discardConjugates method

Float64x2List discardConjugates()

Discards redundant conjugate terms, assuming this is the result of a real valued FFT. This method does not check whether those terms are actualy redundant conjugate values.

The result of a real valued FFT is about half redundant data, so the list returned by this function omits that data:

(sum term, ...terms..., nyquist term, ...conjugate terms...)

The sum term, main terms, and nyquitst term, are kept. The conjugate terms are discarded. For odd length arrays, the nyquist term doesn't exist.

This method returns a new array (which is a view into the same data). It does not modify this array, or make a copy of the data.


Float64x2List discardConjugates() {
  return Float64x2List.sublistView(this, 0, discardConjugatesLength(length));