parse static method

VComponent parse(
  1. String text, {
  2. Property? customParser(
    1. String name,
    2. String definition

Parses the component from the specified text.

When succeeding, this returns a VCalendar, VEvent or similar component as defined by the given text.

The text can either contain \r\n (CRLF) or \n line-breaks, when both line-break types are present in the text, CRLF line-breaks are assumed.

Folded lines are unfolded automatically.

When you have a custom line delimiter, use parseLines instead.

Define the customParser if you want to support specific properties. Note that unknown properties will be made available with getProperty, e.g. final value = component.getProperty('X-NAME')?.textValue;


static VComponent parse(
  String text, {
  Property? Function(String name, String definition)? customParser,
}) {
  final lines = unfold(text);
  if (lines.isEmpty) {
    throw FormatException('Invalid input: [$text]');

  return parseLines(lines, customParser: customParser);