z3 library


The result of applying a Tactic to a Goal.
A built-in probe.
A built-in tactic.
Configuration for a Context.
Base class for configs used to configure a Context.
A Z3 context.
The configuration for a Context.
Interface to the Z3 fixedpoint solver.
An entry in a FuncInterp.
The interpretation of a function in a Model.
A set of formulas, Z3 provide APIs for building strategies/tactics for solving and transforming Goals. Some of these transformations apply under/over approximations.
An integer symbol.
A model containing the solution to a satisfiability query.
Holds parameters for various components of Z3, create one with Context.emptyParams.
An SMT-LIB parser context.
A predicate used to inspect a goal in a Tactic.
A rational number represented as a fraction of two BigInts.
A string symbol.
A symbol, either a string or an integer.
A tactic used to solve Goals.


How AST nodes should be printed.
The character encoding of the String and Unicode sorts.
The kind of error that occurred in a ContextError.
How precise a Goal is.
The kind of logic system used while solving.
The kind of static parameter supplied to a FuncDecl.


ASTExtension on A
Extension methods for ASTs.
ExprExtension on Expr
Extension methods for Exprs.
FuncDeclExtension on FuncDecl
Extension methods for FuncDecls.
ModelExtension on Model
Extension methods for Models.
TupleInfoExtension on TupleInfo
Extension methods for TupleInfos.


boolSort BoolSort
The type of booleans.
no setter
builtinProbes Map<String, BuiltinProbe>
A map of all of the built in probes.
no setter
builtinTactics Map<String, BuiltinTactic>
A map of all of the built in tactics.
no setter
charSort CharSort
The type of characters.
no setter
currentContext Context
The current context, or rootContext if none is set.
no setter
falseExpr NullaryOp
no setter
float128Sort Float128Sort
The type of an IEEE 128-bit floating point number with 15 exponent bits and 113 significand bits.
no setter
float16Sort Float16Sort
The type of an IEEE 16-bit floating point number with 5 exponent bits and 11 significand bits.
no setter
float32Sort Float32Sort
The type of an IEEE 32-bit floating point number with 8 exponent bits and 24 significand bits.
no setter
float64Sort Float64Sort
The type of an IEEE 64-bit floating point number with 11 exponent bits and 53 significand bits.
no setter
fpaRna NullaryOp
no setter
fpaRne NullaryOp
no setter
fpaRoundingModeSort FpaRoundingModeSort
The type of a floating point rounding mode enum.
no setter
fpaRoundNearestTiesToAway NullaryOp
no setter
fpaRoundNearestTiesToEven NullaryOp
no setter
fpaRoundTowardNegative NullaryOp
no setter
fpaRoundTowardPositive NullaryOp
no setter
fpaRoundTowardZero NullaryOp
no setter
fpaRtn NullaryOp
no setter
fpaRtp NullaryOp
no setter
fpaRtz NullaryOp
no setter
intSort IntSort
The type of integers.
no setter
libz3Override DynamicLibrary?
Global override for which Z3 library to use.
getter/setter pair
realSort RealSort
The type of real numbers (integers, floats, rationals, irrationals).
no setter
rootContext Context
The root context that is used by default.
getter/setter pair
simplifyParamDescriptions ParamDescs
Gets a description of all of the available parameters to the simplify function.
no setter
stringSort StringSort
The type of strings.
no setter
trueExpr NullaryOp
no setter
z3GlobalFullVersion String
The full version string of Z3.
z3GlobalVersion → Version
The current version of Z3.


$(Object e) Expr
Convert a Dart value to an Expr.
$s<T>() Sort
Convert a Dart Type to a Sort.
abs(Expr x, [Sort? sort]) Expr
add(Expr x, [Expr? x1, Expr? x2, Expr? x3, Expr? x4, Expr? x5, Expr? x6, Expr? x7, Expr? x8, Expr? x9]) NaryOp
addN(Iterable<Expr> args) NaryOp
and(Expr x, [Expr? x1, Expr? x2, Expr? x3, Expr? x4, Expr? x5, Expr? x6, Expr? x7, Expr? x8, Expr? x9]) NaryOp
andN(Iterable<Expr> args) NaryOp
app(FuncDecl decl, [Expr? x1, Expr? x2, Expr? x3, Expr? x4, Expr? x5, Expr? x6, Expr? x7, Expr? x8, Expr? x9]) App
appN(FuncDecl decl, Iterable<Expr> args) App
arrayDefault(Expr x) Expr
arrayMap(FuncDecl f, Iterable<Expr> arrays) ArrayMap
arraySort(Sort domain, Sort range) ArraySort
The type of an array from indices of type domain to elements of type range.
