ordinal property

String ordinal

Converts an int into its English ordinal representation.


print(1.ordinal);   // Output: 1st
print(22.ordinal);  // Output: 22nd
print(143.ordinal); // Output: 143rd
print(0.ordinal);   // Output: 0th
print(12.ordinal);  // Output: 12th
print(69.ordinal);  // Output: 69th

The ordinal extension converts an integer into its English ordinal representation. It is commonly used to format numbers as ordinals, such as "1st", "22nd", "143rd", etc.


String get ordinal {
  return switch (toInt() % 100) {
    11 || 12 || 13 => '${this}th',
    _ => switch (this % 10) {
        1 => '${this}st',
        2 => '${this}nd',
        3 => '${this}rd',
        _ => '${this}th'