VEvent class

Contains information about an event.



VEvent({VComponent? parent})


additionalRecurrenceDates List<DateTimeOrDuration>?
Retrieves additional reccurrence dates or durations as defined in the RDATE property
getter/setter pairinherited
attachments List<AttachmentProperty>
Retrieves the attachments
getter/setter pairinherited
attendees List<AttendeeProperty>
Retrieves the attendees
getter/setter pairinherited
busyStatus EventBusyStatus?
Gets the propriety busy status that attendees should use when accepting this event.
getter/setter pair
canReply bool
Checks if this component can reply in its current state
no setteroverride
categories List<String>?
Retrieves the free text categories
getter/setter pairinherited
children List<VComponent>
The children of this component, empty when there a no children
classification Classification?
This property defines the access classification for a calendar component
getter/setter pairinherited
comment String?
Retrieves the comment
getter/setter pairinherited
componentType VComponentType
The type of the component, convenient for switch cases
contact UserProperty?
Retrieves the contact for details
getter/setter pairinherited
created DateTime?
The creation date
getter/setter pairinherited
description String?
Retrieves the description
getter/setter pairinherited
duration IsoDuration?
The duration of this event.
getter/setter pair
end DateTime?
The end date (exclusive) of this event.
getter/setter pair
excludingRecurrenceDates List<DateTimeOrDuration>?
Retrieves excluding reccurrence dates or durations as defined in the EXDATE property
getter/setter pairinherited
geoLocation GeoLocation?
The geo location of this event.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isAllDayEvent bool?
Checks if this event is an all-day event using the proprietary X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT property.
getter/setter pair
isVersion2 bool
Checks if this version is 2.0, which is assumed to be true unless a different version is specified.
no setterinherited
lastModified DateTime?
The date of the last modification / update of this event.
getter/setter pairinherited
location String?
The location e.g. room number / name
getter/setter pair
microsoftTeamsMeetingUrl String?
Retrieves the teams meeting URL for this event when the X-MICROSOFT-SKYPETEAMSMEETINGURL property is set.
getter/setter pair
name String
The name of the component like VEVENT or VCALENDAR
organizer OrganizerProperty?
Retrieves the organizer of this event / task / journal
getter/setter pairinherited
parent VComponent?
The parent component, if any
priority Priority?
Retrieves the priority of this event
getter/setter pair
priorityInt int?
Retrieves the priority as a numeric value between 1 (highest) and 9 (lowest) priority.
getter/setter pair
productId String?
Retrieves the product identifier that generated this iCalendar object
getter/setter pairinherited
properties List<Property>
The properties of the component
recurrenceId DateTime?
Identifies a particular instance of a recurring event, to-do, or journal.
getter/setter pairinherited
recurrenceRule Recurrence?
Retrieves the recurrence rule of this event
getter/setter pairinherited
relatedTo String?
getter/setter pairinherited
requestStatus String?
Retrieves the request status, e.g. 4.1;Event conflict. Date-time is busy.
getter/setter pairinherited
requestStatusIsSuccess bool
Checks if the request status is a success, this defaults to true when no REQUEST-STATUS is set.
no setterinherited
resource String?
Set the resources required for this event
no getter
resources String?
Retrieves the resources required for this event
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sequence int?
Gets the revision sequence number of this component
getter/setter pairinherited
start DateTime?
The start time (inclusive) of this event.
getter/setter pair
status EventStatus?
Retrieves the status of this event
getter/setter pair
summary String?
Gets the summmary / title
getter/setter pairinherited
timeStamp DateTime
Mandatory timestamp / DTSTAMP property
getter/setter pairinherited
timeTransparency TimeTransparency
Retrieves the transparency of this event in regards to busy time searches.
getter/setter pair
timezoneId String?
Tries to the timezone ID like America/New_York or Europe/Berlin from DTSTART property.
no setter
uid String
Retrieves the UID identifying this calendar component
getter/setter pairinherited
url Uri?
Retrieves the URL for additional information
getter/setter pairinherited
version String?
Gets the version of this calendar, typically 2.0
getter/setter pairinherited


addAttachment(AttachmentProperty attachment) → void
Adds the given attachment
addAttendee(AttendeeProperty attendee) → void
Adds the given attendee
checkMandatoryProperty(String name) → void
Checks if the property with the given name is present.
checkValidity() → void
Classes can implement this to check the validity.
copy() VComponent
Copies this component
findProperties(String propertyName) Iterable<Property>
Retrieves all properties with the name propertyName
getProperties<T extends Property>(String propertyName) Iterable<T>
Retrieves all matching properties with the name propertyName.
getProperty<T extends Property>(String propertyName) → T?
Retrieves the property with the propertyName
instantiate({VComponent? parent}) VComponent
Creates a new instance of this component
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeAttachment(AttachmentProperty attachment) bool
Removes the given attachment returning true when the attachment was found
removeAttachmentWithUri(Uri uri) AttachmentProperty?
Removes the attachment with the given uri, returning it when it was found.
removeAttendee(AttendeeProperty attendee) bool
Removes the given attendee returning true when the attendee was found
removeAttendeeWithEmail(String email) AttendeeProperty?
Removes the attendee with the given email, returning it when it was found.
removeAttendeeWithUri(Uri uri) AttendeeProperty?
Removes the attendee with the given uri, returning it when it was found.
removeProperty(String propertyName) → void
Removes all properties with the specified propertyName
render(StringBuffer buffer) → void
reply(AttendeeProperty attendee, {VComponent? parent, String? comment}) VComponent
Creates a reply for this component.
setOrRemoveProperties(String propertyName, List<Property>? props) → void
Sets or removes the given props with the given propertyName
setOrRemoveProperty(String propertyName, Property? property) → void
Sets the given property when it is not null and otherwise removes the property with the given propertyName.
setProperties(String propertyName, List<Property> props) → void
Sets the given props by first removing any properties with the given propertyName.
setProperty(Property property) → void
Sets the property property, replacing other properties with the first.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](String propertyName) Property?
Retrieves the first property with the name propertyName
operator []=(String propertyName, Property property) → void
Sets the property property, replacing other properties with the given propertyName first.


componentName → const String