MimeMessage class

A MIME message



Creates a new empty mime message
MimeMessage.fromEnvelope(Envelope value, {int? uid, int? guid, int? sequenceId, List<String>? flags})
Creates a new message from the given envelope.
MimeMessage.parseFromData(Uint8List data)
Creates a new message based on the specified binary data.
MimeMessage.parseFromText(String text)
Deserializes a new message based on the specified rendered text form.


allPartsFlat List<MimePart>
Puts all parts of this message into a flat sequential list.
no setter
bcc List<MailAddress>?
The recipients not visible to other recipients
getter/setter pair
body BodyPart?
The body structure of the message.
getter/setter pair
cc List<MailAddress>?
The recipients on carbon-copy (CC)
getter/setter pair
envelope Envelope?
The envelope of the message.
getter/setter pair
flags List<String>?
Message flags like \Seen, \Recent, etc
getter/setter pair
from List<MailAddress>?
according to RFC 2822 section 3.6.2. there can be more than one FROM address, in that case the sender MUST be specified
getter/setter pair
fromEmail String?
The email of the first from address of this message
no setter
guid int?
The guid of the message.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
headers List<Header>?
The headers field contains all message(part) headers
getter/setter pairinherited
internalDate String?
The internal date of the message on the recipient's provider server
getter/setter pair
isAnswered bool
Checks if this message has been replied
getter/setter pair
isDeleted bool
Checks if this message has been marked as deleted
getter/setter pair
isDownloaded bool
Checks if this message contents has been downloaded
no setter
isFlagged bool
Checks if this message has been marked as important / flagged
getter/setter pair
isForwarded bool
Checks if this message has been forwarded
getter/setter pair
isMdnSent bool
Checks if a read receipt has been sent for this message
getter/setter pair
isReadReceiptRequested bool
Checks if a disposition notification message is requested.
no setter
isReadReceiptSent bool
Checks if a read receipt has been sent for this message
getter/setter pair
isSeen bool
Checks if this message has been read
getter/setter pair
mediaType MediaType
Simplified way to retrieve the media type When no content-type header is defined, the media type text/plain is returned
no setterinherited
mimeData MimeData?
The raw message data of this part.
getter/setter pairinherited
modSequence int?
The modifications sequence of this message.
getter/setter pair
parts List<MimePart>?
The children of this part, if any.
getter/setter pairinherited
recipientAddresses List<String>
Retrieves the mail addresses of all message recipients
no setter
recipients List<MailAddress>
Retrieves the mail addresses of all message recipients
no setter
replyTo List<MailAddress>?
The address that should be used for replies
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sender MailAddress?
The sender of the message
getter/setter pair
sequenceId int?
The index of the message, if known
getter/setter pair
size int?
The size of the message in bytes
getter/setter pair
threadSequence MessageSequence?
The thread sequence, this can be populated manually
getter/setter pair
to List<MailAddress>?
The recipients of the message
getter/setter pair
uid int?
The uid of the message, if known
getter/setter pair


