realInverseFft method
Real-valued inverse FFT.
Performs an inverse FFT and discards the imaginary components of the result. Returns a newly allocated Float64List.
This method expects the full result of realFft, so if you use ComplexArray.discardConjugates, remember to use ComplexArray.createConjugates before calling realInverseFft.
WARINING: For efficiency reasons, this modifies complexArray
. If you
need the original values in complexArray
to remain unmodified, make a
copy of it first: realInverseFft(complexArray.sublist(0))
Float64List realInverseFft(Float64x2List complexArray) {
final len = complexArray.length;
final scale = len.toDouble();
final r = Float64List(len);
r[0] = complexArray[0].x / scale;
if (len <= 1) return r;
for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
r[i] = complexArray[len - i].x / scale;
return r;