluentLocalizations, provided by the FluentLocalizationsExtension extension
The select all shortcut label used by text selection controls.no setter - year → String
The text used by DatePicker for the year field
no setteroverride
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.