description property

String? get description

Returns the description of the enum field.

If the description is null, the doc comment of the enum field is returned.


String? get description {
  return map<String?>(
    camel: '''
Converts to a string with the separators denoted
by having the next letter capitalized

(e.g. `'hello_world' -> 'helloWorld'`)
    capital: '''
Converts to a lowercased, first letter captialized word,
space separated string of every word

(e.g. `'hello world' -> 'Hello World'`)
    constant: '''
Converts to an upper case, underscore separated string

(e.g. `'hello world' -> 'HELLO_WORLD'`)
    dot: '''
Converts to a lower case period separated string

(e.g. `'hello World' -> 'hello.World'`)
    header: '''
Converts to a captialized word, dash separated string

(e.g. `'hello world' -> 'Hello-World'`)
    kebab: '''
Converts to a lower case, dash separated string

(e.g. `'hello World' -> 'hello-world'`)
    no: '''
Converts the string without any casing (lower case, space separated)

(e.g. `'Hello-World' -> 'hello world'`)
    none: '''
does not format the value
(e.g. `fieldName` remains `fieldName`).
    pascal: '''
Converts to a string denoted in the same fashion as [camel]
but with the first letter capitalized

(e.g. `'hello_world' -> 'HelloWorld'`)
    path: '''
Converts to a lower case, slash separated string

(e.g. `'hello World' -> 'hello/world'`)
    sentence: '''
Converts to a lower case, space separated string
with the first letter capitalized

(e.g. `'hello World' -> 'Hello world'`)
    snake: '''
Converts to a lower case, underscore separated string

(e.g. `'hello World' -> 'hello_world'`)
    swap: '''
Converts to a string with every character case reversed

(e.g. `'Hello World' -> 'hELLO wORLD'`)