imap library
Anything you need to fetch and process messages using the IMAP protocol.
Use the ImapClient
to connect to any IMAP compliant service.
- AttachmentInfo
- Information about a file that is attached
- BinaryMimeData
- Represents binary mime data
- BodyPart
- A BODY or BODYSTRUCTURE information element
- Capability
- Describes a capability
- ContentDispositionHeader
- Specifies the content disposition header of a mime part. Compare for details.
- ContentInfo
- Provides high level information about content parts.
- ContentTypeHeader
- Eases reading content-type header values
- Envelope
- Contains the envelope information about a message.
- FetchImapResult
- Result for FETCH operations
- GenericImapResult
- A generic result that provide details about the success or failure of the command.
- Header
- Encapsulates a MIME header
- Id
- Contains classes to support RFC 2971
- ImapClient
- Low-level IMAP library.
- ImapConnectionLostEvent
- Notifies about a connection lost
- ImapEvent
Base class for any event that can be fired by the
client at any time. Compare ImapClient.eventBus - ImapExpungeEvent
- Notifies about a message that has been deleted
- ImapFetchEvent
- Notifies about a message that has changed its status / flags
- ImapMessagesExistEvent
- Notifies about new messages
- ImapMessagesRecentEvent
- Notifies about new messages
- ImapServerInfo
- Keeps information about the remote IMAP server
- ImapVanishedEvent
Notifies about a sequence of messages that have been deleted.
This event can only be triggered if the server is
compliant and after the client has enabledQRESYNC
. - ImapWarning
- Warnings can often be ignored but provide more insights in case of problems They are given in untagged responses of the server.
- MailAddress
- An email address can consist of separate fields
- Mailbox
- Stores meta data about a folder aka Mailbox
- MailConventions
- Contains various mail specific conventions
- MediaType
- Describes the media type of a MIME message part
- MessageBuilder
- Simplifies creating mime messages for sending or storing.
- MessageFlags
- Contains common message flags
- MessageSequence
- Defines a list of message IDs.
- MetaDataEntries
- Contains meta data entries
- MetaDataEntry
- A meta data element
- MimeData
- Abstracts textual or binary mime data
- MimeMessage
- A MIME message
- MimePart
- A MIME part In a simple case a MIME message only has one MIME part.
- MimeThread
- Abstract a mime message thread
- PagedMessageSequence
- A paginated list of message IDs
- ParameterizedHeader
- A parameter that may contain additional parameters
- PartBuilder
- Allows to configure a mime part
- QResyncParameters
- Classes for implementing QRESYNC QRESYNC parameters when doing a SELECT or EXAMINE.
- QuotaResult
- Result for QUOTA operations
- QuotaRootResult
- Result for QUOTAROOT operations
- ResourceLimit
- QUOTA resource limit
T> - Base class for command responses.
- ReturnOption
- Return option definition for extended commands.
- SearchImapResult
- Result for SEARCH and UID SEARCH operations
- SearchQueryBuilder
- Creates a new search query.
- SearchTerm
- Base class for all search terms
- SearchTermAll
- Searches all messages
- SearchTermAnswered
- Searches for answered/replied messages
- SearchTermBcc
- Searches for messages with a BCC recipient that matches
- SearchTermBefore
- Searches for messages stored before the given date.
- SearchTermBody
- Searches in the body of messages. This is usually a long lasting operation.
- SearchTermCc
- Searches for messages with a matching recipient on CC
- SearchTermCharsetUf8
- Set the charset to UTF8
- SearchTermDeleted
- Searches for deleted messages
- SearchTermDraft
- Searches for draft messages
- SearchTermFlagged
- Searches for flagged messages
- SearchTermFrom
- Searches for messages where the sender matches the senderPart
- SearchTermHeader
- Searches for messages with the given header
- SearchTermKeyword
- Searches for messages flagged with the given keyword
- SearchTermLarger
- Searches for messages that are bigger than the given size
- SearchTermNew
- Searches for new messages
- SearchTermNot
- Negates the given search term
- SearchTermOld
- Searches for old messages
- SearchTermOn
- Searches for message stored at the given day
- SearchTermOr
- Combines two atomic search terms in an OR way Note that you cannot nest an OR term into another OR term
- SearchTermRecent
- Searches for recent messages
- SearchTermSeen
- Searches for seen / read messages
- SearchTermSentBefore
- Searches for messages sent before the given date
- SearchTermSentOn
- Searches for message sent at the given day
- SearchTermSentSince
- Searches message sent after the given time
- SearchTermSince
- Searches for messages stored after the given time
- SearchTermSmaller
- Searches messages with a size less than given
- SearchTermSubject
- Searches for messages with a matching subject
- SearchTermText
- Searches any text header
- SearchTermTo
- Searches for recipients
- SearchTermUnanswered
- Searches messages without the replied flag
- SearchTermUndeleted
- Searches messages that are not deleted
- SearchTermUndraft
- Searches for messages that carry no draft flag
- SearchTermUnflagged
- Search for not flagged messages
- SearchTermUnkeyword
- Searches for messages without the keyword
- SearchTermUnseen
- Searches for unseen messages
- SequenceNode
- A message sequence to handle nested IDs like in the IMAP THREAD extension.
- SortImapResult
- Result for SORT and UID SORT operations
- StoreImapResult
- Result for STORE and UID STORE operations
- TextMimeData
- Represents textual mime data
- UidResponseCode
- Contains a UID response code
- UidSearchTerm
- Searches for the given UID messages
- CharacterSet
- The used character set
- ContentDisposition
- Specifies the content disposition of a mime part. Compare for details.
- ImapEventType
- Classification of IMAP events
- MailboxFlag
- Contains common flags for mailboxes
- MediaSubtype
- Detailed media types Compare
- MediaToptype
- Top level media types
- MetaDataDepth
- The depth of a meta data request
- RecipientGroup
- The recipient
- ResponseStatus
- Status for command responses.
- SearchMessageType
- Defines what kind of messages should be searched
- SearchQueryType
- Which part of the message should be searched
- SelectionOptions
- LIST-EXTENDED selection options
- SequenceNodeSelectionMode
Selection mode for retrieving a
from a nestedSequenceNode
structure. - StatusFlags
- Options for querying status updates
- StoreAction
- Possible flag store actions
- TransferEncoding
used for encoding 8bit data if necessary
- MediaSubtypeExtension on MediaSubtype
- Extension on MediaSubtype
on List<
MimeMessage> - Allows to get a sequence for a list of MimeMessages easily
- Stringify on SelectionOptions
- Extension on SelectionOptions
Exceptions / Errors
- BaseMailException
- Base exception for any IMAP, POP, SMTP or highlevel API exceptions
- ImapException
- Provides information about an exception
- InvalidArgumentException
- Notifies about an invalid argument