VCalendar class

Contains a VCALENDAR component

The VCalendar is a parent component for others components such as VEvent, VTodo or VJournal



VCalendar({VComponent? parent})


attachments List<AttachmentProperty>?
Convenience getter for retrieving the attachments of the first child that has an attachments getter
no setter
attendees List<AttendeeProperty>?
Convenience getter for retrieving the attendees of the first child that has an attendees getter
no setter
calendarName String?
Retrieves the calendar name like US Holidays of this calendar if it has been set.
getter/setter pair
calendarScale String
Retrieves the scale of the calendar, typically GREGORIAN
getter/setter pair
canReply bool
Checks if this component can reply in its current state
no setteroverride
children List<VComponent>
The children of this component, empty when there a no children
componentType VComponentType
The type of the component, convenient for switch cases
description String?
Convenience getter for retrieving the description of the first child that has a description getter
no setter
event VEvent?
Convencience getter for getting the first VEVENT child, if there is any:
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isGregorian bool
Checks if this calendar has a Gregorian scale.
no setter
isVersion2 bool
Checks if this version is 2.0, which is assumed to be true unless a different version is specified.
no setterinherited
journal VJournal?
Convencience getter for getting the first VJOURNAL child, if there is any:
no setter
method Method?
Retrieves the method by which answers are expected
getter/setter pair
name String
The name of the component like VEVENT or VCALENDAR
organizer OrganizerProperty?
Convenience getter for retrieving the organizer of the first child that has an organizer getter
no setter
parent VComponent?
The parent component, if any
productId String?
Retrieves the product identifier that generated this iCalendar object
getter/setter pairinherited
properties List<Property>
The properties of the component
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
summary String?
Convenience getter for retrieving the summary of the first child that has a summary getter
no setter
timeStamp DateTime?
Convenience getter for retrieving the timestamp of the first child that has a timestamp getter
no setter
timezone VTimezone?
Convencience getter for getting the first VTIMEZONE child, if there is any:
no setter
timezoneId String?
Retrieves the global timezone ID like America/New_York or Europe/Berlin of this calendar.
getter/setter pair
todo VTodo?
Convencience getter for getting the first VTODO child, if there is any:
no setter
uid String?
Convenience getter for retrieving the UID of the first child that has a UID getter
no setter
version String?
Gets the version of this calendar, typically 2.0
getter/setter pairinherited


acceptCounter({String? comment, String? description}) VCalendar
Accepts a counter proposal.
cancelEvent({String? comment}) VCalendar
Cancels this VCalendar event.
cancelEventForAttendees({List<AttendeeProperty>? cancelledAttendees, List<String>? cancelledAttendeeEmails, String? comment}) AttendeeCancelResult
Cancels this VCalendar event for the specified cancelledAttendees.
checkMandatoryProperty(String name) → void
Checks if the property with the given name is present.
checkValidity() → void
Classes can implement this to check the validity.
copy() VComponent
Copies this component
counter({String? comment, DateTime? start, DateTime? end, IsoDuration? duration, String? location, String? description}) VCalendar
Creates a counter proposal for this calendar.
declineCounter({AttendeeProperty? attendee, String? attendeeEmail, String? comment}) VCalendar
Declines a counter proposal.
delegate({required String fromEmail, String? toEmail, AttendeeProperty? to, bool rsvp = true, ParticipantStatus? toStatus, String? comment}) AttendeeDelegatedResult
Delegates this calendar from the user with fromEmail to the user toEmail / to.
findProperties(String propertyName) Iterable<Property>
Retrieves all properties with the name propertyName
getProperties<T extends Property>(String propertyName) Iterable<T>
Retrieves all matching properties with the name propertyName.
getProperty<T extends Property>(String propertyName) → T?
Retrieves the property with the propertyName
instantiate({VComponent? parent}) VComponent
Creates a new instance of this component
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeProperty(String propertyName) → void
Removes all properties with the specified propertyName
render(StringBuffer buffer) → void
reply(AttendeeProperty attendee, {VComponent? parent, String? comment}) VComponent
Creates a reply for this component.
replyWithParticipantStatus(ParticipantStatus participantStatus, {String? attendeeEmail, AttendeeProperty? attendee, String? comment, String productId = 'enough_icalendar', String? delegatedToEmail}) VCalendar
Creates a repy with the given participantStatus for the attendee with the given attendeeEmail or attendee.
setOrRemoveProperties(String propertyName, List<Property>? props) → void
Sets or removes the given props with the given propertyName
setOrRemoveProperty(String propertyName, Property? property) → void
Sets the given property when it is not null and otherwise removes the property with the given propertyName.
setProperties(String propertyName, List<Property> props) → void
Sets the given props by first removing any properties with the given propertyName.
setProperty(Property property) → void
Sets the property property, replacing other properties with the first.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
update({Method? method, EventStatus? eventStatus, String? comment, List<AttendeeProperty>? addAttendees, List<String>? addAttendeeEmails, List<AttendeeProperty>? removeAttendees, List<String>? removeAttendeesEmails, bool attendeeFilter(AttendeeProperty)?, String? description}) VCalendar
Prepares an update of this calendar.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](String propertyName) Property?
Retrieves the first property with the name propertyName
operator []=(String propertyName, Property property) → void
Sets the property property, replacing other properties with the given propertyName first.

Static Methods

createEvent({required DateTime start, String? organizerEmail, OrganizerProperty? organizer, List<String>? attendeeEmails, List<AttendeeProperty>? attendees, bool? rsvp, DateTime? end, IsoDuration? duration, String? location, Uri? url, String? summary, String? description, String productId = 'enough_icalendar', String? calendarScale, String? timezoneId, DateTime? timeStamp, String? uid, bool? isAllDayEvent, Method method = Method.request}) VCalendar
Creates an event from the specified organizer resp. organizerEmail on the given start datetime and either the end or duration.
createUid({String? domain, Uri? organizerUri}) String
Creates a random UID for the given domain.


componentName → const String