arraySortN(List<Sort> domain, Sort range) ArraySort
The type of an array from indices of types domain to elements of type range.
arrayStore(Expr x, Expr index, Expr value) ArrayStore
arrayStoreN(Expr array, Iterable<Expr> indices, Expr value) ArrayStore
astToString(AST ast) String
Prints an AST to a string.
benchmarkToSmtlib({required String name, required String logic, required String status, required String attributes, required Iterable<AST> assumptions, required AST formula}) String
Convert the given benchmark into a SMT-LIB string.
bitToBool(Expr x, int y) PUnaryOp
boundVar(int index, Sort sort) BoundVar
Creates a de-Bruijn indexed BoundVar expression for use in quantifiers.
bvAdd(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvAddNoOverflow(Expr x, Expr y, {required bool signed}) Expr
bvAddNoUnderflow(Expr x, Expr y) Expr
bvAnd(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvAshr(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvBig(BigInt value, BitVecSort sort) BitVecNumeral
Creates a BitVecNumeral from a BigInt value.
bvConcat(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvExtract(Expr x, int high, int low) BvExtract
bvFrom(int value, [int size = 64]) BitVecNumeral
Creates a BitVecNumeral from an int value.
bvLshr(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvMul(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvMulNoOverflow(Expr x, Expr y, {required bool signed}) Expr
bvNand(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvNeg(Expr x) UnaryOp
bvNegNoOverflow(Expr x) Expr
bvNor(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvNot(Expr x) UnaryOp
bvOr(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvRedAnd(Expr x) UnaryOp
bvRedOr(Expr x) UnaryOp
bvRotl(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvRotr(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvSdiv(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvSdivNoOverflow(Expr x, Expr y) Expr
bvSge(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvSgt(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvShl(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvSignExt(Expr x, int y) PUnaryOp
bvSle(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvSlt(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvSmod(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvSMulNoUnderflow(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvSort(int width) BitVecSort
The type of a bit-vector with the given width.
bvSrem(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvSub(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvSubNoOverflow(Expr x, Expr y) Expr
bvSubNoUnderflow(Expr t1, Expr t2, {required bool signed}) Expr
bvToChar(Expr x) Expr
bvToInt(Expr x, {bool signed = false}) BvToInt
bvUdiv(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvUge(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvUgt(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvUle(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvUlt(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvUrem(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvXnor(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvXor(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
bvZeroExt(Expr x, int y) PUnaryOp
char(int value) Char
Create a Char expression from code point.
charIsDigit(Expr x) Expr
charLe(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
charToBv(Expr x) Expr
charToInt(Expr x) Expr
codeToStr(Expr x) Expr
constArray(Sort sort, Expr value) ConstArray
Creates a constant array such that all elements are equal to value.
constructor(String name, Map<String, Sort> fields) Constructor
Creates a constructor used in a datatype declaration.
constVar(String name, Sort sort) ConstVar
Creates a ConstVar variable expression.
datatypeSort(String name, Iterable<Constructor> constructors) DatatypeSort
The type of a datatype with the given name and constructors.
declare<A extends AST>(A ast) → A
Declare an AST element in the current context, for most AST elements this is not necessary as they are automatically declared when constructed.
declareDatatype(String name, Iterable<Constructor> constructors) DatatypeInfo
Declare a datatype with the given name and constructors.
declareDatatypes(Map<String, Iterable<Constructor>> datatypes) Map<String, DatatypeInfo>
Declare mutually recursive datatypes given a map from their name to their constructors.
declareEnum(String name, Iterable<String> elements) EnumInfo
Declares an enum with the given name and elements.
declareEnumValues(List<Enum> values) EnumInfo
Declares an enum with the given values.
declareList(String name, Sort element) ListInfo
Declares a list with the given name and element type.
declareMaybe(Sort sort, {String? name}) MaybeInfo
Declares a datatype with a nothing and just constructor for the given sort, similar to the Haskell Maybe type.
declareTuple(String name, Iterable<Sort> sorts) TupleInfo
Declares a tuple with the given name and sorts, the fields of the tuple are named name$0, name$1, etc.
declareTupleNamed(String name, Map<String, Sort> fields) TupleInfo
Declares a tuple with the given name and fields, like declareTuple but the fields are explicitly named.
defineRecursiveFunc(RecursiveFunc func, Expr body) → void
Define the body of a recursive function declared using recursiveFunc.
distinct(Expr x, [Expr? x1, Expr? x2, Expr? x3, Expr? x4, Expr? x5, Expr? x6, Expr? x7, Expr? x8, Expr? x9]) NaryOp
distinctN(Iterable<Expr> args) NaryOp
div(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
divides(int x, Expr y) Divides
Create a division predicate that is true if x divides y.
