delta/html/util library


A class that describes a dedented text.


decodeHtmlCharacterFromMatch(Match match) String
Decodes HTML entity and numeric character references from the given match.
decodeHtmlCharacters(String input) String
Decodes HTML entity and numeric character references, for example decode &#35 to #.
escapeHtml(String html, {bool escapeApos = true}) String
Escapes ("), (<), (>) and (&) characters. Escapes (') if escapeApos is true.
escapeHtmlAttribute(String text) String
Escapes ("), (<) and (>) characters.
escapePunctuation(String input) String
Escapes the ASCII punctuation characters after backslash(\).
normalizeLinkDestination(String destination) String
Normalizes a link destination, including the process of HTML characters decoding and percent encoding.
normalizeLinkLabel(String label) String
"Normalizes" a link label, according to the CommonMark spec.
normalizeLinkTitle(String title) String
Normalizes a link title, including the process of HTML characters decoding and HTML characters escaping.