copyWith method
- String? id,
- Meta? meta,
- Uri? implicitRules,
- Language? language,
- Narrative? text,
- FixedList<
Resource> ? contained, - FixedList<
Extension> ? extension, - FixedList<
Extension> ? modifierExtension, - FixedList<
Identifier> ? identifier, - bool? active,
- FixedList<
HumanName> ? name, - FixedList<
ContactPoint> ? telecom, - AdministrativeGender? gender,
- DateTime? birthDate,
- BooleanOrDateTimeChoice? deceased,
- FixedList<
Address> ? address, - MaritalStatus? maritalStatus,
- BooleanOrIntegerChoice? multipleBirth,
- FixedList<
Attachment> ? photo, - FixedList<
BackboneElement> ? contact, - FixedList<
BackboneElement> ? communication, - FixedList<
Reference> ? generalPractitioner, - Reference? managingOrganization,
- FixedList<
BackboneElement> ? link,
Creates a copy of the Patient instance and allows for non-destructive mutation.
Patient copyWith({
String? id,
Meta? meta,
Uri? implicitRules,
Language? language,
Narrative? text,
FixedList<Resource>? contained,
FixedList<Extension>? extension,
FixedList<Extension>? modifierExtension,
FixedList<Identifier>? identifier,
bool? active,
FixedList<HumanName>? name,
FixedList<ContactPoint>? telecom,
AdministrativeGender? gender,
DateTime? birthDate,
BooleanOrDateTimeChoice? deceased,
FixedList<Address>? address,
MaritalStatus? maritalStatus,
BooleanOrIntegerChoice? multipleBirth,
FixedList<Attachment>? photo,
FixedList<BackboneElement>? contact,
FixedList<BackboneElement>? communication,
FixedList<Reference>? generalPractitioner,
Reference? managingOrganization,
FixedList<BackboneElement>? link,
}) =>
id: id ??,
meta: meta ?? this.meta,
implicitRules: implicitRules ?? this.implicitRules,
language: language ?? this.language,
text: text ?? this.text,
contained: contained ?? this.contained,
extension: extension ?? this.extension,
modifierExtension: modifierExtension ?? this.modifierExtension,
identifier: identifier ?? this.identifier,
active: active ??,
name: name ??,
telecom: telecom ?? this.telecom,
gender: gender ?? this.gender,
birthDate: birthDate ?? this.birthDate,
deceased: deceased ?? this.deceased,
address: address ?? this.address,
maritalStatus: maritalStatus ?? this.maritalStatus,
multipleBirth: multipleBirth ?? this.multipleBirth,
photo: photo ??,
contact: contact ??,
communication: communication ?? this.communication,
generalPractitioner: generalPractitioner ?? this.generalPractitioner,
managingOrganization: managingOrganization ?? this.managingOrganization,
link: link ??,