emptySeq(Sort sort) EmptySeq
Creates an empty Seq expression.
emptySet(Sort sort) EmptySet
eq(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
eval(String str) String
Evaluate an SMT-LIB string, returning the result as a string.
exists(List<ConstVar> bound, Expr body, {Expr? when, int weight = 0, List<Pat> patterns = const [], List<Expr> noPatterns = const [], Sym? id, Sym? skolem}) Exists
Creates a Exists quantifier.
existsIndexed(Map<String, Sort> args, Expr body, {Expr? when, int weight = 0, Iterable<Pat> patterns = const [], Iterable<Expr> noPatterns = const [], String? id, String? skolem}) Exists
Creates a Exists quantifier, like exists but arguments must manually de-Bruijn indexed.
finiteDomainSort(String name, int size) FiniteDomainSort
The type of a finite domain with the given size, for use in the Datalog engine.
float(num value, FloatSort sort) FloatNumeral
Creates a FloatNumeral from a num value.
float128(num value) FloatNumeral
Creates a FloatNumeral from a num value.
float16(num value) FloatNumeral
Creates a FloatNumeral from a num value.
float32(num value) FloatNumeral
Creates a FloatNumeral from a num value.
float64(num value) FloatNumeral
Creates a FloatNumeral from a num value.
floatSort(int ebits, int sbits) FloatSort
The type of a floating point number with the given ebits exponent bits and sbits significand bits.
forall(List<ConstVar> bound, Expr body, {Expr? when, int weight = 0, List<Pat> patterns = const [], List<Expr> noPatterns = const [], Sym? id, Sym? skolem}) Forall
Creates a Forall quantifier.
forallIndexed(Map<String, Sort> args, Expr body, {Expr? when, int weight = 0, Iterable<Pat> patterns = const [], Iterable<Expr> noPatterns = const [], String? id, String? skolem}) Forall
Creates a Forall quantifier, like forall but arguments must manually de-Bruijn indexed.
forwardRefSort(String name) ForwardRefSort
A forward reference to a datatype with the given name, used in recursive datatypes.
fpaAbs(Expr x) Expr
fpaAdd(Expr x, Expr y) TernaryOp
fpaDiv(Expr x, Expr y) TernaryOp
fpaEq(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
fpaFma(Expr x, Expr y, Expr z, Expr w) QuaternaryOp
fpaFp(Expr sgn, Expr exp, Expr sig) TernaryOp
fpaGeq(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
fpaGt(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
fpaIsInfinite(Expr x) Expr
fpaIsNaN(Expr x) Expr
fpaIsNegative(Expr x) Expr
fpaIsNormal(Expr x) Expr
fpaIsPositive(Expr x) Expr
fpaIsSubnormal(Expr x) Expr
fpaIsZero(Expr x) Expr
fpaLeq(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
fpaLt(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
fpaMax(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
fpaMin(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
fpaMul(Expr x, Expr y) TernaryOp
fpaNeg(Expr x) Expr
fpaRem(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
fpaSqrt(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
fpaSub(Expr x, Expr y) TernaryOp
fpaToIeeeBv(Expr x) Expr
fpaToReal(Expr x) Expr
fullSet(Sort sort) FullSet
func(String name, Iterable<Sort> domain, Sort range) Func
Declare an uninterpreted function with the given name, domain, and range.
funcAsArray(FuncDecl f) AsArray
funcDeclsEqual(FuncDecl a, FuncDecl b) bool
Check if two FuncDecls are equal.
ge(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
getDatatypeInfo(DatatypeSort sort) DatatypeInfo
Gets the DatatypeInfo for the given sort.
getExprApp(Expr expr) App?
Get the App representing an expression, this gives you access to the underlying FuncDecl and parameters.
getSort<A extends Sort>(Expr value) → A
Get the sort of an Expr.
getSortName(Sort sort) String
Get the name of a Sort.
gt(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
iff(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
ifThenElse(Expr x, Expr y, Expr z) TernaryOp
implies(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
indexRefSort(int index) IndexRefSort
A reference to a datatype at the index index, only used in recursive datatypes.
intBig(BigInt value) IntNumeral
Creates an IntNumeral from a BigInt value.
intFrom(int value) IntNumeral
Creates an IntNumeral from an int value.
intToBv(Expr x, int y) PUnaryOp
intToReal(Expr x) UnaryOp
intToStr(Expr x) Expr
isInt(Expr x) UnaryOp
ite(Expr x, Expr y, Expr z) TernaryOp
lambda(Iterable<ConstVar> args, Expr body) Lambda
Creates a Lambda quantifier.