addFlag(String name) → void
Adds the flag with the specified name to this message.
addHeader(String name, String? value, [HeaderEncoding encoding = HeaderEncoding.none]) → void
Adds a header with the specified name, value and optional encoding.
addPart(MimePart part) → void
Adds the part at the end of all parts.
collectContentInfo(ContentDisposition disposition, List<ContentInfo> result, String? fetchId, {bool? reverse, bool? complete}) → void
Adds the matching disposition header with the specified disposition
copyIndividualParts(MimeMessage other) → void
Copies all individually loaded parts from other to this message.
decodeContentBinary() Uint8List?
Decodes the binary data of this part.
decodeContentMessage() MimeMessage?
Decodes a message/rfc822 part
decodeContentText() String?
Decodes the text of this part.
decodeDate() DateTime?
Decodes the message 'date' header to local time.
decodeFileName() String?
Tries to find and decode the associated file name
decodeHeaderDateValue(String name) DateTime?
Decodes the a date value of the first matching header
decodeHeaderMailAddressValue(String name) List<MailAddress>?
Decodes the email address value of first matching header
decodeHeaderValue(String name) String?
Decodes the value of the first matching header
decodeSender({bool combine = false}) List<MailAddress>
Retrieves the sender of the this message
decodeSubject() String?
Decodes the subject of this message
decodeTextHtmlPart() String?
Tries to find a 'content-type: text/html' part
decodeTextPlainPart() String?
Tries to find a 'content-type: text/plain' part
findContentInfo({ContentDisposition disposition = ContentDisposition.attachment, bool? withCleanParts, bool? complete}) List<ContentInfo>
Retrieves all content info of parts with the specified disposition Content-Type header.
findRecipient(MailAddress recipient, {List<MailAddress>? aliases, bool allowPlusAliases = false}) MailAddress?
Finds the matching recipient address.
findSender(MailAddress sender, {List<MailAddress>? aliases, bool allowPlusAliases = false}) MailAddress?
Finds the matching sender address.
getAlternativePart(MediaSubtype subtype) MimePart?
Searches for this the given subtype as a part of a Multipart/Alternative mime part.
getHeader(String name) Iterable<Header>?
Retrieves all matching headers with the specified name.
getHeaderContentDisposition() ContentDispositionHeader?
Retrieves the first 'content-disposition' header.
getHeaderContentType() ContentTypeHeader?
Retrieves the first 'content-type' header.
getHeaderValue(String name) String?
Retrieves the raw value of the first matching header.
getPart(String fetchId) MimePart?
Retrieves the part with the specified fetchId.
getPartWithContentId(String cid) MimePart?
Retrieves the part with the specified Content-ID cid.
getPartWithMediaSubtype(MediaSubtype subtype) MimePart?
Searches the MimePart with the specified subtype.
hasAttachments() bool
Checks if this message has parts with a Content-Disposition: attachment header.
hasAttachmentsOrInlineNonTextualParts() bool
Checks if this message contains either explicit attachments or non-textual inline parts.
hasContent(ContentDisposition disposition) bool
Checks if this message has parts with the specified disposition.
hasFlag(String name) bool
Checks if the messages has the message flag with the specified name.
hasHeader(String name) bool
Checks if this MIME part has a header with the specified name.
hasInlineParts() bool
Checks if this message any inline parts.
hasPart(MediaSubtype subtype, {int? depth}) bool
Checks if this MIME part or a child is of the specified media type
hasTextPart({int? depth}) bool
Checks if this MIME part or a child is textual.
insertPart(MimePart part) → void
Inserts the part at the beginning of all parts.
isFrom(MailAddress sender, {List<MailAddress>? aliases, bool allowPlusAliases = false}) bool
Checks of this messaging is from the specified sender address.
isTextMediaType() bool
Checks if this MIME part is textual.
isTextMessage() bool
Checks if this is a typical text message Compare isTextPlainMessage Compare decodeTextPlainPart Compare decodeTextHtmlPart
isTextPlainMessage() bool
Checks if this is a typical text message with a plain text part Compare decodeTextPlainPart Compare isTextMessage
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
parse() → void
Parses this and all children MIME parts.
removeFlag(String name) → void
Removes the flag with the specified name from this message.
removeHeader(String name) → void
Removes the header with the specified name.
render(StringBuffer buffer, {bool renderHeader = true}) → void
Renders this mime part with all children parts into the specified buffer
renderMessage({bool renderHeader = true}) String
Serializes the complete message into a String.
setFlag(String name, bool enable) → void
Adds or removes the flag with the specified name to/from this message depending on enable.
setGuid({required String email, required String encodedMailboxName, required int mailboxUidValidity}) → void
Calculates and sets the guid of this message.
setHeader(String name, String? value, [HeaderEncoding encoding = HeaderEncoding.none]) → void
Sets a header with the specified name, value and optional encoding,
setPart(String fetchId, MimePart part) → void
Sets the individually loaded part with the given fetchId.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

calculateGuid({required String email, required String encodedMailboxName, required int mailboxUidValidity, required int messageUid}) int
Generates a global unique ID to identify a message reliably and robustly.