editor/widgets/toolbar library


kDefaultIconSize → const double
The default size of the icon of a button.
kIconButtonFactor → const double
The factor of how much larger the button is in relation to the icon.
kToolbarSectionSpacing → const double
The horizontal margin between the contents of each toolbar section.


defaultToggleStyleButtonBuilder(BuildContext context, Attribute attribute, IconData icon, Color? fillColor, bool? isToggled, VoidCallback? onPressed, VoidCallback? afterPressed, [double iconSize = kDefaultIconSize, QuillIconTheme? iconTheme]) Widget


ToggleStyleButtonBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Attribute attribute, IconData icon, Color? fillColor, bool? isToggled, VoidCallback? onPressed, VoidCallback? afterPressed, [double iconSize, QuillIconTheme? iconTheme])