lambdaIndexed(Map<String, Sort> args, Expr body) Lambda
Creates a Lambda quantifier, like lambda but arguments must manually de-Bruijn indexed.
le(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
lt(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
mod(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
mul(Expr x, [Expr? x1, Expr? x2, Expr? x3, Expr? x4, Expr? x5, Expr? x6, Expr? x7, Expr? x8, Expr? x9]) NaryOp
mulN(Iterable<Expr> args) NaryOp
not(Expr x) UnaryOp
notEq(Expr x, Expr y) UnaryOp
optimize({Map<String, Object> params = const {}}) Optimize
Create an optimization context.
or(Expr x, [Expr? x1, Expr? x2, Expr? x3, Expr? x4, Expr? x5, Expr? x6, Expr? x7, Expr? x8, Expr? x9]) NaryOp
orN(Iterable<Expr> args) NaryOp
params([Map<String, Object> params = const {}]) Params
Create configuration parameters for various components of Z3.
parse(String str, {Map<String, Sort> sorts = const {}, Map<String, FuncDecl> decls = const {}}) List<AST>
Parse a SMT-LIB string, returning all of its assertions.
parser() ParserContext
Create a context for parsing and evaluating SMT-LIB strings.
patN(Iterable<Expr> terms) Pat
Creates a Pat which can be used in quantifiers.
pbAtLeast(Iterable<Expr> args, int n) PbAtLeast
Create the pseudo-boolean relation p1 + p2 + ... + pn >= k.
pbAtMost(Iterable<Expr> args, int n) PbAtMost
Create the pseudo-boolean relation p1 + p2 + ... + pn <= k.
pbEq(Map<Expr, int> args, int k) PbEq
Create the pseudo-boolean relation p1 + p2 + ... + pn = k.
pbGe(Map<Expr, int> args, int k) Expr
Create the pseudo-boolean relation p1 + p2 + ... + pn >= k.
pbLe(Map<Expr, int> args, int k) Expr
Create the pseudo-boolean relation p1 + p2 + ... + pn <= k.
pow(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
probe(double value) Probe
Create a constant probe that always evaluates to value.
rat(Rat rat) RatNumeral
Creates a RatNumeral from a Rat value.
ratFrom(int n, [int d = 1]) RatNumeral
Creates a RatNumeral from int numerator and denominator values.
reAllchar(Sort sort) ReAllchar
Create a regular expression that accepts all singleton sequences of the regular expression sort.
realToInt(Expr x) UnaryOp
reComplement(Expr x) Expr
reConcat(Expr x, [Expr? x1, Expr? x2, Expr? x3, Expr? x4, Expr? x5, Expr? x6, Expr? x7, Expr? x8, Expr? x9]) NaryOp
reConcatN(Iterable<Expr> args) NaryOp
recursiveFunc(String name, Iterable<Sort> domain, Sort range, Expr? body) RecursiveFunc
Declare a recursive function with the given name, domain, and range.
reDiff(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
reEmpty(Sort sort) ReEmpty
The regular expression of sort sort rejecting every sequence.
reFull(Sort sort) ReFull
The regular expression of sort sort accepting every sequence.
reIntersect(Expr x, [Expr? x1, Expr? x2, Expr? x3, Expr? x4, Expr? x5, Expr? x6, Expr? x7, Expr? x8, Expr? x9]) NaryOp
reIntersectN(Iterable<Expr> args) NaryOp
reLoop(Expr expr, int low, int high) ReLoop
Create a regular expression loop. The supplied regular expression expr is repeated between low and high times. The low should be below high with one exception: when supplying the value high as 0, the meaning is to repeat the argument expr at least low number of times, and with an unbounded upper bound.
rem(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
reOption(Expr x) Expr
repeat(Expr x, int y) PUnaryOp
rePlus(Expr x) Expr
rePower(Sort sort, int n) RePower
Regular expression power. (?)
reRange(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
reSort(Sort sort) ReSort
The type of a regular expression of sequences of elements of type sort.
reStar(Expr x) Expr
reUnion(Expr x, [Expr? x1, Expr? x2, Expr? x3, Expr? x4, Expr? x5, Expr? x6, Expr? x7, Expr? x8, Expr? x9]) NaryOp
reUnionN(Iterable<Expr> args) NaryOp
root(Expr x, Expr n) Expr
Get the algebraic nth root of x.
