Context class

A Z3 context.

A context is the main interaction point with Z3. It manages the creation of ASTs, symbols, and other Z3 objects.


Context(Config _originalConfig)
Creates a new context.


boolSort BoolSort
The type of booleans.
builtinProbes Map<String, BuiltinProbe>
A map of all of the built in probes.
builtinTactics Map<String, BuiltinTactic>
A map of all of the built in tactics.
charSort CharSort
The type of characters.
config ContextConfig
The configuration for this context that can be modified after creation.
falseExpr Expr
The false expression.
fpaRna Expr
The rounding mode to round to nearest ties to away.
fpaRne Expr
The rounding mode to round to nearest ties to even.
fpaRoundingModeSort FpaRoundingModeSort
The type of a floating point rounding mode enum.
fpaRoundNearestTiesToAway Expr
The rounding mode to round to nearest ties to away, alias for fpaRna.
fpaRoundNearestTiesToEven Expr
The rounding mode to round to nearest ties to even, alias for fpaRne.
fpaRoundTowardNegative Expr
The rounding mode to round toward negative, alias for fpaRtn.
fpaRoundTowardPositive Expr
The rounding mode to round toward positive, alias for fpaRtp.
fpaRoundTowardZero Expr
The rounding mode to round toward zero, alias for fpaRtz.
fpaRtn Expr
The rounding mode to round toward negative.
fpaRtp Expr
The rounding mode to round toward positive.
fpaRtz Expr
The rounding mode to round toward zero.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
intSort IntSort
The type of integers.
paramDesc ParamDescs
Parameter descriptions for config.
realSort RealSort
The type of real numbers (integers, floats, rationals, irrationals).
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
simplifyParamDescriptions ParamDescs
Gets a description of all of the available parameters to the simplify function.
no setter
stringSort StringSort
The type of strings.
trueExpr Expr
The true expression.


astToString(AST ast) String
Prints an AST to a string.
benchmarkToSmtlib({required String name, required String logic, required String status, required String attributes, required List<AST> assumptions, required AST formula}) String
Convert the given benchmark into a SMT-LIB string.
declare<T extends AST>(T ast) → T
Declare an AST element in the current context, for most AST elements this is not necessary as they are automatically declared when constructed.
declareDatatype(Sym name, List<Constructor> constructors) DatatypeInfo
Declare a datatype with the given name and constructors.
declareDatatypes(Map<Sym, List<Constructor>> datatypes) Map<Sym, DatatypeInfo>
Declare mutually recursive datatypes given a map from their name to their constructors.
declareEnum(Sym name, List<Sym> elements) EnumInfo
Declares an enum with the given name and elements.
declareList(Sym name, Sort element) ListInfo
Declares a list with the given name and element type.
declareTuple(Sym name, Map<Sym, Sort> fields) TupleInfo
Declares a tuple with the given name and fields.
defineRecursiveFunc(RecursiveFunc decl, AST body, [List<Expr> args = const []]) → void
Define the body of a recursive function declared using RecursiveFunc.
emptyParams() Params
Create an empty params object.
eval(String str) String
Evaluate an SMT-LIB string, returning the result as a string.
funcDeclsEqual(FuncDecl a, FuncDecl b) bool
Check if two FuncDecls are equal.
getDatatypeInfo(DatatypeSort sort) DatatypeInfo
Gets the DatatypeInfo for the given sort.
getExprApp(Expr app) App?
Get the App representing an expression, this gives you access to the underlying FuncDecl and parameters.
getSort(Expr value) Sort
Get the sort of an Expr.
getSortId(Sort sort) int
Get a unique id of a Sort.
getSortName(Sort sort) Sym
Get the name of a Sort.
lambdaConst(List<ConstVar> args, Expr body) Lambda
Creates a Lambda quantifier.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
optimize() Optimize
Create an optimization context.
parse(String str, {Map<Sym, Sort> sorts = const {}, Map<Sym, FuncDecl> decls = const {}}) List<AST>
Parse a SMT-LIB string, returning all of its assertions.
parser() ParserContext
Create a context for parsing and evaluating SMT-LIB strings.
pbGe(Map<Expr, int> args, int k) Expr
Create the pseudo-boolean relation p1 + p2 + ... + pn >= k.
pbLe(Map<Expr, int> args, int k) Expr
Create the pseudo-boolean relation p1 + p2 + ... + pn <= k.
probe(double value) Probe
Create a constant probe that always evaluates to value.
setASTPrintMode(ASTPrintMode mode) → void
Sets the ASTPrintMode of the current context used in astToString and some other places.
simpleSolver() Solver
Create a simple incremental solver.
simplify<A extends Expr>(Expr expr, [Params? params]) → A
Simplifies an expression using basic algebraic rules and constant folding.
solver({LogicKind? logic}) Solver
Creates a solver.
sortsEqual(Sort a, Sort b) bool
Check if two Sorts are equal.
substitute<A extends Expr>(A ast, Map<Expr, Expr> substitutions) → A
Substitutes expressions in expr where the keys of substitutions are replaced with their corresponding values.
substituteFuncs<A extends Expr>(Expr expr, Map<FuncDecl, Expr> substitutions) → A
Substitute the arguments to FuncDecls in expr with the expressions in to.
substituteVars<A extends Expr>(Expr expr, List<Expr> to) → A
Substitute BoundVars in expr with the expressions in to.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
translateTo<A extends AST>(Context other, A ast) → A
Translate the given AST element to another context.
updateTerm<A extends Expr>(A expr, List<Expr> args) → A
Updates the arguments of an App, Lambda, Exists, or Forall.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.