Patient class

Demographics and other administrative information about an individual or animal receiving care or other health-related services.

Available extensions


Patient({String? id, Meta? meta, Uri? implicitRules, Language? language, Narrative? text, FixedList<Resource>? contained, FixedList<Extension>? extension, FixedList<Extension>? modifierExtension, FixedList<Identifier>? identifier, bool? active, FixedList<HumanName>? name, FixedList<ContactPoint>? telecom, AdministrativeGender? gender, DateTime? birthDate, BooleanOrDateTimeChoice? deceased, FixedList<Address>? address, MaritalStatus? maritalStatus, BooleanOrIntegerChoice? multipleBirth, FixedList<Attachment>? photo, FixedList<BackboneElement>? contact, FixedList<BackboneElement>? communication, FixedList<Reference>? generalPractitioner, Reference? managingOrganization, FixedList<BackboneElement>? link})
Constructs a new Patient.
Patient.fromJson(JsonObject json)
Creates a Patient instance from the provided JSON object.


active bool?
no setter
address FixedList<Address>?
no setter
birthDate DateTime?
no setter
communication FixedList<BackboneElement>?
no setter
contact FixedList<BackboneElement>?
no setter
contained FixedList<Resource>?
no setter
deceased BooleanOrDateTimeChoice?
no setter
extension FixedList<Extension>?
no setter
gender AdministrativeGender?
no setter
generalPractitioner FixedList<Reference>?
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id String?
The id of the resource
no setterinherited
identifier FixedList<Identifier>?
no setter
implicitRules Uri?
no setter
json → JsonObject
language Language?
no setter
no setter
managingOrganization Reference?
no setter
maritalStatus MaritalStatus?
no setter
meta Meta?
The metadata of the resource
no setterinherited
modifierExtension FixedList<Extension>?
no setter
multipleBirth BooleanOrIntegerChoice?
no setter
name FixedList<HumanName>?
no setter
photo FixedList<Attachment>?
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
telecom FixedList<ContactPoint>?
no setter
text Narrative?
no setter


copyWith({String? id, Meta? meta, Uri? implicitRules, Language? language, Narrative? text, FixedList<Resource>? contained, FixedList<Extension>? extension, FixedList<Extension>? modifierExtension, FixedList<Identifier>? identifier, bool? active, FixedList<HumanName>? name, FixedList<ContactPoint>? telecom, AdministrativeGender? gender, DateTime? birthDate, BooleanOrDateTimeChoice? deceased, FixedList<Address>? address, MaritalStatus? maritalStatus, BooleanOrIntegerChoice? multipleBirth, FixedList<Attachment>? photo, FixedList<BackboneElement>? contact, FixedList<BackboneElement>? communication, FixedList<Reference>? generalPractitioner, Reference? managingOrganization, FixedList<BackboneElement>? link}) Patient
Creates a copy of the Patient instance and allows for non-destructive mutation.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


activeField → const FieldDefinition<bool>
Field definition for active.
addressField → const FieldDefinition<FixedList<Address>>
Field definition for address.
birthDateField → const FieldDefinition<DateTime>
Field definition for birthDate.
communicationField → const FieldDefinition<FixedList<BackboneElement>>
Field definition for communication.
contactField → const FieldDefinition<FixedList<BackboneElement>>
Field definition for contact.
containedField → const FieldDefinition<FixedList<Resource>>
Field definition for contained.
deceasedField → const FieldDefinition<BooleanOrDateTimeChoice>
Field definition for deceased.
extensionField → const FieldDefinition<FixedList<Extension>>
Field definition for extension.
fieldDefinitions → const List<FieldDefinition<Object>>
R4: All field definitions for Patient.
genderField → const FieldDefinition<AdministrativeGender>
Field definition for gender.
generalPractitionerField → const FieldDefinition<FixedList<Reference>>
Field definition for generalPractitioner.
identifierField → const FieldDefinition<FixedList<Identifier>>
Field definition for identifier.
idField → const FieldDefinition<String>
Field definition for id.
implicitRulesField → const FieldDefinition<Uri>
Field definition for implicitRules.
languageField → const FieldDefinition<Language>
Field definition for language.
linkField → const FieldDefinition<FixedList<BackboneElement>>
Field definition for link.
managingOrganizationField → const FieldDefinition<Reference>
Field definition for managingOrganization.
maritalStatusField → const FieldDefinition<MaritalStatus>
Field definition for maritalStatus.
metaField → const FieldDefinition<Meta>
Field definition for meta.
modifierExtensionField → const FieldDefinition<FixedList<Extension>>
Field definition for modifierExtension.
multipleBirthField → const FieldDefinition<BooleanOrIntegerChoice>
Field definition for multipleBirth.
nameField → const FieldDefinition<FixedList<HumanName>>
Field definition for name.
photoField → const FieldDefinition<FixedList<Attachment>>
Field definition for photo.
telecomField → const FieldDefinition<FixedList<ContactPoint>>
Field definition for telecom.
textField → const FieldDefinition<Narrative>
Field definition for text.