rotateLeft(Expr x, int y) PUnaryOp
rotateRight(Expr x, int y) PUnaryOp
sbvToInt(Expr x, {bool signed = true}) BvToInt
sbvToStr(Expr x) Expr
select(Expr x, Expr index) ArraySelect
selectN(Expr array, Iterable<Expr> indices) ArraySelect
seqAt(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
seqConcat(Expr x, [Expr? x1, Expr? x2, Expr? x3, Expr? x4, Expr? x5, Expr? x6, Expr? x7, Expr? x8, Expr? x9]) NaryOp
seqConcatN(Iterable<Expr> args) NaryOp
seqContains(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
seqExtract(Expr x, Expr y, Expr z) TernaryOp
seqIndex(Expr x, Expr y, Expr z) TernaryOp
seqInRe(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
seqLastIndex(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
seqLength(Expr x) Expr
seqNth(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
seqPrefix(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
seqReplace(Expr x, Expr y, Expr z) TernaryOp
seqSort(Sort sort) SeqSort
The type of a sequence of elements of type sort.
seqSuffix(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
seqToRe(Expr x) Expr
seqUnit(Expr x) Expr
setAdd(Expr x, Expr y) Expr
setASTPrintMode(ASTPrintMode mode) → void
Sets the ASTPrintMode of the current context used in astToString and some other places.
setComplement(Expr x) Expr
setDel(Expr x, Expr y) Expr
setDifference(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
setIntersect(Expr x, [Expr? x1, Expr? x2, Expr? x3, Expr? x4, Expr? x5, Expr? x6, Expr? x7, Expr? x8, Expr? x9]) NaryOp
setIntersectN(Iterable<Expr> args) NaryOp
setMember(Expr x, Expr y) ArraySelect
setSort(Sort domain) SetSort
The sort of a set of elements of type domain.
setSubset(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
setUnion(Expr x, [Expr? x1, Expr? x2, Expr? x3, Expr? x4, Expr? x5, Expr? x6, Expr? x7, Expr? x8, Expr? x9]) NaryOp
setUnionN(Iterable<Expr> args) NaryOp
simpleSolver() Solver
Create a simple incremental solver.
simplify<A extends Expr>(Expr expr, [Params? params]) → A
Simplifies an expression using basic algebraic rules and constant folding.
solver({LogicKind? logic, Map<String, Object> params = const {}}) Solver
Creates a solver.
sortsEqual(Sort a, Sort b) bool
Check if two Sorts are equal.
sqrt(Expr x) Expr
Get the algebraic square root of x.
store(Expr x, Expr y, Expr z) TernaryOp
str(String value) Str
Creates a Str expression.
strLe(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
strLt(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
strToCode(Expr x) Expr
strToInt(Expr x) Expr
sub(Expr x, [Expr? x1, Expr? x2, Expr? x3, Expr? x4, Expr? x5, Expr? x6, Expr? x7, Expr? x8, Expr? x9]) NaryOp
subN(Iterable<Expr> args) NaryOp
substitute<A extends Expr>(Expr ast, Map<Expr, Expr> substitutions) → A
Substitutes expressions in expr where the keys of substitutions are replaced with their corresponding values.
substituteFuncs<A extends Expr>(Expr expr, Map<FuncDecl, Expr> substitutions) → A
Substitute the arguments to FuncDecls in expr with the expressions in to.
substituteVars<A extends Expr>(Expr expr, Iterable<Expr> to) → A
Substitute BoundVars in expr with the expressions in to.
translateTo<A extends AST>(Context other, A ast) → A
Translate the given AST element to another context.
ubvToStr(Expr x) Expr
unaryMinus(Expr x) UnaryOp
uninterpretedSort(String name) Sort
Create a free (uninterpreted) type with the given name.
unitSeq(Sort sort) UnitSeq
Creates a Seq expression with a single element.
updateTerm<A extends Expr>(A expr, Iterable<Expr> args) → A
Updates the arguments of an App, Lambda, Exists, or Forall.
withContext<T>(Context context, T fn()) → T
Runs fn in the specified context.
xor(Expr x, Expr y) BinaryOp
z3GlobalAppendLog(File file) → void
Append API interactions to the given file.
z3GlobalCloseLog() → void
Stop logging API interactions.
z3GlobalDisableTrace(String tag) → void
Disables tracing for the given tag.
z3GlobalEnableTrace(String tag) → void
Enables tracing for the given tag.
z3GlobalGetEstimatedAllocatedMemory() int
Returns the estimated amount of allocated memory by Z3, in bytes.
z3GlobalOpenLog(File file) → void
Log API interactions to the given file, clearing the previous contents.
z3GlobalWarningMessages(bool enabled) → void
Enable or disable printing warning messages to the console.


Parameter = Object

Exceptions / Errors

An error that can be thrown while performing an operation in a Context.