imageUpload function

Future<ApiFile> imageUpload({
  1. int quality = 90,
  2. Function? onProgress,
  3. String taxonomy = '',
  4. int entity = 0,
  5. String code = '',
  6. bool deletePreviousUpload = false,

The imageUpload is only a sample function to illustrate how you can upload a photo. You may copy this and change whatever to meet your design goal. onProgress will be called many times with percentage value.


Future<ApiFile> imageUpload({
  int quality = 90,
  Function? onProgress,
  String taxonomy = '',
  int entity = 0,
  String code = '',
  bool deletePreviousUpload = false,
}) async {
  ImageSource? re = await Get.bottomSheet(
      color: Colors.white,
      child: SafeArea(
        child: Wrap(
          children: <Widget>[
                leading: Icon(Icons.camera_alt, size: 28),
                title: Text('take photo from camera'.tr),
                onTap: () => Get.back(result:,
                leading: Icon(Icons.image, size: 28),
                title: Text('get photo from gallery'.tr),
                onTap: () => Get.back(result:,
                leading: Icon(Icons.cancel, size: 28), title: Text('cancel'.tr), onTap: () => Get.back(result: null)),
  if (re == null) throw ERROR_IMAGE_NOT_SELECTED;

  print('code: $code in function.dart::imageUpload');
  return Api.instance!.takeUploadFile(
    source: re,
    quality: quality,
    onProgress: onProgress,
    taxonomy: taxonomy,
    entity: entity,
    code: code,
    deletePreviousUpload: deletePreviousUpload,