SerializedFormatX extension

Extensions for the enum SerializedFormat



description String?

Available on SerializedFormat, provided by the SerializedFormatX extension

Returns the description of the enum field.
no setter
name String

Available on SerializedFormat, provided by the SerializedFormatX extension

Returns the name of the enum field
no setter
readable String

Available on SerializedFormat, provided by the SerializedFormatX extension

Returns the name of the enum field In a human readable format
no setter
serialized Object

Available on SerializedFormat, provided by the SerializedFormatX extension

Returns the serialized value of the enum field.
no setter
toInt int

Available on SerializedFormat, provided by the SerializedFormatX extension

The enum value converted to an integer
no setter


map<T extends Object?>({required T camel, required T capital, required T constant, required T dot, required T header, required T kebab, required T no, required T none, required T pascal, required T path, required T sentence, required T snake, required T swap}) → T

Available on SerializedFormat, provided by the SerializedFormatX extension

Map of all values of the enum
maybeMap<T extends Object?>({required T orElse, T? camel, T? capital, T? constant, T? dot, T? header, T? kebab, T? no, T? none, T? pascal, T? path, T? sentence, T? snake, T? swap}) → T

Available on SerializedFormat, provided by the SerializedFormatX extension

Optionally map all values of the enum